New England Political Talk Radio

Coming up on the show today...
>Will rural New England voters ever form a political bloc and fight for their interests?
>A new plan to oust RINOs from state offices.
>Red Flag laws coming online in VT, NH, ME, what now?
>How to end the insanely high number of uncontested elections?
>A bold new plan for regional infrastructure development
>The New England Statehood project: True-Meme or Larpy-Dream?
All that and MORE!
Call in (to this thread) and let everyone know what you think.
>Billy from Bangor you're on the air!

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Other urls found in this thread:,_2018,_2018,_2018,_2018

Where can I buy good Clam Chowder at? That's literally the only reason me and my girl came to this godforsaken place.
>wow honey look at the leaves

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>Will rural New England voters ever form a political bloc and fight for their interests?
This is the most important task for any redpilled New Englander. The way to take back New England is to start by organizing the rural electorate into a regimented force.
Bob's Clam Hut is great, get your food and walk down to the chairs by the river.

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>Radio Host: You're next caller!
>Caller: AH... TANK YOU! FA TAKIN' MY CAWL! THIS IS MAHTY from... UH!... FAKKIN' WUSSTAH... AND AH!!! These FAKKIN' FAGGOTS, NIGGAHS AND LIBERULS AH FAKKIN' RUIN' dis sweet 'eaven on ert. Tank you!'

The best. Hands down.

Fuck Brown's and Fuck Markey's.

check out the Trading Post while you are there

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>Ah the STRIPAHs in yet?
Let us know what yer catchin

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One must understand that New England may be blue but it is not quite the same kind of Blue as California or other parts of the country, it's still shit don't get me wrong. Also, New England does not have a high population, it's just dense.
Look at Massachusetts as an example:
Warren only received 1.6 million votes and only won by less than 700k votes state wide.
This guy only won by 60k votes in the final election and only received 50k for the primary nomination. I think that Democrat primaries can be subverted to elect more moderates especially in the more rural areas.
The state level elections are even more slim and impactful.
Look at any senate candidate and most run as unopposed Democrats and seem to only rake in 40-50k votes, even less for nomination.
These are even more hilarious. Some only win by running unopposed and receiving 10k votes or so. Chip away at state level representatives and senate.


have you ever seen a list of the un-contested elections? It's insanity, there has to be a way to stop this shit.

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Republicans make a lot of ground at the state level during the Obama era. It's surprising that one at least TRIES to field candidates at the state level in New England. Literally subvert Democrats by running moderate Democrats or pull away votes by fielding 3rd party pet issue candidates as well as strong Republican opposition. You could easily flip state house seats. State senate would be a little more difficult.

starting with state house seats is a good idea. We're going to need a street team for that.

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A lot of these elections are unopposed too. One could also impact elections through attrition: force Democrats to spend their already slim financing on elections they don't want to at the state level. If you have to spend 10k but they choose to spend 100k, then you win even if the election is lost.

The attrition model is a good one for an insurgent movement

What would the coalition appeal to? Small business, middle class, religious groups? Unions are suspect but some may have to be worked depending on their individual clout and could be. It could be a regionlist workers party.

the yellow vest meme focusing on blue collar workers is highly effective imo.
The memes are our only chance, so making advertising that unites New England blue collar workers and rural families.
Perhaps even because it would be a regional coalition, that out of state help would be available to help in some races.

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Anyone who has any awareness needs to make a lot of money and make connections with like minded people who also have a lot of money. Just start financing politicians.

I think the justice dem model is the way to go. They got 4 or 5 wins, if we came up with a new org that did what they did New England would be ours in a decade or two.

Yes. However, it is best to build something substantial and not on image and hot air alone. They're corrupt opportunistic retards.

Yeah purely their tactics.
Imagine if the RNC wasn't so fucking cucked in New England? They are supposed to be running with the Trump momentum even when it was there.

New England RINOs have got to go. They stand for nothing except slightly lower taxes because they don't want to pay for retarded Democrat policies and offer no resistance. Who do we gotta call?

A Masshole republican is a moderate democrat anywhere else in the country. The bullshit you people push is more calculated, rather than the shoot from the hip approach that California pulls.

As a former Masshole recently defected to Dixie, you people have no concept of old-style conservatism. I'll see you at the next civil war

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New Englanders are not stupid retards like southerners who vote for migatards

>New Englanders are not stupid retards like southerners who vote for migatards
Yea, they just vote for Elizabeth Warren. Show your flag, retard.

I'm thinking it's the New England version of yellow vests. We can use our culture to come up with a new look, but the idea is the same.
focus on the 1st and 2nd amendments. Keep NH ME VT solid on the 2nd.

>As a former Masshole recently defected to Dixie, you people have no concept of old-style conservatism. I'll see you at the next civil war
You didn't even read my posts in the thread. Show your flag, retard.

Better than some boomer republifat from a flyover state who is an evangelical christfag who loves israel to death

>red flag laws
>be NE brainlet
>vote Dem cuz republikkkans are mean
>but it turns out dems have gone full commie

oh no I feel so bad for you idiots

catalona bro is welcome in New England any time

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That boomer has more common sense than most retarded urbanites. You can pay reparations to blacks and pay off the tuition for gender studies degrees, retard.



New englanders are secretly deep down racist. I spent some time in southern new england region. Ct, ma, ri. Rarely saw white girls with niggers. Then when I'm in florida and georgia i see mixed couples constantly.

Southerners literally fought a war to stop lincoln from shipping niggers to africa.

New England seems like paradise. It's what comes to mind when someone talks of Old America, there seems some texture to the place that hasn't changed since the pilgrims. I hope it survives but this world is cruel and vindictive and will try to take us all down with it. Good luck New England bros, mother England put her hopes into both of us, let's not disappoint her

Thanks for the calling in m8.

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hello? yes, i'm sick of RISD and Brown ruining rhode island. i want them out.

i fucking hate most people here

everyone is so fucking gay and cucked and boomers are retarded here

anyone ever wonder why the south isn't loved by the rest of the anglosphere the way New England is?

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Here in Mass. there are more undecided voters than Republicans or Democrats COMBINED. A lot of purported Dems are actually conservative as hell, but only stick with blue, because it's tradition. Also, Our Gov. is a Republican with a Democrat Lt. Governor. This is a good thing, as fuck parties and partylines. End this shit so we can get things done ffs.

Hello friends, I'm moving to Northern New Hampshire with some frens to start a political migration of high quality White Nationalists.
We will be infiltrating the local government to try to preserve the racial demographics, we will also be creating a White Nationalist political party to organize around much like the Nordic Resistant Movement, and TWP. The organisation will be focusing on community building, job training/ programs like TWP, and political prisoner out reach.

Thanks for having me on the show Billy.

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I'm not asking you to join me, I'm not recruiting if anyone asked to join me I'd decline.
This is a thing for high quality White Nationalists not randoms on the Internet

I live in Worcester
>40% spics
>20% nigs
>10% chinks
>infrastructure is in terrible condition
>roads are a nightmare
>unmatched corruption within local politicians
>all the historic areas keep getting torn down for shitty overpriced apartments
>schools are producing nothing but trash
>crime is everywhere
>the city is so dirty that taking a walk in a park can give you aids
There is no hope for this dumb.

>Downtown Worcester, 1940

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It's white, it's tidy, it's cozy, there's plenty of nature. Everything about it makes is spiritually attuned to the spirit of the Aryan man. There's a small patch of New England in Canada close to the border and I'm going to try to visit this summer.

I think what separates Mass from other places is that the rural areas tend to vote left in addition to the cities. But cities are kind of expected to be liberal. Then again I would say that the more rural areas in mass are more left leaning libertarian in some ways. Some people even created their own currency out there called ‘Berkshares.’ There is a Schumacher Center or something out in Barrington as well. The problem is these people all still vote for dems in Boston who ruin everything for everyone. Also SE Mass is actually an interesting little concentration of more conservative opinions, centered around maybe Middleboro. And even though they vote dem some of the Portuguese in far SE are pretty traditional you could say. The dems are really just THE Party around here. They represented the lower classes of European working immigrant decades ago and never let go of their grip on power. But I think user is right about there still being somethint different around here maybe it’s a sort of Puritan vein hidden deep. There was a common phrase ‘banned in Boston’ as recently as like the 60s I think. Degeneracy has had bad luck around here. Sometimes it’s even too much imo. I’d love to be involved in any movement or what have you to get some fucking sense back into the way things are done around here. The area is worth it imo. Well most of it.

This map can also help to inform the situation. It’s a close up 2016 election map. Zoom in on New England. It actually is interesting. (Hate to post a Jew York Times link but whatever.)

Always disliked Worcester. I’d rather live in goddamn New Bedford even. Not Fall River though. Also, little hidden gems of cozy white towns: Fairhaven and Mattapoisett. Don’t tell them though.

>Degeneracy has had bad luck around here.
great post
I'm adding these to the copy pasta,
keep the calls coming anglo-spheric-brethren

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grew up in southeastern mass can confirm what u said about that is true

its mostly nonwhtie at this point overall, mass is like 60% white and dropping fast due to lawrence etc

these rich white towns are literal scum

try linking some working class areas not these stupid 900k houses for half an acre of land soccer mom utopias, faggot

Lived in the “nice” section of Fall River a while. Better than shitty New Bedford

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It's sinking fore sure:
But if you are 30-45m outside of the city it goes up to 85%+ white easily and it gets cozy.

I think a lot of the info in this thread is great. The Justice Dems model, running against dems with no challengers, organizing rural and blue collar workers throughout NE, it’s all stuff I’ve been pushing for. Any ideas on how we can organize?
You live in Worcester. Of course it sucks.

Even some blue towns like the entirety of the Berkshires and Wellesley are nice. My town is pretty blue but has many “reds” too. I would die to preserve it. It’s perfect.

The blue areas outside of cities in Mass are alright. It’s idealistic white people voting for who they think are always their guys. Clueless a lot of times but you don’t see the same insanity as some of those freaks out in places like Portland, OR.

I’m with you. I’d be down to get involved with something, following the Tucker Carlson model of “Americans first, people first.” That’s something I think a lot of Yankees can get behind, pro-worker, pro-family and anti-big money and leftist nonsense. Very Yankee.

Man I sure hope New England gets it's shit together before I inherit my family's house up there.

Maybe Facebook groups as shitty as that sounds? Many towns I notice have these ‘X town resident pages’ that boomers love to follow and spew their bullshit on. You might be able to tap into the pissed off townie energy. Also don’t be afraid to actually get involved in local politics and governance. It’s a lot of work and not much glory whatsoever but there’s always roles to fill and meetings to attend. Half the time no one even cares about these things but you can have an affect sometimes. Don’t let the assholes drown you out.

Dems get away with a lot in NE because they have no opposition and the GOP there are a buch of cucks and RINOs. would be a good model to follow that would attract many working class Irish, Italians and other whites.

We had fucking Shays Rebellion here after the Revolution itself. Still weren’t satisfied with all those faggot (((merchants))) in Boston and their schemes. There’s some rebel spirit still left hopefully. A Cape Cod pastime used to be stealing and scuttling British boats.

>Any ideas on how we can organize?
I think the only way for this to happen is for connections to be made through social media, having New England Generals on Jow Forums and different avenues for people to communicate and meet through volunteer work and in real life. It's probably best to be cautious to avoid subversion. The best thing to do is thaw the chilling effect of political correctness.

I was reading about that a while ago and it sounded like us. The “forgtten men” fighting against the rich merchants.
I’d be down to help with those. We could do Telegram communications.

I think the meme should be a general hashtag and not a specific platform based strategy.
The New England Political Talk Radio meme is actually pretty decent if i don't say so myself.
Just use that hashtag or another one that is similar that will create a sub market of information that all of the audience fiefdoms can rally behind without taking direct orders.
>pic related is a long way down the road for this idea.

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Working class whites have traditionally been a force here. That’s where the dems have drawn all their power from forever. Hopefully they continue to stray from sanity as I think people here even the dem voters may be primed to perhaps wake the fuck up and forget about the stupid Kennedy’s for once. By the way there are a lot of working class Eastern European types coming to the cape to work in restaurants etc in the summertime. My folks rent out rooms to them for very fair prices. Not sure what kind of actual voice these people would have though. But they work very hard.

>Republican governor
>Charlie Baker
Pick one.

Believes global warming
Never talks about lowering taxes
Weed legalized under his watch

Only thing I can even THINK OF to possibly link him to conservative values is that he's supposedly fighting opiates.

Are you me? Born and grew up in Fall River. Own a house on Ray St still tho. Getting good rent

Just keep shilling NE Generals if you don't see one up. Something organic will manifest. Just keep it alive.

It’s kind of a sad story at the end. Despite no one really dying and the rebels actually given pretty much complete clemency afterward. Shay himself became an incoherent alcoholic apparently, and died totally unknown somewhere. I also like how other sorts of ‘movements’ like transcendentalism etc have their origin here, and if we could even channel some of the spirit of King Philip..

Baker is a huge faggot. Do not count him as an ally. But I guess around here any indication that people can sometimes break from the conditioning of ‘vote Democrat against the evil ones’ is a welcome sign. Even if they can’t do anything about the actual qualities of the shitheads sold to them as alternatives. It’s not ideological really. None of these people are, just corrupt.

Good ideas. Let’s keep up strategies here and continue to make threads. This is our home and we will fight for it. I tell you, a family-first, nationalistic group that fights against opioids, leftist lunacy, the UniParty and for the workers and middle class could dominate many parts of NE.
Love it.

All RINOs are useful idiots and traitors until proven otherwise.


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State wide shouldn't be priority for now, but state level, attrition and causing butt hurt should be.

>state level
As in state rep and senate elections.

I used to run down the north section of Ray in the morning. President vil. Thought about buying one of the old Victorians in the northern section of town south of the cemetery but prices weren’t right and we found work in NH.

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Think public access channels could be options? From what I see they would probably want content just to fill some time up. I guess a point I’m making in all my posts here is that the tools to do this exist and we are in fact supposed to use them to redress grievances and plan the future. We now just get distracted from and discouraged from utilizing them effectively. I turned on my local access channel right now and it’s infomercials made my middle schoolers on loop interspersed with calls for donations and help.

Anything and everything legal to thaw political correctness should and ought to be utilized no matter how much intimidation is used.

Captain Kurt’s on siesta key

>Red Flag laws coming online in VT, NH, ME, what now?
Anyone caught aiding, abetting or enforcing laws against the 2A should be summarily shot execution style.

Look at all the Jow Forums approved words
So brave

I always say, win locally but connect nationally

I am also going to be getting a room with some friends in a house that is apparently down the street from what was an old ‘transcendentalist utiopian’ experimental community founded and attended by Nathaniel Hawthorne. He wrote about his life there later on to. It ultimately failed, though the inhabitants still spoke fondly of trying to make it succeed. I love the history of this area more than most I know. Colonial and revolutionary history is pretty rich here. That’s why it’s definitely worth taking back. This place was something even before there was a USA. It’s the root of our presence on this continent. Had to fight a lot of pissed off Algonquians to get it too.

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Create an #NEPTR channel on Telegram? Is this a good idea? I am unfamiliar with the tool. Whatever will be adopted is good enough.

the only problem i'm seeing here is the yellow spots. Everything else still shows signs of a pulse.

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Yeah that was called Brook Farm. Socialism did actually state in Massachusetts if you look at it that way. The unitarians and the Transcendentalist started it and spread it to Europe.
Nah, I think youtube videos and twitter are the right's bread and butter. Just keep the idea floating.

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Anal Cunt will be the official band of NE Generals:
Them in San Francisco (they get kicked out):

We should capitalize on it and do what appeals to them. Remember, men who enact policies their supporters want, win time and time again.
I partially agree, but also think that some organization is necessary to succeed. Without being connected, we are vulnerable without a support network, and we can team up to get stuff done. Maybe we should make YouTube videos and podcasts first, and then get together on telegram.

What are good sources of local media (newspapers,news,radio,youtube channels...)? I feel more people are fixated on national politics and entertainment.

Why not something like Dropkick Murphy’s? Or a local Yankee band? Aerosmith?
Probably worthless for big cities like Lowell or Worcester though

It was a joke.

looking at all these comfy new england town and shoreline pics makes me nostalgic for those 27 years spent growing up in the region. based quiet nights with my friends hanging out in our pretty, wooded suburbs and heading to bob's clam hut (pictured near the top of this thread) for some fresh seafood dinner. camping in the hills, going out on boats in the ocean, swimming in lakes and ponds, etc. houses are pretty, most towns have character, mcmansions don't exist, planned clonebox house communities don't exist, and retail chains are often forced to adopt a new england aesthetic (an unironically based practice - see pic related).

but then I think about all the people I left behind. the shitlibs, the cucks, the basedboys, the neurotic jews, the cooky liberal women, the hypocritical racist-on-the-inside virtue signalers, the nation-selling weak-handed faggots, the women who control things, the dads who don't stand up for what's right, the hivemind richfags who would sell the other 90% of the country in order to feed one african to feel better about themselves, and all the fucking psychopaths in boston who only have trace amounts of humanity left.

Fuck New England. A society is defined by its people, not its aesthetic. New England sucks.

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>but then I think about all the people I left behind. the shitlibs, the cucks, the basedboys, the neurotic jews, the cooky liberal women, the hypocritical racist-on-the-inside virtue signalers, the nation-selling weak-handed faggots, the women who control things, the dads who don't stand up for what's right, the hivemind richfags who would sell the other 90% of the country in order to feed one african to feel better about themselves, and all the fucking psychopaths in boston who only have trace amounts of humanity left.
This is pretty accurate. Where did you end up?

The Rocky Mountains
Within the first year I could feel the sewage washing off

What are some immediate differences that became apparent to you? People weren't neurotic faggy tools?

Patch is good for small, quaint towns. But shitholes like Lowell and Worcester, as you said, not so much.