
If you support this girl and her political opinions, you are a pedophile.

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why is she shilled here so much? and what happened with her and nfkrz?

Yes 100%. The people shilling her on here are literally disgusting animals.

I hate her because I am a pedophile. She's a bad foul mouthed bitch loli. Someone ought to spank her real good and wash her mouth out to make her be a good loli.

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she is actually a 300y/o dragon vampire princess

How much is her dad paying you to shill her here.

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>clown undies
It is the attention to detail that makes me appreciate shadman. The loli is just a bonus

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I hate this series because that bitch smoking. Could been so good but that evil smoking cunt was added why the fuck would they ruin bu a bing that? FUCK

>user doesn't like women that smoke
Probably a bit to much of a blog post but I have such fond memories of sexy time with smokers and love that delightful mix of smoke and perfume.
Sorry you don't have such a pleasant association user.

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>I have such fond memories of sexy time
fuck off normalfag

Just like how it's illegal to read the WikiLeaks. Fuck off CNN!

>user doesn't like women that smoke
Because it's a terrible filthy disgusting habit done by worthless trash "people". Smoking around children, especially a parent smoking around their own children like in that series, is serious horrible child abuse.

that's fine

Isn't that a little boy larping is a girl?

Angry pedophile muslim is angry.

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Ahen, hebephile!


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No it dont

lol this post is so funny.

but also if you become a fan of this girl, i seriously question if you are a pedophile because despite having 'based' opinions, she is young af and there is no magic in the world.


She is young and parroting what she has learned, yes, clearly - CLEARLY this girl is above-average intelligence, I wouldn't be shocked to find out one day she is genius-level but she is a reflection of the world she is brought up in, she reflects her part of the pond well.

and if you think shes super special outside of the fact that she, yes, is probably a child prodigy, and yes, she does have well based opinions as far as we've seen, then you are a pedophile.

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>here we go again

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also i wanna add that Soph is cool and you should subscribe to her

>that's right goy! just keep your politics to yourself and to this board and never try to get more people to support your beliefs!

This is off-topic.

I hope you get banned.

For he IS the Kwisatz Haderach!

I don't think she writes her own stuff but whoever does is funny and clearly a Sam Hyde fan. OP is probably butthurt because it's a solid propaganda method.

i used to love her but shes just another indication of how messed up Gen Z is bound to be, more divided in ideology than the previous generations.
the videos are hilarious, ngl.

remember she's redpilling Gen Z

more than you'll ever do to help the cause

That's a good thing though given how bad things are. They didn't create the division, but they're hopping on the train. Good Shit.

If you can't listen to a little girl speak without sexualizing her, I think you might be the pedo, user.

>If you support this girl and her political opinions, you are a pedophile.
yeah that makes a lot of sense kike



she's nice, I hope she doesn't end up like Evalion

>Daily reminder that this SMOL ZOOMER is REDPILLLING THOUSANDS every day and basically you're FUCKING GAY

based duneposter

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hand rubbing intensifies

She is spot on.

I dont see why its pedophilia if you watch or listen, since she isnt doing anything perverted or sexual.
In fact she seems the type to refrain from auch activities.

I wish her well, and hope she sticks to her guns. She needs to keep doing the 10-20 minute video with a comedic tilt, those are her best. She is the only one doing it, shes cornered the market (so far)

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It’s good content

She’s converting to catholicism. It’s based because her parents are fucking atheist. But the other conclusion that she needs to come to is the fact that she needs to pursue motherhood.

surprisingly good material for anyone let alone a kid. godspeed zoomers

>Imagine pretending this hard

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You need to understand who Soph is. She is a product of her big brother Jacob. He writes her material and manages her social media accounts. The Soph you know and love is manufactured, for example watch her live streamed videos compared to other videos, night and day.

Can't be a pedo if im under 18

Underage b&



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Listening to the output from those microphones wouldn't be sexy at all.

what the actual fuck
leave her alone you sick shill fucks
I hope she's prepared to see things like this...
I know she's mature for her age but I dunno how she would feel about this

>she does

if you like her political opinions that obviously don't mean that you're a pedophile. being sexually attracted to a little girl makes you a pedophile.

OP doesn't like the fact she is parroting someone, so he accuses who disagree with him of being a disgusting pedophile and everybody agrees because it's now a convenient meme.

op thinks like a redditor

well that logic's airtight

Wow she´s really getting under your treacherous shill skin, doesn´t she.
Absolutely Reichtastic.

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also anybody that shills this little brat are baby killers and cannibals that are literal satan and hitler's hatesex child. they should all die in a garbage fire holocaust

hijabs are overtly sexual and pedophilic when worn by a child. muslim pedophiles literally invented hijabs to accentuate the face, the most sexual organ of the body

Cant argue with that

just like most muslims and jews

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Is that Paul Atreides sister?

By god, I think you might be right

I believe a cutout of this was her profile pic in Twitter for awhile

The OP’s you need to sage are obvious.

Just to be clear, calling people Nazis and Racists isn't effective anymore so now it's "Pedo!"?

I support dropping a JDAM on her and her family

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shutup schizo ebba akerlund had it coming. she was a killer white extremist that would eventually birth another hitler . all white people must die or another hitler will kill us all

Soph is based and OP is a fag.

you're about as smart as the rest of Jow Forums

>Is that Paul Atreides sister?
kek, the spice must flow

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Someone post the picture of her with the choker on. I need to wank.

He's a pathetic hideous manchild commie who has to harass 12 year old girls online to feel good about himself.

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Cute and funny

I love her so much

you're right most of Jow Forums is slightly dumber than me

What happened with this guy? I remember watching some of his videos years ago and he seemed ok.

>I love her so much
I'd love her to death
Cannibal Corpse "Stripped, Raped, and Strangled"

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I like Soph because she's white and young.

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she is the anne frank of the 21th century

Thats kind of creepy.

This CC song is much more fitting for that inbred little freak.

You wouldn’t be wrong

Or you are logical

>This CC song is much more fitting for that inbred little freak
here's an even creeper one
Addicted to Vaginal Skin:

What a couple of pathetic impotent little leaf fags. You probably worship satan too amirite?

She have bigger balls than all off you

>You are not allowed people to represent your views irl so we'll try to attack them by calling them e-celebs, controlled opposition, kikes, degenerate or in this case, we'll call you a pedophile

>You probably worship satan too amirite?
I think that's your department kike

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Why people condemning her when she is doing something productive. Her style will help open eyes of people her own age to some interesting view points and hopefully they can make their own opinion on what's going on around them.

>Aborted alien fetus spouts edgy "alt-right" political opinions

Giver her your money now goy!

I just love metal. Go eat some more burgers you obese mutt.

It's because women are cool and should vote.

Schools pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. We have my body, my choice in this country, but you have to pay taxes to send your kids to Jewish brainwashing centers. Get people behind school choice. My kids, my choice. They RAPE their minds in public schools.

I had better not be accused of being anti-woman. I love women. Nothing is more anti-woman than the Jewish influenced system of institutions in the West. Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capital than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.

The age teens are expected to lose their virginity is the exact age they should be expected to be married. Marrying young means couples grow together. The only reason marrying your high school sweetheart isn't common is that college is hung over high schoolers like a ominous cloud. Nothing can get in the way of a college education or they'll end up bare foot and pregnant living in a trailer. Instead they sleep around and they trail through multiple relationships of convenience.

Public school and colleges are the problem. They are self promoting, Jewish brainwashing centers. Public schools and colleges have an invested interest in not seeing kids get married off and leave their system.

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ignoring the obvious bait here, but it is interesting to hear from her generation in US schools
she has talked about some of the political programming going on where she goes to school. exposing that is important

Corbis for President 2065

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Not a pedophile and I don't watch her but now I want to watch her just to spite you because you're a faggot

Hmm. I dunno, OP, I've only heard this naked assertion repeated about 375,000,000 times. You're gonna have to repeat it about 125,000,000 times more if you wanna sound convincing.

That’s hot.

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excuse me i will have you know that soph will be eligible to run for president of the united states no later than roughly 2045 not 2065, unless there is an act of congress to excuse her from the age limit
clearly this should be our next platform policy

You should all unironically subscribe to her Youtube channel.