How do black women feel about movies always being black guy + white girl whenever there's a mixed couple?

How do black women feel about movies always being black guy + white girl whenever there's a mixed couple?

Detective Pikachu, Spiderverse, Spinderman Homecoming, It Comes At Night, A Wrinkle in Time, etc. The list goes on.

I'd be pissed lol.

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Ain’t nobody watch moo vays anymore

They hate it but they hate everything.
This be racist

Nigger women are the hardest to sell to the public. At least nigger men can have the "cool" or "athletic" stereotype. The nigress has nothing at all going for them. The most kikes can do is use a mutt woman. If they dont, you get Leslie Jones.

>detective ashy yellowskin rapes white girl

lmao and jews wonder why they get kicked out of countries

What are you talking about?
Sheboons have the "funny and fat" stereotype going for them. They're comedic at best.

I've literally seen black women say they think it's great that black men are fucking white women because it means less white people being born. They don't give a shit.

This is the reality of it. Black women are not nearly as appealing as black men.

WHAT LMAO. Have you ever actually heard that. There is literally a movement of black women hating black men fucking white girls. They think of them as race traitors.

>black women f

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Name one funny black woman.
I'll wait

One of these doesn't belong with the others.

>lmao and jews wonder why they get kicked out of countries

Because they are used by the elites to sell as scapegoats for idiots such as yourself.

Yes I have actually seen/heard them communicate that. It could be some kind of coping mechanism though I suppose.

Well it's not like they're gonna hang around and raise the kids, is it?

Black women generally know niggers aren't worth a shit, only white women are dumb enough to seek out niggers on purpose. It is the perfect degenerate union of the two most useless beings on the planet, the nigger male and the white whore.

>It is the perfect degenerate union of the two most useless beings on the planet, the nigger male and the white whore.
this desu

Why would the elites of European descent destroy their own people?
Also Jews forced Japan to make Pikachu get BLACKED

Funny clown like. Not funny funny.

barack obama

>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

>Defective Niggachu

Explain why they are overrepresented in practically every influential institution if they're mere scapegoats.

I like to imagine that it’s Pikachu getting BLACKED

>Sheboons have the "funny and fat" stereotype going for them.
The stereotype is sassy and fat.
Sassy is just a fat woman being a bitch.

They’re an extreme minority, plus a few chiming in just to shit on men because that’s what they were taught to do. Most of them would never welcome a man back into their family even if it meant all their dreams coming true. They are fundamentally broken and diseased and wish to only destroy themselves and their male children, to get back at whitey.

80% & 3%, Hans.

I can't think of a single strong, sexy black female actresses. There must be some though. Estonian has plenty of pics of sexy black chicks so why nothing in cinema?
When was the last black Ripley? Who is the new black Milla Jovovich?
Feeling kinda sorry for them now.

Spider-Man homecoming had 2 white man black girl couples, and no white girl black man couples.

You suck at this.

Sorry, forgot I was retarded.

That mutt is really ugly though holy shit

This is what the original looked like
Why does everything have to be kiked?

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Jew's literally are the elites you dumbass

Foxxy Cleopatra

Why are black women only cast in redpilled movies?

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>Foxxy Cleopatra
Deadpool... Domino (Zazie Beetz). But I'm struggling here.

"Spinderman" Homecoming is WMBF

Attached: Peter Parker Love Interest.jpg (300x300, 27K)

>1 post by this ID

Oy vey what are you doing in Germany moshe are you crazy

>It Comes At Night
that was white man, black girl. and the son was mixed and never got with anyone in the film since he was delusional from the SPOILER virus

Foxxy Love

Attached: giphy.gif (294x350, 658K)

Women aren't bothered by or care about interracial relationships like men do.

She is mixed. Not full black.
Try again.

nigger women have no money, so the jew media doesn't pander to that shit demographic

not at all shitheel. Nigresses solely despise their male counterparts for "playing the other team".

Has Hollywood officially been fucking over black women for decades then? No leads? Only supporting roles? I can think of plenty of leading:
white males
black males
white females
asian males
asian females
Black females are conspicuously absent.

Black women deserve better. Come home to your master.

Black women are the dumbest of all women. Which is saying a lot.

spooderman is for nigs

they just focus on all the black male white female couples in movies because it's their fetish

It's to "combat racism". It's a shock trigger for all the white males in society to accept race mixing.

There is no interracial agenda in Hollywood, because if there was they would show all races mixed together, not just black male white female 99% of the time. It’s actually a humiliation agenda to humiliate white men

No, we focus on the Jews promoting their fetish

She's also German. The only reason I remember.

Her dad is a German man

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Aren't they supposed to be teammates? Deadpool recruits her in the movie. What is the point of this image?

This stuff is all decades old.
The racist misogynist fucks in Hollywood hate black women.

James Bond had a black gf in one of the movies. She was one of the main characters, and that was the 70s. Star Trek also,

>What is the point of this image?
Fuck whitey

>how do black women feel
This is probably the place you should come to for an answer to that question. Great choice as well as very political. Another great thread by OP, keep it up my man
*finger guns*

Star trek has always been concentrated soi, though