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Aiding Africa with money


Women work instead of having kids. It's leading to European genocide.

These predictions rely on the idea that we will continue to feed Africa for the next century. When the shipments stop, the blood will flow.

(((birth control)))

Good point!

we told you not to feed the Africans, but no... muh starvin chillns.

blame hyper capitalism and feminism.

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Will Africa experience a birth rate drop after they peak?
China population rise eventually stalled and dropped.

free gibs

would you like to round up your total to donate to starving people in a land full of resources they are to lazy to gather themselves?

under capitalism women were taking care of home too. It's not capitalism fault, something changed in society.

hear me out:


Because of an oppressive but capable government. No such thing exists in Africa, only poorly organized crime groups posing as governments.

Bob Geldof and other mindless drugged-out rock degenerates
>we are the world
>we rape the children
>I"m Michael Jackson and I send aid so I can diiii-dle

That would be the feminism half of the equation making women think the most important and fulfilling aspect of their life (Being a home maker and mother) is somehow terrible while the most soul crushing and useless thing they could do (get a worthless degree and be a cog in a corporate machine) is wonderful. The capitalism aspect was the influx in the labor pool stagnated wages requiring two incomes for most families to operate effectively destroying the family further. Couple this with feminism promoting single mothers as something positive, people viewing divorce as nothing important, and other social factors that women and their orbiters initiated and it is pretty clear what happened.


White suicide

Not genociding nigers

retarded Christian dumbasses who send billions in food and money to "feed the starving children"

The same retarded dumbasses who tried to "convert" the native peoples in South America and Africa instead of properly colonizing like what happened in America. We could literally be leaving the solar system right now if it wasn't for Christniggers. Now the world is on the brink of ruin

It's not voluntary. It's being encouraged by another race with a large financial arm and many propaganda studios.

If consumers of the west cut down our carbon footprint by paying billions more we MAY accommodate a million more africans
right around the same time as all algae life in the oceans die because of plastic from Africa and asia and we all suffocate.

green new deal n shiet.

Asia and Africa need more ebola tbqh

Have a present, fren

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Meh their growth is not sustainable at all (the niggers) they'll perish the moment aid is suspended or terminated.

Yeah this is so fucked up - let's give these retards money to make more kids and fuck up their economy. Oh no, now we need to help them more lol. We are so dumb.

Hell yeah, nigger.

>blame hyper capitalism and feminism
how about we just blame the fucking politicians who peddle this progressive shit?


How much does, let’s say only the US, gives to Africa in aid?

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Eugenics being made by the masons so the white race can be exterminated, started since the slave trade.

Lmao, if those numbers are accurate in 2100 there’ll be 4.4 billion niggers.
We need a more powerful type of ebola

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africa being the richest place on the planet?
its governed by niggers but thats no problem, they all speak french, follow christianity, completely controlled by the UN and are being colonized by the chinese and russia. every country in the world is trying to covertly colonize it

The breakdown of global supply chains of key inputs for agriculture (pesticides and fertilizers) will fix this.

A great war today can have infinitely worse effects on food production, countries dependent on the importation of these inputs can be thrown into a cannibal holocaust.

The world is getting blacked

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Does anybody have any data on how dependent Africa is on external aid in terms of food only?

>clean water
all for cheap or free provided for by volunteers or china for the past 40 years
now that all this is super cheap and easy enough for retards to use, africa will boom up into south american status of development
massive increase in population
they will be a problem come 50 years from now
our children will have a war or two against them as water and oil become scarce

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>Will Africa’s birth rate drop?
Very unlikely. Birth rates rise when health care improves and they do not fall until societies attain a level of education and prosperity where large families become a detriment to economic success. Bill Gates and others have improved health care but their economies are and will stay for shit. Population is doubling every 25 years. It will continue to grow unabated unless something comes along like ebola or massive crop failure to overwhelm the continent and create a rapid collapse. But without such events, it will continue to grow and grow.

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>Women work instead of having kids. It's leading to European genocide.

holy fuck

Luis Ernesto Miramontes Cárdenas (March 16, 1925 – September 13, 2004) was a Mexican chemist known as the co-inventor of the progestin norethisterone used in one of the first three oral contraceptives.



This. It's now considered sexist to think that women shouldn't subjected to those conditions.

White populations are stable, the problem is that there's an explosion of jungle niggers and riceniggers along with sandniggers in behind. They need to be left to rot so that their populations can be reduced to where resource supplies won't be a problem in the coming future.

Bill Gates was on our side with Zika all along, it was made to affect them not us.

Don't make bullshit lies....
The only stable population is ironically Euro since it's the Motherland. America as a whole is not.

Bill Gates and other retards giving money and food to Africa.

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bruh what does money do for africans it won't get them food

A lot of the same people who claim to care about nature and the planet are also enabling the population explosion in Africa. The world needs African populations to settle at a level they can self-sustain without outside aid. Instead, aid merchants and misguided people will continue to fix their problems, feed them, and cure their illnesses, and as a result Africans will continue breeding and over time destroy key ecosystems and kill off most large species. For what? There is absolutely no medium- to long-term benefit in it for anyone. It is destructive for Africans and non-Africans both.

Africans themselves will have many internal wars just because of the population growth alone. I'm sure arms traffickers are giddy at the prospect. They will put guns in the hands of many kiddos, and militias of all kinds led by warlords will kill each other all over the place, and they will still continue to breed.

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Our fertility rate dropped to 1.05 in 2018. Therefore you needn't worry too much about us.

Africa and India will contribute most of the growing population in the next century.

Here is a population changing graph so you can check the trend easier.

In fact the whole East Asia will run out of its young population within 50~100 years.

The black wave is coming.

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They evolved to have 10 children because only 2 survived disease
Now we gave them anti-biotics and 10 survive

How many children did you guys contribute? Thought so

R selection vs K selection in a time when resources are plentiful.

Ebola-chan will save us, err, sorta.

Is everyone retarded? That graph is bullshit.

This thread makes me just want to loose my shit fighting for Valhalla :(

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Yeah, it's fucking bullshit and yes, they are retarded

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From the UN:
>A mental element: the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such"; and
>A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively:
>Killing members of the group
>Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
>Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
>Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

See: Pharmaceuticals, Birth control/abortion, race mixing propaganda, pornography, all committed by international Jews against the goyim, and specifically targeting whites.

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Asia is also a massive continent. It streches from the middle east to the raj to the far east and russia.

Technically europe shouldn’t even be a contident because it is on the same plate as the rest of asia.
Also Arabia and India are on seperate plates and are more worthy of being their own continent.

unless, you know, you forcibly stop them :)

miss the good old days

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Africa will drop off too. Its a really big place. Civilization will bring the brightest to the top like anywhere else. People will realize babies are a pain and make you poor. Standard of living will rise and birth rates will drop. Africa will evolve.

here is some advice don't buy graphs that go about 50 years into the future

>Africa will evolve.
With what selection pressure? Wishful thinking?

We are feeding them .

Superior Black Genetics. Don't worry white boy. I hope you like being a slave. If you behave I might let you watch me fuck your wife and daughters.

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China has big plans for north africa. The people who can conform and participate will prosper. Im pretty sure the others will die.

Yeah we did that too. It went to shit again when we left petty much instantly. I have no doubt it will happen again.


Im not so sure they are going to fail.


Shitty refernce I know.
But I have read about plans to build dams by the Chinese company that built the biggest dam in the world. They want to make a vast rail system. I think they are going to do it too.

>go to Africa because white men explore and conquer
>realize you are superior and far more advanced
>children starving in front of you
>letting them die feels bad
>help out
>suddenly have this monkey on our backs for the rest of the shortened life of our species
Joseph Conrad was right

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We did that too. Empire m8. We fought wars over railways in Africa. Roads, rail, ports, canals, dams, reservoirs, it's all part of the show.

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Africa has the biggest growth potential out of any country in the world right now. China is going to capitalize on that.

China will build something like this on the Nile

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>damming the Nile
Well done you just killed Egypt.

China will unleash a horde of sexually opressed males on that continent to impregnate the next generation of workers. Its all part of a vast communist conspiracy that I dont have time to explain.

Unrestricted free food to niggers. We have been literally feeding vermin. Doesn't even compare to a dirty house attracting bugs, in this case we didnt just leave dirty dishes piled up in the sink, we went to the roaches home and hand deliver the fucking food.

I'll believe when I see it, though I probably won't live to.

At some point Africa will become a wealthy and powerful nation. You can throw nigger around all you want. It might take a little while but it will happen.

Big fish here we will never reach 8 billions, we have set in motion a plan to have some drastic changes in demographics winthin the next 5 years.

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>places where population is promised economic security by investing in their children's education
>population drops

>everywhere else
>population rises

is it not obvious?

>At some point Africa will become a wealthy and powerful nation.
i agree with you, but it will not be blacks in control or even present as a majority in the region.

90% of this fear-inducing gif is a projection of the future, which won’t exist because projections of the future tell us the world ends in 12 years from global warming.

If Jamaica is anything to go by than yes
The feet has been dropping in Africa but that doesn't mean less numbers

You guys are FUCKING RETARDED, a nigger population of that size spells catastrophic disaster on a massive scale. These apes eat literal Ebola infested bats and chimps. Can you imagine if it made it to one of the cities?

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I think it will take a war.

Schools pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. We have my body, my choice in this country, but you have to pay taxes to send your kids to Jewish brainwashing centers. Get people behind school choice. My kids, my choice. They RAPE their minds in public schools.

Nothing is more anti-woman than the Jewish influenced system of institutions in the West. Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capital than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.

The age teens are expected to lose their virginity is the exact age they should be expected to be married. Marrying young means couples grow together. The only reason marrying your high school sweetheart isn't common is that college is hung over high schoolers like a ominous cloud. Nothing can get in the way of a college education or they'll end up bare foot. Instead they sleep around and they trail through multiple relationships of convenience.

Public school and colleges are the problem. They are self promoting, Jewish brainwashing centers. Public schools and colleges have an invested interest in not seeing kids get married off and leave their system.

A eugenic idea: Arranged marriages, artificial selection where the father chooses a woman's husband for his intellect and economic potential instead of his penis size and jawline. The sexual selection of human females is dysgenic with respect to qualities that are useful in technology and warfare.

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Imagine if we could somehow extract the organs from their corpses in time...

No more organ donor shortage in the west.

>growth potential
you are evidently too young or too idiotic to know that we heard that shit sentence A MILLION TIMES BEFORE in relation to Africa, and shit NOTHING has ever fucking happened

Its the wild west and the idiots will die off. Lots of idiots. They have access to the outside world. At some point they will wake up.develpoed nations will move in and change things. Not all africans are dumb they are just poor and clueless. They are capable of so much more. Maybe not top tier scientists but they can do better.

It's called survival of the fittest

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