Why is Leo Di Caprio such a piece of shit? His ex-girlfriend is in serious trouble (500k debt, she only makes 12k a year) and Leo is not helping her despite saying he loved her when they dated 7 years ago. observer.com
Why is Leo Di Caprio such a piece of shit? His ex-girlfriend is in serious trouble (500k debt...
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She should take a trip to Dubai
Why would he cuck to his ex? She's already sucking off others. Might as well plead to them
sounds like she better get a job or a husband
Leo is MGTOW. He won't pay her a dime.
This is embarassing
I mean that would be nice of him but that entitlement is disgusting
This is like, THE perfect thread to piss off this board
Climate change obviously
I think some articles are deliberately dumb to get clicks and adbux.
is she still sucking his dick? no? then why would he owe her anything
You're a giant KEK if you think you should help your EX ...that's the whole point of SEPERATING lol
>she only makes 12k a year
Wtf is her problem? Is she retarded?
why is Leo so based?
>only dates women while they're in their prime
>cares about the environment
>doesn't care about roasties
>Implying that woman has any shame
Yeah and Britney Spears should help Kevin Federline's non relevant ass out too.
she pays him spousal and child support each month plus a lump sum when the divorce happened
How the fuck do you rack up $200k on one credit card?
>she only makes 12k a year)
um How is that possible?
I know your joking around here, but he was raped by a director on the set of "Growing Pains".
What part of “EX“ do those parasites not understand ?
>she only makes 12k a year
She should consider to work more
I helped my ex fix her car the other day. She cracked her bumper on a pole. I went to the junkyard, found a matching bumper in the right color, and installed it for her. She paid for the bumper.
We had unprotected sex afterwards and ate pizza that she also paid for.
Fuck professional woman victimisation
it's easy to get credit cards if you don't have fucked up credit
>Jews are good with money, they said
Nice blogpost
With a limit high enough to buy a fucking house?
>Heatherton was born and raised in Skokie, Illinois, the daughter of Laura (née Stein) and Mark Bubley.[2][3] Her family is Jewish, and she attended Solomon Schechter Day School, a Jewish day school, as well as Niles North High School.[2][4][5]
She out to be drummed out of the tribe for having such a bad balance sheet
>I only pay taxes on... I mean... I only make 12k a year
That's about what I make from SSDI gibs after Medicare premiums.
Women were a mistake
Nobody cares about your greasy pizza trailer trash hump session.
Lol what, why should he care? They're not married
>500k in debt
If you manage money that badly, you deserve the shit you chose to lay in.
lol, this dumb bitch took out a line of credit when she was dating him and probably thought that he would be on the hook for it--now that its time to pay the piper she thinks she can use her journo friends to bully him into giving her a free ride.
fucking el oh el.
'muh empowered women', 'muh girl power'. Also, hey white man Leo, you MUST help this girl you fucked a decade ago because......well......because 'equality' or something.
So once you stick your dick in a cunt you are responsible for that cunt for the rest of your natural?
Wymin are so strong and independent aren't they?
bigger question is how can you rack up 190k debt in a credit card?? doesnt the bank have protections? I am 22 yet I cant get a card with over a 2k credit line
why the fuck is it his problem? she sounds like a retarded, irresponsible cunt
>Wtf I love DiCaprio now.
Don't worry OP, there are enough Knight Whites out there. But I hoped she would actually suffer consequences.
Literally cucked
400$ at least for sex and pizza
1 post by ID
Not news or politics
The further I read the more I thought it was satire with how ridiculous it became. Nope, 100% serious, Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker. This is why letting women vote was a fucking mistake. No, THE mistake.
>is she retarded?
Look at her. OF COURSE she's retarded. Yet no one will criticize Leonardo DeBrappio for fucking a retard
DiCaprio is going to be in some serious shit if he doesn't fix this.
He'll be the next Cosby.
women shaming men into paying shit they have absolutely no need to pay for
This is both news and politics (gender politics)
how the fuck is it his responsibility? paying for meat you aint fucking is retarded
>supporting your ex girlfriends as they get railed by some other chad is the right thing to do
So this is the power of onions?
Underrated post
I agree that this is gossip and not news, but in the greater realm of discussing gender relations and identity politics, I'd say it belongs on Jow Forums
>Solomon Schechter Day School, a Jewish day school,
Stop it with the stereotypes
What do you think happens to most models? They better hope they get a sugar daddy in their prime.
That was the most female article I've ever read in my life. The femalest female article. Estrogen is dripping from my screen as I'm typing this
every day gets progressively worse
Guess you missed the part where she payed for everything.
Here is the dumb bitches twitter
Can't she just retrain as a software engineer?
>She cracked her bumper on a pole
>30 years old
sorry but according to my depreciation formula, the most i can do is 200 dollars for some sloppy toppy
Female's gonna parasite
How the fuck could she get a line of credit that big?
DiCaprio is Jack Nicholson minus talent. Fuck hollywood for enabling these people.
>unironically based
she should kill herself
Leo got passed around by the movie execs?
I think ob's right.
This should be the end of thread.
Thot ruins herself financially and demands gibs from man she used to fuck. Checks out.
Except for the fucking labour thats worth about 120$ an hour.
>is piece of shit
>gets to fuck top pussy
dunno it seems like men have this big incentive to be some sort of chad/faggot amalgamation
First I've heard of this tactic. Interesting...
he's certainly the luckiest guy in hollywood
the directors do all the work for him
he's basically keanu reeves with a bit more personality
no, you.
imagine being a roastie and dating one of the most famous men in the world, who is famous for only dating women of a certain age, and waiting till you're TOO OLD to ask him for money.
if this woman was smart she'd have accrued all that debt in her teens and THEN gotten him to pay for it when she was a fresh 20 year old and then spent 5 years sucking his dick PROPERLY so she could live the rest of her life in easy luxury.
what a dumbass roastie
>makes 12k a year
>has 500k in debt
Who is giving this dumb ass money to begin with?
calm down captain save a hoe, why should he care?
ur mum
Stormy Daniels makes like $250,000 a year, showing her ass at strip clubs. Leo's ex better take a hint.
>I get hotter girls than Leo AND I was never molested
double dunk on your ass faggot
she's a strong empowered wahmen. what does she need a man for?
Bitch Kevin played that psycho. Unironically hes a chad
and you missed the part where he will have to pay child support of the upcoming baby
Assuming leo doesnt tape every pound session
you truly are asking the right questions, friendo.
already you are a better journalist than most media faggots.
Go bankrupt and erase it. start over.
>you had sex with me once, therefore I own you for life.
If I had to sum women up in one sentence, this would be it.
And people wonder why there's a gender pay gap. I mean, fuck, I wouldn't work either if everyone I slept with was just expected to "help me out" whenever I needed money. No wonder women do arts degrees - why work your ass of in STEM when you can just cruise through English lit, work as a temp for a few years, then marry some idiot who did CS or engineering?
Actually, the best way I can describe women is this:
> Cats are fucking evil. Their entire raison d'etre is torturing and killing anything smaller than them that crosses their path. But they've got big round eyes and big, fluffy fur, so we pet them and snuggle with them and give them names like 'Mr. Tickles', while every night they're going out murdering and torturing small animals like a fucking serial killer. And then when you die, they'll fucking eat you too.
> If cats looked like frogs, we'd realise in a second what evil little bastards they are. But because they're cute and fluffy, most people just can't see it. It's like mind-control - they spend a few minutes batting a ball of yarn around, and we'll clean up the corpses left on the doormat with barely more than a disapproving mutter. They don't even do anything useful for us, they just sit there napping and preening themselves all day. But we'll let them get away with /anything/.
> Women are cats. They operate just like fucking cats, hijacking the part of our brains that responds to cuteness because we evolved to care for our children. And no one can see it.
Holy fuck she is a worthless pile of twitter garbage she should neck herself.
She had sex with him more than once. He does kind of owe her something. Faggot should pay up.
K fed the the ultimate neet Chad. How can anyone compete?
What exactly does he own her?
think of what expensive hooker you could have had if you charged for your labor.
She’s a whore
almost 600k in debt with nothing to show for it. wow
was kirk cameron raped too?