(((who could these people be?)))
Is AOC going to name them?
maybe lmao
You could tax those people at 100% and it wouldn't do shit.
AOC is them. She's a Sephardic Jew.
If she did it would be a bold step forward for the zitty SJW mediafag that writes all her tweets. I wish him luck.
Every time a Democrats says "screw the rich", it always ends up being the working middle class that's bent over.
Fuck these useless eaters. They shouldn't be voting on how to spend taxes they don't pay.
>When we say "tax the rich" we mean that there is literally no scenario where those numbers could pay for anything near what we want to spend, so we're going to tax literally everyone making any money at 60%.
I own a yacht but im not rich
ding ding ding
They are in control. They wouldn't pay shit.
>tricks the country into war rich
I wonder (((who))) could that possibly be
i really wonder
This, they produce the money in their federal reserve, you are never going to tax them because they already own all the money
yes. it's difficult to tax the people who are in charge of collecting the taxes.
Oh man that line alone will get her in trouble. Dig the hole deeper
She said "nesting-doll yacht" rich. You know, those massive yachts that have little ports on them for speedboats?
Its like 10 people yet one of them is specifically betsy devoss? Does she want to tax only and exactly trumps cabinet or something?
The five richest people in the world are democrats, Gates, Bezos, Buffett, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg.
Someone with a twitter account should call her antisemitic using their hashtag to bring more jews into the thread
Your race is so thirsty for approval and hope. It is a flaw that will be fatal.
good. fuck rich people. tax them. they never do anything interesting or beautiful with their money anyways. the problem is she won't and they'll just bully the middle class more bc they're an easier target.
No, you can't tax them. That doesn't fucking work. You need to set up rules so they CAN'T use food stamps to subsidize their work force. Then when they try and go over the border to start their shit, you tariff the fuck out of their goods. We need nationalist policies not globalist ones.
Taxes are how the nobles get the plebs money, you need to take these people's money a totally different way. Do you think merchants of the past paid their due the same way the fucking cobbler did? Come the fuck on. They used to get them in all sorts of ways , then the merchants would try to cheat the rulers, then they'd get kicked out 109 times.
what makes her think americans will simply not just move their wealth and assets offshore when burdened with such taxes?
that's exactly what I was thinking.
>"And it's like (((13 families)))"
>*Goyim not to scale
gets me every time
Fake and fake.
Fuck you.
She's a dumbass spic jewish cunt,fuck her