Why does Trump hate Germany so much?

>starts trade war
>US industrial espionage in Germany is on an all time high
>US media attacking our main industries
>keeps demanding that we increase NATO spending when we can't afford it
>doesn't care about 70 years of friendship
>thinks it's ok to let Russia have their way with us if we don't meet some arbitrary spending target
>Germany is forced to ally with China and to create an EU army
Is it because we deported his great grandfather? Is someone making him to do it? Even Obama wasn't as bad for us. I just don't understand, we have been good allies for 70 years. Is that worth nothing?

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Bring in millions of muslims...

"We can't afford to pay our share of nato. We're too busy housing our Muslim pets"


Europe, like Israel, must pay for the service of US military defense. Our sacred blood and treasure does not come free. Or cheap! Thank you!

the actions of germany are so insane that no white country could possibly be friends with you. get rid of 90% of non whites then talk again

Gib Bavarian qt and no one gets hurt.

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Because, after a century of ruining Europe, the only lesson your country has taken away is to be a lot more manipulative and morally superior about it.

Germany is the one that decided to hate Trump. You need to get rid of Merkel. She's the worst chancellor ever

Are you described us or them? Or the French really for that matter.


Because there are no white people in Germany, Mohammed.

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Every foreign relationship that Trump has touched turned to dust, aside from Israel of course.
>like Israel

Obama was a puppet OP, his government or the deepstate really for that matter ran itself while he golf'd and fucked around.
Trump is a businessman out for what's best for America, which means the rest of the world might get fucked over as long as America gets what she wants

>Bring in millions of muslims...
>"We can't afford to pay our share of nato. We're too busy housing our Muslim pets"


Vote out Merkel.

who do you think is the reason for that?

Fuck you Germany. When you joined NATO you promised to meet those spending targets. How about we Americans promise to come to your defense, up until you actually get attacked. Then we’ll say we can’t afford to defend you.

It's nothing personal, we just want you to buy our overpriced military equipment.

but we can't spend more on military in absolute numbers than the frogs and bongs

Americans forced the refugee conventions on Europe after WWII you subhuman. You've sent millions of niggers towards Europe.

Jews completely run America. What do you expect?

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Buy buy buy buy buy

Germoney is unironically the beating heart of a globalist racemixing project

no you won't let us in 5eyes yet don't want us to use huawei shit who at least pro forma are willing to sign no spy treaties

>actually thinks Chinese will follow a treaty

I thought we were trying to get you and the Japs into the 5 eyes.

Also this

You're forgetting that we're the reason Muzzies are flooding Europe in the first place retard

Trump is Jewish, he only cares about people from the tribe. He hates Germans because they're starting to wake up over the fact America is their occupier not their ally.

Germany is far more white than this mutt shithole.

Wrong, that's actually America who's behind the nonwhite importation into Europe.

Your choice to take in billions worth of immigrants instead of spending it on little green men that cause immigrants.

No. Moslims are flooding Europe for the same reason Mexicans are flooding us.
Because they let them in.

America was behind the Turkish migrant invasion of the sixties. It's mainly our fault nonwhites are even in Europe. Most of our politicians want the west to become a home to nonwhites, even Trump.

why should our government be responsible for what happens in somalia? and in what way is it beneficial to peaceful people to bring in the people who made the shithole

our little green men should do their job, and keep out people that turn countries into shitholes

no one out-soys or out-whines a german on here.

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>Demanding we raise our defense spending when we can't afford it
Fuck off nigger. You don't want to make any cuts to your lifestyle and ride America's willingness to protect you to afford your socialism.

Which is why germany is busily importing non-whites

You make them import nonwhites, Merkel is elected by an American establishment in Europe. Even Trump thinks that Europe is too white and that they need to open their doors to economic migrants.

Hurr durr, maybe because Germans are fucking untermenschen.

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You Germans are my bitch.

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didn’t know that the camels had internet access

Yes? The only difference is they were always about burning themselves down while the founding Fathers specifically came here and founded our country on the whole no foreign entanglements shit. Now we're they're enablers helping them burn themselves down and feeding off them selling shit during and after it's a shitty cycle for us and Europe.
As far as Germany
>Buys all their oil and gas from Russia
>Plx help me with NATO shekels I can't afford my own defense even at 2%
>While having way more social programs and infrastructure then us
Pick 0 you fuckers burnt Europe down at least 5 times in 2,000 years.

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You niggers killed six million Jews and replaced them with Muslims.

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New reich when

>New reich when

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