Why do so many people here hate the face of conservatism in the US?

Why do so many people here hate the face of conservatism in the US?

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It’s philosemetic post racial egalitarianism combined with a lust for endless spending.


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What's wrong with Jewish people? I've always had good encounters with them

Because it's a Jewish face.
Any questions?

Read some history and gfy.

Most conservatives either don’t know him or don’t like him. Soon enough his neocon ideology will be dead when the last boomer croaks.

Neo con jew

I love his sister, though.

All the boomer tier conservatives that love this guy will be dead within 15 years from being older than pre flood dirt. His brand of conservatism that hasn't conserved shit except for Israeli gibs and tax cuts for rich people.

He is not the face of anything othere then brainwashed liberal nazi zoomers.

Funny how the liberals try to push these youtube faggits like the drug addict joe rogain and that faggit paul joe watfaggit etc

stop allowing youtube to brainwashed you so easy zoomers.... its not a place of education.

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Hes a zionist that wants to see every single US soldier and arab dead if it serves the interest of his tribe.

>Watch Ben Shapiro metaphorically DESTROY LIBTARD ANUSES with a verbal equivalent of a GIANT HORSECOCK finising them off by SPRAYING FACTS ALL OVER THEIR FACES!!

I like his brand of conservatism actually, he supports the cores of Western values which I like and Israel is the only Western nation in the middle east so I think it's logical to support them

>Most conservatives either don’t know him or don’t like him.
Not true. He has his fans, some of whom see themselves as very conservative but have completely lost the plot. They are mostly hapless boomers who think he is "redpilling" the youth. The same goes for Jordan Pederstein, these two e-celebs in particular are boomer bait.

All he talks about is gossip and AOC

we conservatives now

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Why would your faggot ass Swede care ?

Yeah, thousands. Big fuckin deal. Ask someone on the street.

Why are zionists targeting Jow Forums so hard and try to convert them to zionism? Fuck off.

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Because ppl like Ben actually spreads the message of conservatism to the public instead of echo chambers on Jow Forums

Because boomers are gonna die and most conservatives of other generations aren’t zionists. Youtube shills are a Yid social op.

Most ppl support Israel when they start to mature and get wisdom by age

he's a product of Conservatism Inc., someone who reads a script like Milo, Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, etc. See goys, tax cuts for the (((rich))) are cool!!!

Wow so mature to give such a large part of the budget to israel and then let your kids die for them. Amazing.

He's the leader of the alt-right.

More like give large parts of the budget to support the only Western nation in the middle east

Because MUH JEWS stormweenies.

What a worthless endeavor. I’m not saying I support Palestine at all, but I do not give a single fuck what sandpeople do to each other. They’re not worth my money or blood.

Hes a neocon zionist, thats why

If it wasn't for Israel, there literally wouldn't be wars in the middle east and the west would have peaceful friendly relations with the Arab world. Most Arabs admired America before the 1967 war. Furthermore there wouldn't be the endless refugee crises destabilising the west.

The west should cut ties with the criminal zionist state

A fucking kike?

>conservatism in the US
Benji is NOT conservative he told Candice Owens not to go on Infowars. But what’s new? Jews telling Blacks what to do and how to think.

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Who gives a shit about the middle east

Israel never started a war

Hey, easy with the antisemitism, bro

because its completely co-opted by niggerturbokikes

Real right wing politics: Israel
>ethnic nationalist
>aggressive colonizers
>obsessed with demographics

Fake right wing politics: America
>tax cuts for billionaires
>immigration to help billionaires make money
>fight wars for Israel, send money to Israel

You see the difference?

>Ask someone on the street.
OK, most people, left or right leaning, barely follow news or politics so of course they aren't going to know a faggot like Shapiro. I think we pretty much agree on what his role is. I only made that comment because I thought his audience was complete astro-turf, then I encountered multiple irl "redpilled conservative" boomers (actually a little younger, more early gen x but probably honorary boomers to most of Jow Forums) who asked me if I had heard of Shapiro AND Jordan Pederstein in basically the same sentence (like as if they are team that host a podcast together)

He has a few (((biases))) I can't reconcile.

Otherwise, hes definitely not the worst talking head.

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>Conservatism Inc.
Controlled op. I wouldn’t put Candice Owens in the same boat, Alex Jones interviewed her a couple of times. She seemed to be very receptive. He tried dropping some red pills but seems to go over her head. Shes still stuck in America is in trouble but it’s only the Democrats fault.

Jow Forums is not ready to accept the savior of the white race. they will soon come to love him

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>Why do so many people here hate the face of conservatism in the US?
You answered your own question there, Sven.

I still think they’re mostly astroturfed. It’s just accepted that everyone uses bots for follows and shit. Only the soft brains think that putting israel first is a good idea, so that means millennials and boomers.

Fuck off schlomo.

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Ben “I don’t care about the browning of America” Shapiro

>Israel never started a war
Yes they did, in 1968 and in 2001. Attacking a navy ship and buildings are an act of war. We just didnt know it was us (((they))) are at war with.

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thats not the face of conservatism thats the face of ethno-nepotism

What exactly has shapiro "conserved" about American culture?
They seem to all support the Rothschilds. GO ahead and ask one of you Jewish friends how he feels about the central banking system that is bleeding the world dry from any and all angles.

Conservatism is corporatism and conserves nothing


kys kike animal

Look at those eyes

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His ideas can be summed up as:
> lower taxes
> if you're not a millionaire or can't afford surgery it's always your own fault
> foreign intervention is great
> AnTi SoCiAl JuStIcE
He is bringing nothing new or interesting to the table. He is promoting stale mainstream neocon policies, not actual conservatism. Him "destroying" 18 yo college students isn't very impressive.

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1967 USS Liberty
2001 WTC and Pentagon
Both act of war. We just didn’t know it.

You obv have to say that in politics in you want to appear on mainstream media and don't want to be deplatformed

Jew rat

These people too

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Lmao, I just realized Ben kinda looks like me

>Why do so many people here hate the face of conservatism in the US?
*Pulls off mask*
Oh, its Zionism!

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Oh bullshit. He got famous on his “owning liberals” videos, and he’s a self proclaimed zionist. Nobody forced him to say he agrees with the globalist agenda, he naturally does because he’s a yid.

Murdoch isn't even jewish lmao

I think we can assume that our friend Sven's posts are satire.
>millennials and boomers.
So who is OK? Gen X and zoomers? All the generational shit talking seems like d&c tactics to me. The way these particular people came at me with "have you heard of these cool thought leaders Shapiro and Pederstein?" makes me think even more that they're doing sophisticated analysis using social media/big data/focus groups to generate media personalities ("cool underground youtube dark web e-celebs") to target niche demographics for d&c. Fuck israel.

>Lmao, I just realized Ben kinda looks like me
Hi Ben

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>I think we can assume that our friend Sven's posts are satire.
He’s the OP

I'm not Jewish tho

>the face of Zionism

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Yeah, his posts are so dumb I thought he was trolling though. But I'm not entirely sure after this one I don't know who's jewing who anymore.

>Genie Energy Ltd. is an American energy company headquartered in Newark, New Jersey. It is a holding company comprising Genie Retail Energy, a retail energy provider in the United States, and Genie Oil and Gas, which pursued a conventional oil exploration project in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

>Genie was part of IDT Corporation but was spun off on October 31, 2011, at which point Class B common stock of Genie Energy Ltd. began trading on the NYSE under the ticker symbol "GNE". [2]

>Genie's founder, chairman, controlling shareholder and CEO is Howard Jonas. Avi Goldin serves as the company's CFO, Michael Stein is the company's COO and Geoffrey Rochwarger serves as Vice Chairman. The president of its Israeli subsidiary is Effie Eitam. Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board is composed of: Dick Cheney (former vice president of the United States), Rupert Murdoch (media mogul and chairman of News Corp), James Woolsey (former CIA director), Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury), Bill Richardson (former Governor of New Mexico, ex-ambassador to the United Nations and United States Energy Secretary)[3], Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild,[4][3], and Mary Landrieu, former United States Senator from Louisiana.

holy shit it's true

Actually he is. Go watch his speech to the IPA

shabos goy

Not all millennials and not all boomers, just most of them are totally pozzed. I don’t think there’s enough conservative Gen X, Y, Millennials and Z to outnumber the remaining boomers and illegals and majority of millennials from commie agendas.

>I'm not Jewish
You’ll change your mind when it’s convenient

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Because its neo conservative a trotskyite Jewish movement started by bolsheviks fleeing the Soviet union. They are globalists just like the left.

I'm not jewish tho, I'm scandinavian

>holy shit it's true
When right makes a meme it’s based on truth. Left on the other hand...... I really don’t know left can’t meme.

If you look like Benji you are Kahzarian. Ethnic Jew not religious jew

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I don't think I'm Khazar. I have brown eyes and hair but I'm still Scandinavian

Ok Svenstien

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I'm not blonde and blue eyed though but I'm still an aryan

>Lmao, I just realized Ben kinda looks like me
This is (you) right?

>I'm not blonde and blue eyed though but I'm still an aryan
Sorry you’re not Ben. Hi krssinstines.

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He's a kike.
Don't need to make a threat for an answer you can google.

Not all aryans are blonde and blue eyed a lot of us have dark hair and eyes you mutts

Aryan is a retarded concept and the only people who push it are either jewish pretending to be natsoc or larping faggots.

>Not all aryans are blonde and blue eyed
Pick one

I'm not a mutt, I'm of a pure aryan stock

Good goy

>Aryan is a retarded concept
>people who push it are either jewish
This, have you ever seen a Nazi or KKK rallies in US cities. Many people with yuge nose.

>I'm of a pure aryan stock
But you look like Ben

This guy just recycled 1990s Rush and Newt, then shilled himself to the top of the heap with media tricks.
He is a nothing just like Milo
He has no support, no base at all
But every media channel takes the thousands of bots and sockpuppet subscriber count as Holy Gospel these days
Literally no one cares about him.
He is a manufactured thing, the Hannah Montana of the Right
>you can use that goys

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Ben's talking fast did not win against the pinkface bong

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But it serves a function
It keeps the stupid out of here
It serves as cover
It provides clues as to who is shilling and baiting

Yeah, so? I've even been mistaken for a jew by a few muslims, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a aryan

Yeah, he even admitted to getting owned by that bonger

Which one of you traitor scum are going to let Ben hide in your basement

Well, (((they))) have the internet trolls, we got the troll master in chief

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