We all know Jow Forums hates Jews, Arabs, Blacks, Spics and Chinks. But WHICH minority (women are valid) do you guys hate the most and why?
>I'll start
The minority I hate the most are Spics. Most brazilians are like that. They are promiscuous and violent as hell. They are hypocrites who are more ashamed of gays than of the rampant violence and debauchery in their societies.
Spics will come to your country and complain about the historical privilege of people who have been there for centuries, and then demand gibs as a reward for their invasion. They steal the jobs from blacks and use the race card without not even being an actual race (most spics will even pass as whites with enough dilution).
Unlike blacks, spics actually have no attachment to the place where they are born. Blacks will stay in their terrible communities for some odd reason where spics will just go ruin somewhere else. Hispanics just go where it's more convenient, so the Left can actually use them to hijack democracy.
My second most hated (minority + women) is women. The third are jews. Arabs are based when they are not acting like spics and moving abroad.
What about you? What is the minority that you hate the most?
There's no need for such ignorance; I am an equal opportunity racist, I despise all of them (and slavs).
Evan Torres
anglos and germans are parasites of the globe
Charles Morgan
>spics stealing jobs from blacks Ain't that the truth
Oliver Cruz
It has to be jews of course. Without someone bringing other races into europe and the usa, they're just worthless and don't do anything, but with jews bringing them into the usa and europe, they regress the world.
Literally no tits like the other nyannyan bitch. Possible traps?
Robert Hill
if you knew where she lived what would you do user?
Daniel Richardson
Asians. Including indians. There's just too damn many and they're fucking up the planet's climate. Japanese are cool though
Bentley Martinez
Why? Below average face and body. Could easily pick up a hotter slut for little effort
Chase Johnson
>black >minority I wish
Nicholas Bailey
Black women
Juan Wright
Imagine becoming a millionaire just by doing ahegao faces and showing your tits for kissless virgins online. You don't even have to be penetrated or fucked. Don't even have to give a lapdance or work the pole. Just a bunch of pictorial teasing online. A million dollars, if not more.
Not really sure you want to take anything this man says too seriously. Have you read his diaries?
Dominic Myers
People like Delphine make me hate women, I confess.
Camden Watson
Stop implying whites are still a "majority"
Carter Lewis
Somebody post the pic of her without makeup.
Anthony Gray
Jews 100%
They held us back from global domination, which would've eventually led to the extinction of non-white homo sapiens (outside of zoos)
Kevin Wilson
Blacks because 13-50
Blake Jackson
Are you so ready for the end of civilization?
Benjamin Cooper
Kikes. Literally no other minority is as despicable, as evil hearted, as jealous or as hateful toward the white race. Whites are the most benevolent, most honorable race in the entire world. Under kike propaganda, that noble nature is twisted into white guilt. Without kike propaganda, that noble nature impels us to recognize white man's "burden" toward helping the other races.
Landon Jackson
As Patrice O'Neal (pbuh) says: It's always the man's fault.
Grayson Taylor
Send her money I give her 500 a month but if i get my raise next momth im going to give more.
Leo Sanders
I think you have it backwards, they all hate white men, and are told to believe that that's virtuous.
Benjamin Ramirez
This, unironically
Brayden Miller
They are by far the most evil, meglomaniacal, devious little goblins on the planet (other than Jews of course).
They are an even bigger threat than the kike's due to their vast numbers and powerful homeland.
I want all chinks holocausted from western country's and I want China blockaded and starved of resources until the point of collapse.
Joseph Brooks
Fuck off chink
Ethan Ward
She lives in Brighton, UK but she’s a South African
White people make up 6% of the world and they're becoming minorities in their own countries. You're using manipulative language by calling non-whites minorities. I don't hate any race. I believe Jews are the biggest threat but hating them for their parasitic nature would be like hating snakes because they bite or cactuses because they poke. Everything that's happening is just nature. The jackals will snap at the lion's jaw until he gets pissed off and kills them.
Blake Carter
kill yourself e-thot shill
Logan Turner
is it true pewds banged her?
Luke Perez
Arabs, and specifically arab mudslimes. Nogs will never amount to anything, but muzzies have surpassed the Yid in their subversiveness and destructiveness. They’re a blight and I don’t want my children to have to fight them off one day. I’ve never seen one that was anything more than a disgusting and violent animal.
Jonathan Powell
1.uk because of the colonsenzation 2.le france because stole muh resources 3. germanics because antisemtism and the terrible terrible shoah which has yet to be repaid
Jonathan Harris
unironically how much would she ask for for an hour fuck?
Aiden Brown
its never going to happen bro and those azn grillz are mine
Traitors, white traitors. I hate the Jews but I respect them a lot because of the things they do and did to us. They are truly smart strategic people. But white traitors are just traitors. They are the equivalent of us who hate others but they hate themselves. A white traitor would not even think about it if he just had to push a button to exterminate all white people. The white traitor denies white genocide but craves it. They want the demographic replacement. They don't care about whites eventually becoming a minority in their own nations, they don't care about the whites killed by non whites. You can even show them a video of a nigger torturing a white girl and they won't feel anything but maybe joy. The white traitor wants us all dead. The white traitors want us to suffer. He want us all to kill ourselves. Even some niggers who have all the excuse to want us dead with all the propaganda the Jewish feed them have more empathy for us than the white traitor. While some faggots here jerk off to interracial porn and the bbc extinction shit hating themselves, the white traitor does it because of he truly wants our extinction. The white traitor was created by the jews but acts on free will. He will post on reddit about how evil the altright facist racist nazis are for saying "niggers are disgusting and should die" and then he finishes his sentence with "White people are disgusting and should die lol" he gets 100 likes and then he links you some video of Shaun "debunking" white's demographic replacement. The white traitor would kill his own race but would die for the others races. White traitors have no empathy for white people. The death or replacement of white people gives them nothing but happiness. Never forget that.
Samuel Taylor
Don’t expect anything else from a cuck snownigger.
Daniel Hill
bolsonaro/uma either way you are fucked
Christian Watson
Spics. I detest spics in all forms. They're fucking EVERYWHERE in California. Dumb ass little goblin looking, turd world, illiterate fucking beaners just everywhere.
Evan Butler
>ok Leshawn
Jason Mitchell
Whites plain and simple no sure why pol thinks they deserve to live
This is that famous favela education kicking in, huh?
Nathaniel Jackson
We have, it is true, entirely broken the power of the Jews in the Reich, but they have not given up. They did not rest until they had mobilized the whole world against us. Since they could no longer conquer Germany from within, they want to try it from without. Every Russian, English, and American soldier is a mercenary of this world conspiracy of a parasitic race. Given the current state of the war, who could still believe that they are fighting and dying at the front for the national interests of their countries!
Niggers, Arabs, and Spics are strong enough to defend themselves, but not from anyone with the money for a good gun. So when the race war hits we can mow them down easy. They also murder each other all the time so it helps the numbers.
Asians will be gone because Asian men can’t get pussy.
Faggots can’t breed and die from AIDS.
Trannies just an hero also get AIDS.
Jews are ugly tiny dick pussies with daddy money that cheat at everything with help from Satan. They don’t workout because they are soibois from the womb. They are also retarded because they funded Clinton.
Adam Murphy
hate is not what i feel. i feel tired, constantly attacked, no patience, i'm tired of the posturing and the commie word salad so i call you nigger and hope you are dumb enough to bite. nigger.
Luke Carter
why? what does giving her money do for you at all?
Parker Collins
Whites. There isn't a single race on the planet that has caused more suffering and damage than whites.
Whites will always deflect and blame others. ALWAYS.
white privilege, white guilt, white fragility. white supremacy, these are all real words to describe whites. no other race is like this
indians, they have 0 values, are stinky street shitters, and dont give a shit about assimilating
Connor Edwards
Niggers. Beaners are getting up there tho.
Levi Sullivan
Jews isnt that obvious
Jason Martinez
>which minority do I hate most? All of them
Robert Martin
Adrian Nelson
Ian Barnes
There isn't a race that has done even half as much to benefit the world as whites
Nolan Bell
Hondurans. And it didn't develop recently because of all the border-invading caravans. My conception of Hondurans as bitches and dumbfucks goes way back.