Toronto is full of degenerates and pajeets, plus cities are going to be the first to fall in WW3. I just want white children to populate this country, are there any cheap rural and white parts of Canada left?
Where the fuck can I go
Other urls found in this thread:
Nuke Ontario.
I was thinking the same thing leaf. Minnesota and Oregon seem to be white havens in the US.
The parts near New England have to be better, are the Maritimes any good Canadianons?
Women who smoke cigarettes take it up the ass. That is a proven fact.
Small towns are the only safe place
for now...
Midwest could be a good choice, I can stock up for the race war as well, can't fight off niggers with a hockey stick
Look up Doug Linker, My Self Reliance and Joe Robinet on Jewtube. Wherever they are seems nice.
Post this one Leaf. And woodplowdoe until pass out of exhaustion.
Turn to Islam, or leave because Canada is under 46% and rapidly decreasing, with the government targeting a 100m population
>having picture of filthy smoking trash whore
You should go to hell
I was Muslim for some time, seems based but there isn't any proof for it and Muslims here and in Muslim countries are degenerate retards
Come to WA quick, they are flooding us with non-whites too, they are building 2 apartment buildings a block from me and I know they are going to fill them with non-whites :-(
Rural Saskatchewan or Alberta.
Imagine getting this upset over a cigarette.
Only cancer fearing pussies don't smoke
Look up Hyde Park/Speakers Corner debates on YouTube and you'll quickly realize only the Muslims are able to win any debates. You can start there, and those terrorists are all khawarij, they kill Muslims mainly
I 100% feel your pain
The city is for kikes and niggers. The country is calling you home.
Isn’t Portland a wasteland of shit though
Yeah but that basketball team tho
Yeah I'm sure the people you believe are infallible are always right.
The victims of Sunnis being 99% Shi'ite, Alawite, Ahmadiyya, etc. doesn't count as "most of their victims being muslim."
Speakers Corner is a meme and the monkeys who go there don't know anything
Come to Eastern Washington/Oregon/Utah/Montana, etc.
From the Canadian anons here, it sounds as though Canada is lost.
All Jews. Correct?
awwww... too soon.
Go back and red pill your terrorist countrymen.
Bancroft area is nice. Lots of white folks and not too many tweakers. I am moving there next year.
I wish sandniggers were terrorists
quebec in general, article 21 (hijab ban) the first step. I guess theyre trying to scare away the kabobs. also most rural or suburban areas of quebec are exclusively white.
Maritimes are beautiful. Nova Scotia in particular holds a special place in my heart.
What makes you think your racist degeneracy is welcome anywhere in Canada? Even rural conservative Saskatchewan is telling white nationalists to go fuck themselves, tearing down and burning Nazi flags. You think racists criminals like Sons of Odin are welcome in Legion Halls anymore, where they dishonour the heros that fought fascism in WW2? Think again.
The fact is you’re a coward. You’re a coward because you’re either larping, or are too afraid to publically state your treasonous political views. I hope you do spout your white nationalism sometime. Because everyone around you won’t think twice about calling it out, humiliating you, informing your employer or school, and parents, and community. You and your “ideas” have no home here. Frankly, just leave right now. Get the fuck out of my country, loser.
Take the isolationist pill
Rural Manitoba
Umm are those men
who gives a shit about cuckanada, the only way you can have white kids is if you suck the jews cock
Leaf vs. leaf
Who will win?
Wtf are you saying faggot. It's called, get a job and buy property. Oh sorry that's sucking jew dick now? How about you go take another handful of T3's for your fucked up skeleton.
Dude EVERYWHERE in rural Canada is cheap as fuck. Why did you make a thread about this.
>white people racist. Is this how I get laid?
>leaf is mad on the internet, virgin status remains unchanged
Yukon Territory
what about electricity, and fuel brah? thanks to Wynn and Dude weed we pay out the ass to live out of the metropolitan areas.
Halifax is a shithole and is Toronto-light. St. John's is also a shithole and is Halifax-light. But rural Nova Scotia and Newfoundland are comfy af if you can stand the brutal winters.
I'm not an odintard I just want to live peacefully in the country without paying half my salary for some shitty apartment and living surrounded by degenerates.