The Chinks

How do we stop them?

Pacific NATO with US, EU. India, Korea, Vietnam and Japan?

Mass economic blockades to starve their billion+ population of necessary resources?

Race specific bio-weapons?

Share your thoughts.

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Build robots that make iphones

They'll make cheaper robots. Not viable on the long term.
But you're right about their weakness and strength at the same time: workforce.

Then we make robots that make robots

Pacific NATO sounds good but I'm wondering if they would be willing to make sacrifices to halt and contain the Han-Goblin menace.

I know one thing though, and that's that ALL chinks in western country's must be exterminated and further Chinese immigration banned. And I mean extermination not deportation because most chink "citizens" in the West are CCP spies and would bring valuable information back to China if we let them leave.

Chinks will also build robots though so that's not a good solution. You have to physically starve the chinks of resources to prevent them from building buildings, creating technology, and feeding their goblin hive.

And to do that you'll need global cooperation.

I think it's completely worth it though because chinks are just that fucking dangerous and capable.


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How do the kike's plan to defeat the Jews?

Every empire has it's day, user. It's just a shame that yours was so mediocre.

Chink detected.

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Do you mean defeat the chinks?

If so I'm not sure honestly. I think they really fucked up by imploding the west so quickly.

I think they think that they can integrate and subvert Chinese society, but I doubt the chinks will trust them or allow it to happen after they've seen how effectively these kikes have destroyed the west.

Han Chinese are litterally yellow Jews with lower IQs and less creativity.

They need to be dealt with, but like OP says I doubt it can be done alone. We need the EU and India at least.

Begone chink.

I think the best counter to China is building up India.

Since they are essentially right next to each other and both have MASSIVE populations who both need large amounts of natural resources, competition and conflict are innevidable.

>I think the best counter to China is building up India.

Speaking of which, and lurking poo-in-loos wanna give any info on how China is viewed by the Indian people?

Just stop buying chink crap ffs

I actually was hoping Chinks would develop race-specific bioweapons against niggers. The enemy of my enemy as they say. Then after that just let their birthrate of 1 do the work. Oh, and fix immigration so they're forced to stay in China.

Why "stop" China?

>I actually was hoping Chinks would develop race-specific bioweapons against niggers

Why wait for the chinks to do it? Why not overthrow the ZOG and do it yourself?

You are either a cuck or a chink.

The chinese aren't forcing liberalism, homosexuality and niggers on anyone. Thus I like them. At the very least there's no need to be antagonistic towards them. Unlike the US, who forced us all into this shit by waging two world wars against Europe and the white race.

>I know one thing though, and that's that ALL chinks in western country's must be exterminated and further Chinese immigration banned
How would this help? It isn't all Chinese that commit espionage for China, and it is a minority that do. The US government has the ability to vet its immigrants, and many Chinese come to the USA to do great things.

Because they are a hostile and highly competitive race that threatens the entire planet?

Take off your proxy chink.

Stop buying "Made in China" and stop buying from Chinese companies.

>T. Zhang

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>The chinese aren't forcing liberalism, homosexuality and niggers on anyone. Thus I like them.

But they are forcing economic imperialism, mass Han Chinese migration, and corporate espionage on any country that dares interact with them. All of which are worse than your pathetic "christian morals".

Typical slavic cuckold. Slavs are so pathetically trusting of the Han Chinese menace it's really quite sad.

Pacific Command has now been renamed Indo-Pacific Command alongside a bill that has been signed into law that will strengthen American efforts to build ties with South Asia

If I tried to stop them, I would have to answer to my dick.

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Fuck off chink.

Chinese corporate espionage costs the Us 200 BILLION annually:

So we obviously aren't "vetting" you parasitic little goblins enough. If a chink does something "great" in the US, chances are it will find it's way back to China sooner than is welcomed. Chinks are racially self-serving insects and you all need to be squashed.

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The Chinese (rightfully) view the USA as hostile to them. Things like not accepting Mainland China to control Taiwan while denying pleas independence to Northern Ireland. Or selling Islands that belong to Taiwan based on International law to Japan just because the PRC is communist.

Chinese strategic doctrine has been defensive since its inception and reeks of fear that the USA will attack them.

None of those things you mentioned worry or make me carw in the slightest. Also, your whole thing with tech was stolen from Germany in 1945. Operation Paperclip and so on.

Basically these anti-chinese threads are a CIA thing. You're scared of China and are trying to reengineer the "red menace" schtick a la Soviet Union because that's the only thing that could theoretically hold together your disintegrating disjointed mess of a country. It won't work this time.

How much are they paying you for this shit, what's your salary like?

There are always flaws in vetting processes, but outright banning and "exterminating" the Chinese isn't a good choice. When discussing policy it is good to attempt at decreasing preconceived biases.

Let's not play innocent:

pg 344

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What is Tibet?

They don't create tech, they just copy it and then brutalize peasants to build it

>None of those things you mentioned worry or make me carw in the slightest

Because you're retarded (or a chink)

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Land controlled by the PRC

>Pacific North Atlantic Treaty Organization
lol, don't you mean NPTO, also we don't need cold war 2.0 with china

Please stop shilling for China here. You are full of shit.

No-one takes you seriously or cares for you peace-making bullshit here.

Everything I say is backed by evidence, and all of it comes from authoritative sources. Why wouldn't you take what I say seriously?

Try not to let cognitive biases control you so much

>also we don't need cold war 2.0 with china

>T. Xiao or ill-informed, conflict averse normie peasant from plebbit.

Are you insisting that you would want a cold war? For what purpose?

Probably best if we just leave them alone. There's a pretty big ocean between us and them.

I really just meant Africa niggers, not America niggers. Since they seem to want to colonize the place anyway. It will be quicker if Chinese do it since they don't have to overthrow Jews and evict spics and rope baizuo first.

>we don't need cold war 2.0 with china

I don't think you realize just how serious a threat China is.

>How do we stop them
By not stopping them, they're way more intelligent than whites

>Everything I say is backed by evidence, and all of it comes from authoritative sources.

No it isn't, chink. Its generalized statement and appeals to peace that are woefully divorced from historical patterns and human nature.

You have been refuted as well:

I don't want to though. Chinese rule isn't as morally messed as America influence.

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> how?
chinese computers are the easiest to hack on the planet. you could start there. no shortage of sensitive data to steal and to blackmail them with.
>Mass economic blockades to starve their billion+ population of necessary resources?
that could happen overnight. they import a lot of food from neighbouring asian countries, australia and new zealand. total bans would leave them completely fucked as they've got no way to replace those sources easily and quickly. you could have the greatest army in the world but if they're all starving to death and living on rations, they won't be doing much except for dying.
>Race specific bio-weapons?
dream on, faggot.

that's the point. China is replacing the USA as the global superpower and it's going to be beautiful, the USA will be fucked in a sino-american war

China is probably one of the (sadly few) least degenerate countries

50 cent shills out in full force today it seems.

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>"Canadian" flag

Hi Zhou.

Why should anyone defend you and your hegemony when everything you've ever done was detrimental to the interests of whites? Simply put it's time for a change and I welcome your decline.

>China is replacing the USA as the global superpower
they're not. the only power they have is controlling only a certain part of asia, so they think, as it doesn't stop anyone from the US navy or Air Force entering into their self declared air spaces or waters and telling them to go fuck themselves.

>don't create tech
Lmao the cope is strong

Just nuke the USA.

>American flag
Hi tyrone?

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Chink detected.

On the 20% chance your a chink-loving spic, you'll be wishing for American hegemony if the chinks ever take over.

They are beyond ruthless and greedy. Ask the Tibetans, Inner Mongolians, and Chinese Muslims. They're getting kinda hard to hard to find.

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But are you certain they will settle for that? This comes from the Academy of Military Science (AMS). While it is not the chinese military for CPC itself, it is one of the more authoritative think tanks inside China
My response to that post was true. There will always be a flaw in vetting, but it is largely done well.

This isn't refuting what I said either. Your post just states that there is high value theft, which makes sense because Chinese generally end up in high paying and highly innovative fields. It does not give any evidence that the majority of Chinese are stealing and selling technology, and there are efforts being done to counter Chinese espionage. In fact, new ones have just been started because it is a Chinese GOVERNMENT led campaign. Even DoJ officials in charge of these new campaigns will admit what I am saying is true.

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>Pacific NATO with US, EU. India, Korea, Vietnam and Japan?
Spotted the Pajeet

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China will be even more detrimental to whites. And all their "success" will be theirs alone. You will eat their scraps while they take everything from you.

You slavs are so cucked it's unbelievable. Because one empire is corrupt you jump into the arms of one that is down-right evil.

>Chinks in Canada shilling for their own nation and race at the expense of their host country.

Thanks for proving my point.

Anyone defending chinks ITT is a chink themselves.

No one on Jow Forums actually likes the Chinese aside from a few Russian or Pakistani posters.

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user is right. china have done nothing for several decades except steal, reverse engineer and buy patents for tech from other countries. what's china given us? technology from the west assembled by slave labour. fantastic. it's been thousands of years since china has given the world anything of any value. they still remain in a peasant farmer state of mind but instead of riding bikes like they were 20 years ago, they're just discovering the magic of the automobile! my fucking sides. china to be world super power by 2100!! street shitters in India have a better chance of seeing their country become a super power well before then.

What's China's endgame? Are they competing with kikes or working with them? I know they're both scheming rats but are chinks a threat to (((them)))?

>Poo in the loo in America trying to make whitey fight his wars

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I think the Chinks are jews have a temporary truce. But the kikes must be thinking of some way to deal with the chinks since they are collapsing the west and won't have a host nation to parasitize.

Even Israel won't stand a chance against the Chinese.

>using anti-japanese propaganda against china
lol, chinese are ruthless and that's a good thing. They will not suck circumcised israeli cock like america and europe love to do

>Implying I want H1b visas.

>Implying having India as a strategic regional ally won't be incredibly useful for suppressing the Chinese menace.

Get lost chink.


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>Implying having India as a strategic regional ally won't be incredibly useful
Thank for the good laugh Pajeet and thanks for outing yourself.

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>What's China's endgame?
their end game is to spread the influence of communism while destroying democracy. it's not like china is any position to do anything more than that. their military is weak, their government is run by cowards only interested in filling their own pockets with bribes or kick backs. they're not interested in any wars because they're well aware of the fact they'll be destroyed. they exert their influence constantly by economic means. it's all they know.

It certainly fits for chink """immigrants""", doesn't it?

>lol, chinese are ruthless and that's a good thing

No it isn't because China is a hostile foreign race. Why would a hostile foreign race being competent and capable be a good thing for whites?

Eat shit chink monkey.

There's a lot of change going on in the military and at a very fast pace

Thanks for outing yourself as a chink.

china hasn't been communist in over 40 years
east asians and europeans will mix and become the true masterrace

>only muh Chinks would look down on the incredible honoray ayran very much white Indians and their incredible military which is of incredible powerfull!!!
You have to go back Pajeet and take your shit with you.

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>Spread the influence of communism.

My god you're fucking stupid. China doesnt care about spreading ideology, only advancing the power and influence of the Chinese race. They want resources for China. Oil, metals, timber, crops, and fish. They want more for themselves and less for everyone else.

The story of civilization is the control over natural resources.

>the Chinese race

Nigga what?

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Stop underestimating your enemy you stupid faggot.

> China doesnt care about spreading ideology, only advancing the power and influence of the Chinese Communist Party. They want resources for China. Oil, metals, timber, crops, and fish. They want more for themselves and less for everyone else.

Fixed it for you

Also on the subject of innovation. Here is a short-ish (15 min) clip discussing Chinese breakthroughs

Keyu Jin: What The World Can Learn From Chinese Innovation

The Chinese are highly xenophobic, stop trying to cut the racial aspect of this out to fit your cucked liberal ideology.

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Thanks for showing how much of a threat china is.

Now fuck off chink shill. You will NEVER get us to worship your disgusting, adversarial country.

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>The Chinese are highly xenophobic

That doesn't change the fact that the Chinese Communist Party decides all actions, and their intention is to keep themselves in power. Ramping nationalism/tribalism is only a means to people's warfare, but not an end.

You do realize that everyone here knows You're a chinese shill, right?

How am I a China shill? I have posted conflicting information to spur debate.

90% of Chinese history is rape, rape, rape.

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Accept lower living standards
Eliminate government welfare
Eliminate fiscal deficits
Eliminate central banking
Move to hard currency
Eliminate fractional reserve lending
Promote saving and frugal living

Shut up chink and go away.

>5 foot manlets that have never won a war outside of their own borders before
is there anything more pathetic than Chinese nationalists lol

>Requiring stopping

They'll stop themselves, mate.

>Incredible acceleration of debt-spending since the tariff wars
>strategically indefensible country of flatlands, deserts, and a strait shared with Japan between them and the Pacific
>Absolutely no ability to project naval power without Japan letting them
>All of the good chinks are fleeing in droves from the country thanks to increasingly shit policy decisions, leaving behind only the sub 90 IQ hill people
>An absolute lack of ability to innovate thanks to The Great Leap Forward (you can thank Mao for destroying the sort of talent that created the Liu Self-Loader)
>Inability to do fine manufacturing, or create proper machine tools (all their machine tooling is imported from the United States and has been since the 1900s)
>A GDP that is literally entirely dependent on the whims of their own greatest percieved adversary on the world stage, the United States of Satan(tm)

China would need major, incredibly internal reform to become a true superpower. Basically, Taiwan would have to somehow take over China and institute real democracy, and if that happened then frankly I wouldn't care if China somehow became a superpower, because they'd be an actual like, nation and shit.

>china hasn't been communist in 40 years

Yes, that's correct. They're actually National Socialist, they just call themselves Communist for PR reasons. Xi Xinping is literally Hitler.

The world isn't so black and white. I just enjoy good discussion

>china to be world super power by 2100!! street shitters in India have a better chance of seeing their country become a super power well before then.
You poos always fail to hide your butthurt at the end.
>their end game is to spread the influence of communism while destroying democracy
No one on this board except larping niggers and pozzed MAGA kikes gives a shit about "democracy" here, Pajeet.

Its what brought backstabing and scheming vermin like you into the West in first place.

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Take off your memeflag and then we'll talk, chink.

Take off your memeflag chink shills.

After you Pajeet

Chinks use VPNs though.


This poo is too retarded to think of that.