Boomers: Get a real job!

Boomers: Get a real job!

Me: *applies to 70 jobs in 6 weeks, all rejections

Boomers: Lower your standards, snowflake! Start at the bottom and pull yourself up by your bootstraps!

Me: *gets shitty minimum wage job

Boomers: Oh what a shame! The lost potential!

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Imagine being an unhireable meme flag using faggot

Just look them in the eyes and give them a firm hand shake.

Dirty ass floor wtf

I know that you’re lying because most of them would never reply to your application. They just don’t keep that kind of staff anymore to call everyone back.

These faggots have never worked a 40 hour week in their lifes. Try overtime sometime. I fucking hate my generation. Only 26

>work 40 hrs
>have to do ot to make it

This "Me:" meme needs to die.


>They just don’t keep that kind of staff anymore to call everyone back
That's not entirely true. I've had them call, email, etc back. I'm not exactly normal, more of an NPC, but they call us back at least.

Its not even that dirty.
When you have to serve thousands of clients you dont have time to clean.
But be sure one of them is going to mop the floor before going home because they're understaffed.

Yeah, just work more for your jewish overlords.
why dont you try 50-60 hours a week, goy. who needs a life anyways

I'm sorry I cant sympathize with the life of a wagie
You should have learned to play the game better.

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if you can't get a job in the best economy in 50 years you are worthless.

if they have time to pose for a shitty photo they arent working hard enough.

Boomers are kikes. Next thread.

>be me

You can't even get min wage jobs in my town.
500k people.
45.5% long term unemployed.
We opened up an Aldi store here and they needed 11 staff. They got 1,500 applications.
The job market is FUCKED in the ass without lube.

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Hey look, I found 2 more faggots to never hold a real job. Overtime is a good thing you get paid time and a half retards. I'm not complaining, I have $0 student debt, a paid off car, and have a good amount saved up for a down-payment on my first house. I've had 2 raises in the past year, each around 10% since Trump cut taxes and regulations. Find a trade faggots, or put a gun in your mouth, I'm tired of your whining.

Cinema was probably closed.
Manager took the photo to show the jewish ceo how hard they worked but they're also allowed to rest and get good social points on social media.

This. Israel #1

Imagine being a wagecuck





You know you can move, right?

Ive applied to be CEO of Google, Yahoo, Fox News, Apple, Microsoft, American Airlines, Uber, General ;Mills, Marlboro, Freightliner and Playboy.
Why haven't I heard back yet?? Is that a bad sign??
Help someone!

Don't be an awkward spergfaggot and talk like you know something about shit. Confidence and social graces go further than what's on your résumé.

they should be replaced with automatic popcorn and drink dispensing machines. They are worthles.

Pro tip, work 80-90hrs/week, you don't even have time to spend any of it.

I literally cannot.
It is like this in every town in England and getting a home in the countryside is hard.
McDonalds which is known for hiring kids fresh out of school just hires blacks.
Book stores hire illiterites and cosmetic stores hire ugly people.

I hope they all get replaced by machines, why the fuck you need people to serve drinks and some popcorn

True. But most job postings say "DO NOT come in person".

>Just show upon site one day and bug the electricians for a job
>4 years later I'm making more than most of my friends who went to college

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t. Siddhartha Gautama

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Work harder wagecuck bitch, my SSDI doesn't pay for itself.

Yep, everyone should just go to university and be a lawyer or an engineer.

Holy Fuck you are a 1,000,000X more fucked then us.

I work in high tech/defense and we can't get people hired fast enough. Being that we require at least somewhat educated folks with a technical acumen, our problem is the gen pop is full of pot smoking retards that can barely read English much less a fucking system level schematic. The problem with this market is the aftershocks of a failed educational system.

Can’t get hired huh? Looks like you’re eligible to keep collecting those bennies forever.
Maybe the next Fortune 500 company will let you in

>tfw I work 100 hour weeks in a trade
I would tell you to get on my level but I wouldn't wish it on my own worst enemy.

>can't compete in a free market
There's nothing wrong, you're supposed to die off.

Where? Where are these jobs? I tried this. They all want to meet in person BEFORE an in person interview. Now, nobody will even acknowledge that I have a boss. Stay in your lane, user. It's on a need to know basis, user.

What the fuck kind of jobs are you applying for, user?

Don't even work 50 most of the time dumbass but it's plenty enough to have enough disposable income to buy all the weed I can smoke, vidya, and range time on the weekends faggot. Plus I work B shift with 4 10s so I usually have a 3 day weekend.
Unironically kys please

oh hey look, another lazy as fuck zoomer upset he's not getting handouts

you hang on the day of the rope too faggot

>thinks you can work 40 hours a week at a minimum wage job

That doesn't happen anymore unless you are a manager or lifer. The Affordable Care Act made it so employers with any employee's who work full time (35 hours a week or more) HAVE to provide health insurance. So to get around this they keep everyone under 30 hours.

Besides that's why most minimum wage jobs are teenagers who have no idea what a 401K is, dental & health insurance, flexible scheduling, severance package, PTO, sick pay, stock options, a bonus, development opportunities for promotion, office perks (like free coffee, snacks, etc) and employee discounts. All of those are things you should take into consideration when you get your first adult job


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>Put on deodorant
>Brush your teeth
>Get a haircut
If you can't get a decent job your just as bad as a nigger. And if your white your even worse.

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Oh look, another wagie butthurt about having to pay NEETbux to his betters. Back to work, wagie.

Muh hard work is a retarded meme. It was created to keep peasants slaving away. Starting from Biblical days and util today.
Greeks/Romans said you can be virtuous even as a slave. Keep working wagie.
Jesus said as a slave you must obey your master and work hard. Keep working wagie.
The priest said the nobility received God's grace and you should listen to Jesus and work hard. Keep working wagie.
The commissar said he has important things to do in his office while you must help the glorious socialist utopia by slaving away, work hard comarade. Keep working wagie.
Herr Goering has important business to do, poor man is so stress the cortisol making him fat. Und du my kamarad must work hard for the aryan race. Keep working wagie.
Jeff Bezos is busy sexting some old hag and getting divorced, but you must work hard.Keep working wagie.
Mister Peterson is very brilliant he is busy writing self help books and recycling old talking points. You wash your dick bucko and work hard. Keep working wagie.
There's no right and no wrong. All ideologies are bullshit. You should only put effort into something that is worth it. Your interest are more important than any meme.

Boomers got all the handouts they could.
What the fuck are you talking about.
Zoomers have to study while working 40 hours a week and they're not guaranteed to get a job after graduating

Didn't even finish reading my comment, find a full time trade. There read that one? I was 18, straight out of high school when I started, miss me with that shit.

>Boomers: Get a real job!
>Me: *applies to 70 jobs in 6 weeks, all rejections
>Boomers: Lower your standards, snowflake! Start at the bottom and pull yourself up by your bootstraps!
>Me: applies for shitty minimum wage job
>Me: get rejected because way overqualified


Since I posted that I've just applied for a CEO position for Amazon, FedEx and Sun Trust. I hate getting paid while I'm trying to find a job! It sucks! I want to EARN my way!!

>Zoomers have to study while working 40 hours a week and they're not guaranteed to get a job after graduating
this has always been true
equating boomers to "roll out of bed into a career"
is the same as claiming "white privilege"

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>get rejected because way overqualified
You have graduates working at wallmart.

Fuck I hate boomers. I now make six figures, and it's the easiest job I've ever had. Air conditioned office, benefits, respect in my office, know my hours. This is what boomers think is "hard".

I remember being a young man doing a variety of "not real" jobs and they were soul crushing. Didn't know my hours until the day before, no days off, no benefits, working in the boiling sun or a freezer where my boomer manager wouldn't blet me wear gloves.

I have great amount of respect for those people, more so than those with cushy jobs.

Boomers are hateful retards. If they wanted zoomers to work, just give them the damn hard jobs. Don't make them go through hiring hell.

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Female labor participation 1960?
US share of the global economy?
Non european immigration outlawed

That shit was going on long before the affordable care act.

>not working 4 on/4 off 12 hour master race
This is why you are poor

What jobs? Most jobs go to Mexicans, Jamaicans, Arabians, Indians and Africans. How are you going to compete with Affirmative Action?

is that keanu reeves?

Boomers complain about zoomers working these jobs but they would also complain if they couldnt get a cheeseburguer at a 24 hour drive thru.
Theres no winning with those entitled fucks

No. That is Mike. He is also called "The Situation".

If the job market is completely fucked why is everyone still telling me to go to Uni?

I went to college, so I can work in finance for a multi-trillion dollar company with AUM. No thank you, I'll skip out on working with meth heads, mexicans, and idiots. ¡adios pinche pendejo!

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the guy ripping on them is clearly not a boomer. Probably a shitposting Gen-xer

who needs a job im a racist with tourettes adhd odd and an ulcer i get 1800 neetbux to scream nigger in public im white and disabled by my whiteness what a brave clown world

Are you complaining that youre a poorfag? Please return to the subreddit from which you came you massive faggot

>I'm a useless faggot: the post.

Lazy cunt, keep your work space clean. You probably have pictures of cats laying on the floor

Theres no such thing as a rich millennial

I got a 40 hour job the day I turned 18

>America was #1 in education
>Created Department of Education
>Stinks to #26th in Education


>100 hours a week
>be nip
I was lead to believe you crazy gooks work all day and sleep in the office.

Hey, maybe you will make it, most people holding degrees are working at McDonald's. Personally, I've never wanted a million dollars, I'm happy with my life just the way it is.

And how are you doing now?

Create your own company.

>I worked a 50 hour week once
>btw im 26
Lmfao what a joke.


>But what about my vidya, twatter, and insta?

Nobody cares, nigger.

you only have so many hours in your life. If you honestly think OT is worthwhile you're an idiot
t. $30/hr time and a half after 39 hours, double time after 49 hours

Gotta pays for gibbs for all them grifters in Washington you rayciss.

>70 jobs in 6 weeks
If you're not applying to at least 70 jobs a week you're not gonna make it

>dont have time to clean
except thats bs

Not only are you a slave, you are proud of it.

>I want shit
>Why should I have to work for it?

At this point he should probably look into e-commerce
>Draw naked disney girls
>Jack off on cam
>Shove things in your ass
There we just found you 3 internet jobs all completely unrelated 3 different careers OP!

>be hippy
>don't contribute to society for 60 years
>expect kids to pay your social security and disability
>have the nerve to call them slaves and mock them
>and then one day for no reason at all, everyone voted for Hitler

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you're taking for granted what you've got neet.
don't do it.

If you knew how things worked then you'd know that your SSI check is now directly tied to how much you have paid into it over your lifetime.
>Try again

Every day you work you're like a Californian tax payer propping up socialism you are powering the machine that is destroying my family just stop. The neets aren't the problem you are. For every $1 the white neets get $99 of your tax dollars go to feed spics and teach spanish to your children.

Are you doing what you want to do or what you are forced to do because you were born into slavery?

So you’re barely employable but it’s everyone else fault right?

>have relative who didn't pay taxes for 30 years
>have relative who paid taxes for 30 years
>relative who didn't pay taxes gets like 30% more
I guess that's just an anecdote because reddit assured you the government is good and just and not corrupt.

He's born into slavery to pay your medical costs if you want him to be free kill yourself greedy boomer scumbag free loader piece of shit.

I wasn't born into slavery. I can say fuck it all and live under a bridge or onto govt owned public land and live there until I'm dead. I'm not forced to do a damned thing.

i joined the military but i get that not everyone wants to do that. Pay is decent though

I'll take
>Shit That Didn't Happen
for $800, Alex.