What went wrong?

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Fuck thought this was Jow Forums.

Way too many people heard about it

The government will never let another currency be used more than theirs. The entire concept is flawed to begin with.

worthless ponzi scam garbage. even if it goes to 100k its still just a money making scheme with nothing of actual value.
>inb4 muh decentralization
miners can easily 51% the network and destroy it to the ground, they dont do it cause it goes against their interests. the tech also doesnt scale and will never scale as p2p electronic cash and anyone who says otherwise is either willingfully lying because hes in on the ponzi or coping

Crypto cucks and tethered trade bots.

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It was supposed to be the money of the "people", now it became a business of megacorporations in China

pretty simple IT IS A FUCKING PAIN IN THE ASS TU USE ...that's all

I thought it was just proof of concept

rich elites tanked it because it was becoming inconvenient


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Everything. It was an experiment, then a meme, then the new Beanie Babies, now it's poo scam.

The amount of FUD, memes, urban legends and just sheer retards surrounding it was interesting in an entertaining way, but that's all.

Any time faggots start babbling about "New paradigm" - get the fuck out.

TRUST THE MARKET, FREN! Low Bitcoin is a buyers opportunity. Why would you want to miss out?! MASSIVE GAINS IMMINENT!

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For US users, the lid on the coffin was taxes.

When buying a cup of coffee is a taxable event, that has to be recorded and filed? Yeah. That's not gonna work for 99% of the public.

Test run to get people used to the idea. The key concept is "public ledger" money for the peasant class, which will ensure complete economic dominance for the coming global government.

Weed became legal, no more silkroading

dollar tree doesnt accept it

Nothing. The thousand other ideas the sprouted from one idea bore lots of fruit. Remember technology isnt dogma, its a tool. When better tools come along you get rid of the old tools. As a project it has exceeded its original scope in at least 50 notable ways of how people use technology in hundreds of products and platforms. Not to mention it is the universe's largest, fastesr and tenacious super computing platform. You have no idea how powerful that is.

Got into crypto shit too late, lost $7k of my own money and around $15k which I made from this scam but never payed out, almost killed myself after that but in the end it changed me for the better, I'm no longer greedy material bitch and don't care about money all that much.

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Nothing? BTC has been mooning over the last 2 weeks.

These pump and dumps are not good for BTC if that's what you think. Every time it happens a shitload of newcomer normalfags lose a lot of money. The best case scenario for Bitcoin would have been extremely slow and stable growth. These spikes ensure that it will never be anything but a gambling medium.



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this is a new paradigm, anything could happen
All Anons should own a little BTC, look at it as a gamble and don't buy more than you can afford to lose, then just hold it, don't worry if the price goes down, just hold it.
In 2 years or 5 years or 10 years that small purchase just might be worth a lot of money and the technical difficulties will be overcome
>right this minute is a good time to buy

And dumping today. It lost $600 in value in 24 hours. Pump and dump. Probably completely connected to whatever the fuck is going on at Binance.

It always drops on a Sunday, it's gone up 100% over the past couple of months, stop bitching
>if you'd bough when we told you you'd be sitting at 90% profit

>It always drops on a Sunday
Oh, look, the poos are here.


>>if you'd bough when we told you

As if I'd risk my cash on "investments" from retarded poos on the internet. That's why I have 100% of my money.

checked and agreed.

nothing, jews have been shilling against it since its existence because they fear it. in 10 years it will be worth 50k. screencap this

>when we told you
You mean some random faggot on the internet gave good advice among the hundreds of bad advice? I'm convinced.

Competition is a sin, white boi.

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It's literally a get rich quick scheme that failed.

>jews have been shilling against
is that what a roastingchild magazine promoted it back in the 80s?

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Don't look at it like an investment, look at it like a gamble, like I say don't buy more than you're prepared to lose and just hold it
You can write your BTC down on paper and store anywhere you want
Also when the inevitable global financial meltdown happens we'll be in a new paradigm because we've never had a major crash with widespread crypto adoption

Many people have actually got rich quick out of crypto and many have failed
It's a natural part of the evolution of crypto that people will try to exploit it for short term gains
so what

I don't gamble, though. Probably why I'm a richfag.

>Don't look at it like an investment, look at it like a gamble
I do, poo. That's why I don't throw my money down the cryptotoilet.

Stop trying so hard to convince us you're a get-rich retard poo. WE FUCKING GET IT.

Nothing. You must be new.

Crypto is not controlled by a central bank, it's not the same as the NWO world currency, it's the antithesis of that.
There will be a finite number of BTC, they won't be able to print more
Risk a few hundred bucks on BTC and you never know what the future might bring, many people wast hundreds or thousands on playing the lottery which is far less likely to yield any benefit

And, retard, if there's a "muh global meltdown", your memecoins will be utterly irrelevant. LOL. Cope harder, poo.

"Hey, can I pay you for some bread scraps with random numbers on a piece of paper that don't mean anything anymore?"

LOL. Fucking poos.

I went all in on tron as a newfag and made 20k. How does that make you feel?

I'm not a poo by the way, i'm a proper Bong

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Riiiiight, poo.

Yes that's possible but there are many other possible outcomes and I'm merely suggesting one covers as many eventualities as possible, stacking tins of beans, guns, ammo, antibiotics and silver isn't a bad idea either

Nobody care, poo.

well what can I say, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear

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It's the defacto currency for the online black market which has EXPLODED. Let's be realistic, people love doing drugs, and the best way to acquire drugs if you do not have personal connections is by acquiring bitcoin. So I'm fairly confident its value per $, short of the biennial speculative-fueled rollercoasters, will continue to climb steadily.

i knew about BTC since 2008-2009ish. read about it here and there over the years but never fucked with it. well, in December 2017 i finally decided to put a few bucks into it for shits and giggles, and thats what crashed it. end of story. my $100 is, today, worth 46.51

Irrational Exuberance

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Literally a 1920s era bank, only with distributed computing taking the place of bankers, resulting in booms and crashes at internet speed instead of Pony Express speed

unironically this.
imagine what would actually be required for a decoupling between cryptocurrency and fiat currency... it's impossible, the governments (across the globe but specifically the US) would do everything in their power to make sure it didn't happen for obvious reasons — the government losing control of the dominant currency would cripple their ability to rule; of course cryptocurrency adopters see that as a feature (government losing power) and I'd agree that it is, but that doesn't change the fact that the government would fight until their last breath to make sure it does not happen.

Ultimately I think the future of crypto is an inexorable link to fiat (which ironically defeats the primary purpose of crypto) and instead the focus becomes blockchain technology and how (if) it can be used to improve or support existing tech.

Well hyper inflation of the dollar which is not an unlikely scenario could see your hard cash lose more than that in real terms, you still have your BTC and it's been going up so all is not lost

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what happens when governments start legalizing drugs to combat this phenomenon, as well as then having the ability to actually tax the drug sales? I believe that's the direction we're going.

Psycho dog.

The fact is
Bitcoin has performed better by far than any currency or any commodity since it inception

If BC is to ever have any stability, it has to be insured against loss and theft. Whoever manages to do with BC what the FDIC did with Federal Reserve Notes will become the next Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Lots of reasons
>1st gen distributed ledgers like tge bitcoin blockchain used a really ineffecient consensus mechanism - proof of work
>forced standards, regulatory compliance
>51% Problem where nodes on the network in areas with cheap electricity that could run in large scale could collude
>introduction of poorly architected cryptocurrency exchanges that added avoidable security risks to their design
>reputational damage due to BTC used for odd things
>introduction of better scaled and interoparable blockchains like Ethereum which has Solidity SCs and DAPPs
>introduction of large scale ICOs from hard forks and other DLT/BC stacks
>emergence of better consensus mechanisms like POET, YAC, SBFT, POA
>shit idk...
Lots of reasons, it will rebound but it will be centered off of coins being generated against permissioned blockchains and DLTs with specific business use cases and thus a little more trustworthy
>t. Blockchain Architect with cloud company

No, stability is good performance for a currency.

volatility is ok

No, it's terrible for everything but speculation.

That is where permissioned blockchains and different consensus mechanism like POS, POET and POA come into play. Public DLs like BTC BC and ETH BC have POW which attracts malicious actors and also has software firms with profits in mind pushing out poorly architected exchange solutions that lead to breaches. The ledger, properly permissioned with a firm use case has no need for insurers as it incentivizes good behavior and POW will always artificially drive up speculated prices due to what POW consensus is

it's only terrible if you
>buy high sell low




That's speculation. For everything else you want stability in a currency. It's why no one uses Bitcoin for anything but speculation.

better buy some.
or are keep yelling ponzi when it's at $500,000?

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That's the only way to put a dent in it. Either way, in what fantasy world do you see opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, and psychedelics being available for legal purchase? They'll be decriminalized at best. And it will probably take 10-20 years to nationally adopt the policy. I've been putting a small chunk of my salary into bitcoin despite the upswings and downswings for a couple of years and I just broke 100k.

At the moment, simply the natural evolution of a currency

what's performed better?

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banks have made bitcoin worthless by anti-money laundering laws.

so you can't pay for legit stuff online. businesses can't take bitcoin as payment.

Huge value spikes isn't good performance for a currency. It's possibly good performance for a stock.

No they cant "easily" do anything you fucking retard
It's not possible to perform a 51% attack
There aren't enough miners on the planet to pull it off

perhaps my greatest regret is seeing the limitations of bitcoin writing it off, without considering the perceptions of a large idiot mob, and milking that tit for all it was worth

What will be really funny is all the people who sold at a loss who will see BTC pass the previous high and will feel kicked in the teeth again because if only they'd just held on to it
just buy a little and forget about it, thank me later

buying in at cents, and cashing out on coinbase 10k a week for a year

You do realize that majority of miners are now consolidated into a handful of Chinese cartels, right?

>7k usd
hmm don't think that's how it works son

Irrelevant to my post
THEY couldn't perform a 51% attack if they all decided to work together and use every single miner in China at once, all together

Why not?

It IS possible, and by that I mean in the grand scheme of things. In a BC network not too far off of the genesis block using POW or some normalized POET / POS, if you had 51% collusion you could regenerate a new ledger on all of the collusion nodes and force a hard fork...but that would mean rehashing every TX, merkle hash, ref block hash and associated metadata. In reality the chungus you responded to does not realize that but its still worth a (you)

I’m thinking of buying $1000 in chainlink and just sitting on it for 5-10 years to see what happens. What do you bros think? If it hits 1k/link in a few years from meme magic then I’ll be a multi-millionaire and can quit working for shekelberg.

It's not possible for someone to perform a 51% attack on BTC in 2019


Mass adaptation never happened. People who think game of thrones season 8 is the best shit ever arent gonna use crypto.

It's not legal currency

That is a tenative data point at best, a majority of pools are in china but that is consoldiated by hash power and not number of nodes. That being said even in a POW BC network there is more incentive in continuing to mine and reaping the bounty versus trying to rewrite 10 years worth of hashes into a new ledger to force a hard fork

The more you post, the more retarded you are, poo.

yeah enjoy your ponzi scheme m8. i just want a cash replacement that I can actually use.

Yeah that was essentially what I was getting at, meant to reply the other guy too

It's a scam. 1% of the wallets own 95% of the btc. You can still make money, but never forget you're playing a rigged game. If someone came up to you and asked you to invest in their product that was built by some mysterious anonymous person or by some 18 year old whiz kid, then you're probably about to be scammed. It turns out it's run by the same 1% that the libertardians thought they were fighting.

everytime i read your shit smeared posts i get a little dumber.

But the problem isn't tampering with the historical data, but the future blocks being generated in a hostile 51% environment. Number of nodes means very little, that's just a practical distinction for now.

Ah bloo bloo. Keep telling us how a non-currency had outperformed real currencies, poo.

The only money being made is a couple hundred at a time by desperate poos and 3rd world niggers. Everyone else saw the scam last year, and have forgotten about crypto.