Why do you faggots still larp as christcucks? Jow Forums used to be atheist and libertarian back in the day and now its some christian haven!? Guys, I get that you want to be contrarian and everything but this is just sad. Theres a point where you should stop and its when you believe in jewish zombies whos dad is santa claus.
The first stage in growing up is to stop believing in fairy tales. Time to be a man.
Theres a limit to how contrarian you can be. If the left started saying its bad to shit in your pants, would you collectively start doing it? Being a christian is basically shitting in your pants daily.
Camden Hill
shut up big nose
Hudson Rodriguez
Was America better when being Atheist was taboo or is it better now? I feel like I was slightly oppressed back then in the Hitchens days, I couldn't for instance tell my family or friends I didn't believe in God. But looking back now it was a good life. Everyone knew their place and role, and we all just kinda got along with getting along. Now families don't exist.
Julian Roberts
>Jow Forums used to be atheist Glad you support the destruction of Israel since its a religious state.
Thats antisemetic you should know you fucking nazi.
Because giving glory to God is a line even satanic larpers won't cross
Sebastian Brooks
You are scared of hell? What a brainwashed faggot.
Gavin Ross
>believes atheism is connected to no happy families >believes christianity is connected to having a happy family.
Heres a huge revelation to you user. You can, like, be atheist and still have a happy family. I know, crazy right?
Cameron Miller
Because people eventually grow up.
John Bailey
>"muh jewz!" Don't care about your stupid propoganda. Furthermore, who'd the jews want more: a bunch of atheists that have no ties to them or a bunch of faggots who believe thier magic man descended from them?
Jews have absolutely no problem with christians but they tend to have a problem woth atheists. Ya ever notice that?
Chase Wilson
Prove it.
Oliver Clark
Simple common sense and logic. Make believe stories and fairy tales arent the things that make families happy or work.
Jeremiah Evans
Those stories held primal knowledge that got us through hard times. Now they are discarded without a word. It has consequences.
Logan Powell
Don't bless the wicked, it makes you a partaker in their evil deeds. Jesus Christ's death is prediced in Genesis, that's what convinced me. No one keeps a plot twist like that a secret for 2000 years.
Luis Murphy
We've been having function families since we were primates, way before we made up god. You put way too much credit on desert cults.
Alexander Williams
Because the chans are centrifuges for losers.
Carson Sullivan
I'll pray for you tonight, and I'll pray for all the Christians of Jow Forums regardless of denomination. God bless you all
Adrian White
Jow Forums is a non-demoninational board of peace
Cooper Reyes
That's not true at all. When polled, Jews say they have no problem with atheists but hate Christians. Hating Christ is the most Jewish thing you can do.
Christian Edwards
Why wouldnt jesus be real if he fulfilled all the old testament prophecies made thousands of years before he was born? You think life is just some coincidence or something? Huh you dumb faggot? Kys
The stupid Christ cucks are really starting to piss me off. But it's the truffth.
God is most merciful but he'll send you to hell for not saying you worship this idol on stick. Doesn't make any sense
Justin Perez
Jesus literally Lived & Walked this earth. That is NOT an argument. Jesus is NOT a made up character. Jesus was a real life person - underrrstaaaand? The only thing that is debated by niggers is whether he's the son of God.. Which of course he is. The bible is universally accepted as an accurate historical document. The people that wrote the bible are accounted for in history. Over 2000 prophecies fulfilled to peak precision. Literal artifacts found as more damn proof. >No other religions come close to authenticating themselves as Christianity has. Not Close >Real Christians are not the same as Catholics. We are aware the Catholic Church is dirty and filled w/ pedos. >We are not controlled by the (((Jews))). We believe opposing things & hate them for killing Jesus. (((They))) believe the antichrist is the 2nd coming. We believe it's Satan basically. muh kikeonstick/imaginary fairytale. Literally anyone who says this is a shill & provably false.I'm glad you niggers are the smartest people living and have figured it all out. I'm sure your posting from the high rise office of your big fuck off tower that your successful multimillion dollar company is based out of. Your genius brain helps you maneuver through society with ease. Success, Money, a GF these are just some of the things you have at your fingertip, because that's just how you roll.Ami close?.. No? Just a sloppy athiest shitposting on the internet, with a deep feeling of self worthlessness. So you resent Christians in particular because of their Purpose In Life.I love the fact that you niggers hate Jesus soooo much..yet you still have to look at the calendar everyday, reminded that we tell time based on Jesus. Not SantaClause,Superman,Not Hitler,Not ANY OTHER gods, No your timeline is strictly based off the Life & death of Jesus Christ Your Lord and Savior. KeK athiest BTFO >inb4 Jesus was not real. First damn Google result and each one after that nigger. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_Jesus
Some of them are legitimate Born Agains who can't go five minutes without talking about Jesus. I've met people like this in real life, they're fucking annoying.
Is the tradition of my ancestors. Theirs conquered these lands and settled a world everyone wished to live in. You have nothing better to offer and new age trash has only misery to offer. >Everything I just said is historically and statistically proven. >Atheism is directly proportional with increased depression and suicide rates. Prove otherwise
it’s because after the 2016 election this board got invaded by reddit and incels who can’t sexually compete in the really world, so they began worshiping “Christian virgin girls with no tattoos” and began the roastie meme. it’s annoying to have Christianity run so damn rampant on this board just cause a portion can’t get any pussy
James Sanchez
Everyone who says “Christcuck” will die horribly.
Elijah Sanders
Why is it stupid to believe in jesus, but not stupid to believe you can be a different sex than what you were born as.
Dont expect christians or any other religion to change when youre using "muh science" to justify really fucking stupid social experiments.
Ian Reed
Tell me more about your "science." Haha.
Lincoln King
Libertarianism and atheism don't work very well together.
There is no evidence for God, so we do not believe in God. But there is also no evidence for natural rights, or meaning. The only evidence we have points to the physical universe being nothing more than a mass grave in the making.
For a logical person, there is little reason to care about politics if that person is an atheist (though many atheists choose to delude themselves on the natural conclusions of their own worldview). If atheism is true, there is little reason we should build or strive for anything at all, since it has no ultimate effect or meaning. All societies in an atheist universe, whether virtuous or degenerate, are doomed to the same fate, the same reward: death, with no hope. No hope - there is no better way to describe it.
Thus, operating under a religious framework is preferable.
Owen Wright
well for starters anyone who buys the roast beef meme is definitely a virgin. vaginas don’t work that way. the sluttiest girl I’ve ever fucked was this band whore from my old town. multiple bands ran trains on her and by the time I fucked I was probably her 50th or so fuck. she had the most Pac Man “virgin” pussy I’ve ever seen. a lot of weak guys who are intimidated by women and by men who get laid run to Christianity because it will (they hope) get them an inexperienced virgin girl. that way they don’t have to worry about being a failure in bed cause she doesn’t know any better.
Grayson Morales
>Jow Forums used to be Atheist and Libertarian Two things, what does Atheism have to do with a political ideology and you never posted on /b/ as fedora wearing Atheists were always ridiculed, even if /b/ was not religious
Wyatt Barnes
This thread is bait, but christcucks are funny. >Jews make slave morality beliefs via literary character moses and his morale parables. This creates a hard working underclass of farmers for the kings and priesthood. >Romans take Jewish religion, change most of its holidays and practices to fit Hellenistic pagan norms and in order to appeal to the pagans make God into a man (Christ on Earth) walking around so it fits into the Pagan's view of worldly gods. >Prots take Christianity and embrace the slave morality aspects to the point of lunacy. Some of them leave their materialist societies for colonies and mellow out. >Enlightenment reforms Christianity to the enlightened clockmaker deism and uses Christian social norms to have a stable society. >Post WW1 mass media leads to reemergence of superstitious crazy cults and death of reformed enlightenment Christianity thanks to the stupification of the population. Despite John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both being admitted deists. >Now superstitious cult leaders peddle nonsense to la creaturas with no identity to the delight of the elite once again.
Matthew Johnson
Fuck off. I hope there is a another crusade so we can kill you atheist faggots. You fucking non believer loser you make sick. You disgust me.
Juan Parker
Jow Forums used to be majority college student, which is probably why it was such a successful hotbed of creativity.
Recently Jow Forums has had an influx of really bottom-tier people, particularly Americans. So it's not really creating very many memes, and is very different character from the rest of Jow Forums. browsing Jow Forums feels completely different from any other board.
Anthony Cooper
Christianity is contrarian now?? Wtf man. By the way, why do you athiest fucks only attack Christianity? Go tell mohammad-al-bin-Hussein to stop believing in fairy tales and their daddy in the sky.
Robert Peterson
>Jews make slave morality beliefs via literary character moses and his morale parables. >becomes most dominant religion in whole world eventually conquering it >after abandonging Christianity Europeans are becomign enslaved by niggers and muslims fuck off kike
Cooper Cook
This christcuck boomers are.ruining Jow Forums
Carter Morris
>Recently Jow Forums has had an influx of really bottom-tier people, particularly Americans. So it's not really creating very many memes, and is very different character from the rest of Jow Forums. browsing Jow Forums feels completely different from any other board. you are right, but the opposite technologyreview.com/s/611332/this-is-where-internet-memes-come-from/
It's people like you who make me skeptical. I mean here you are with supposedly with the Holy Spirit of God the creator of love ,and yet you sound like a complete cunt on his high horse. I dont believe I have seen a single person who I admire that is a Christian. I have yet to see a holy person. And my country has fuck loads of Christians, and they are all cunts who think they are better than everyone else
Camden Bennett
>becomes most dominant religion in whole world eventually conquering it And then there's Christian nations like Poland getting spitroasted regularly.
Oliver Miller
only by other Christians and only when we are outnumbered like 4 to 1 but we still fight you lowlife
This is why. Islam doesn't call everyone who criticizes their garbage religion atheists. Jews don't call anyone who criticizes Judaism atheists.
Christians ONLY EVER attack atheism as if there are only two answers. Be a Christian, or be atheist. There's no pagan religions, no Islam, no Judaism, no Gnosticism, no Buddhism, no Sikhism, no Hinuism, no Mormonism with you fucking Christcucks. EVERYONE WHO ATTACKS OUR GARBAGE RELIGION IS ATHEIST AAAA FUCKING ATHEISTS.
That's why Christianity gets shit on. Oh also, because it's fucking beta as fuck. Jews screw people over. Muslims behead people. Christians let niggers fuck their wives.
Jayden Lewis
I call bullshit. Every single atheist family I've ever met were a bunch of miserable degenerate assholes. Which makes sense because you seem like a miserable degenerate asshole.
Ever stop to think that maybe you're on the high horse and you're the fucking cunt?
Bentley Jenkins
Fuck off dune coon.
Gavin Murphy
>By the way, why do you athiest fucks only attack Christianity? Go tell mohammad-al-bin-Hussein to stop believing in fairy tales and their daddy in the sky.
That's because the anti-Christian shilling you see on here is coming from actual kikes. Since militant fedoracuck atheism became a thing on the internet more than a decade ago the biggest proponents would shit all over Islam and Judaism all the same. Oldfags who were on the chans and on YouTube at the time know that. In fact, a decent amount of those atheists have become Christians since then.
I’m a Christian and I’d never let some shitskin fuck my wife. But anyways, Islam believes in the same god, and most of the same principles (such as homosexuality being immoral) Why do they get no criticism for throwing fags off buildings, but Christians are “””awful, bigoted people””” for saying “marriage is between a man and a woman”?
Blake Foster
>discounting spirituality
Why? Humanity has been religious/spiritual in one way or another since the beginning of their existence. Why throw that away? Atheism was never a mainstream ideology until today and will probably cause our downfall.
also, kys you miserable bastard
Connor Foster
>implying Islam, that is the acceptance of sandnigger religions, is an integral part of Europe. Sorry, habibi
Christian Gomez
Read the Talmud or look it up on Youtube. The oral rabbaic teachings talk a lot of shit about Jesus. Also the Hebrews had Jesus killed. They've always hated him.
>The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (pronounced KY - kel), and for "little circle", kikeleh. Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an 'O' instead of an 'X' a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.".[5]
Tell me more about the 'natural order', Christcuck. How does your slave morality death cult that tells you to love and forgive your enemies follow any 'natural order'?
The age of enlightenment was driven by the principles of objectivism, individualism, liberalism, rationalism, empiricism, and love of truth. Christianity was always just a useful tool for getting people to sacrifice themselves for the state, church, or (today) immigrants. Can you all grow up and adopt the objectivist principles that made the West great in the first place?
>How does your slave morality death cult that tells you to love and forgive your enemies so is it a slave cult or doest it tells you to love and forgive your enemies? you are getting lost in your bullshit
and if you actually want anwsers. revange and hate dont exist in animal kingdom
Carter Green
>posting in reply to an athiest >posts a picture of a communist jew
*tips fedora* i am not christian but you are guaranteed over 300lbs
Landon Evans
Christians doubt more than any atheist I have ever met. How did we become dogmatic? I counsel younger Christians all the time struggling with what society tells them. Meanwhile you question the average atheist why they believe in hedonism and materialism and it's a foregone conclusion.
You might want to work on your reading comprehension. Or just your ability to think in general. It is a slave morality death cult because it tells you to love and forgive your enemies. Niggers rape a european man in the ass and he says sorry to the rapist. A Mexican rapes and murders a man's daughter and he fucking forgives the murderer. Your religion is designed to keep you as docile as possible. Also, your assertion about animals is objectively false. Chimps plan and carry out revenge attacks. Wildebeest will trample lion cubs that have done nothing to them. Even anyone with dogs can see that they simply hate some people. You might want to do some searching yourself. You are ignorant of everything around you.
Luke Foster
you literally can't prove where the universe came from w/out God there are hundreds of religions other than Christianity but no niggers always have a problem with Christians I hope you're beheaded by muslims, you bigoted cunt
Josiah Howard
>Guys, I get that you want to be contrarian Get the fuck out newfag.
Eli Robinson
Why are godless libfags so terribly threatened any time someone believes in God? If you were so sure of yourselves, wouldn't you feel smug enough to simply let the "dummies" keep feeling the way they do? But, you can't shut up about it, which makes it apparent that you're just fucking kikes out to subvert and destroy white foundations, so kill youself you Jew rat fuck.
>Niggers rape a european man in the ass and he says sorry to the rapist. those incidents only started happening after secularization though. get your facts straight ricenigger >Also, your assertion about animals is objectively false. Chimps plan and carry out revenge attacks. Wildebeest will trample lion cubs that have done nothing to them. Even anyone with dogs can see that they simply hate some people. You might want to do some searching yourself. you are mistaking simple defense mechanism with hate or revange
Ian Miller
ehh... fucking subhumans and their absolute lack of education en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marxism_and_religion >19th century German philosopher Karl Marx, the founder and primary theorist of Marxism, had an antithetical and complex attitude to religion,[1] viewing it primarily as "the soul of soulless conditions", the "opium of the people" that had been useful to the ruling classes since it gave the working classes false hope for millennia. At the same time, Marx saw religion as a form of protest by the working classes against their poor economic conditions and their alienation.[2] In the Marxist–Leninist interpretation of Marxist theory, primarily developed by Georgian revolutionary and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, religion is seen as hindering human development. Due to this, a number of Marxist–Leninist governments in the 20th century, such as the Soviet Union after Vladimir Lenin and the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong, implemented rules introducing state atheism.
Gavin Evans
Why do you guys always make this same stupid point? Of course there is no powerful concept of justice these days, because secularists took personal teachings of Christ and removed the deity from it. They removed the truth and now it has no power. This same shit will happen to paganism (and does happen) if you use it as a myth or symbol rather than actually believing it. It is a hijack waiting to happen.
Noah Perez
We did adopt it. This is the result right here, kiddo. Liberalism and individualism ends up like this.
Jonathan Richardson
Hey baby I'm far from perfect. As long as I can plant the seed in in you Godless faggot's skull then God can do the rest. Sometimes you gotta use different approaches, I get tired of hearing you guys bitch & tlk shit about Jesus everyday. >it's times like this that make me skeptical Shut the fuck up queer nobody gives a shit about how you feel. At the end of the day Jesus is REAL or NOT Real. It 'LITERALLY' doesn't matter what you Think or Feel.
if anyone who isnt already convinced is reading this post, its because athiests tend to kill themselves, OD, or die of obesity related illness in their late 20s and early 30s. that is why all of the atheists from nu-/b/ are no longer around.
Noah Parker
The ideas of the what we now ironically call 'Enlightenment' is what ruined Europe.
Blake Price
embarrassing comic, American tier pettiness
Christian Lopez
>Why do you faggots still larp as christcucks? That’s all I do. I only larp as a Christian. I lost my faith a long time ago, and I redound it, in the form of cultural identity. Like a sports team, if you will. I’m on team Christian, because they’re the underdogs these days.
>embarrassing comic just stop being marxist dum-dum
Logan Jackson
Since when where they the underdogs? They're the MOST followed religion since the fall of paganism. They influenced most of the world's culture.If a religion is an underdog, it is paganism.
Brandon Turner
Most atheists are atheists because they subconsciously want to be a living meme. Their logic skills are no better than your average Christian, they just got off at being contrarian, and now they still think that Christianity is a threat to them because they have we're initially conditioned to think that when it still was.
Ater hanging with other atheists contrarian atheists, they buy into liberal ideas since they were also contrarian ideas at the time they became an atheist. They then gradually get more liberal until they are firmly planted in liberalism, at which point they will buy into any popular liberal idea, no matter how wacky it is.