On the 11th of May 20k Poles lead by the leaders of "The Confederacy" - a Right Wing political alliance participating in the elections, lead by Janusz Korwin Mikke, Grzegorz Braun, Robert Winnicki, Krzysztof Bosak, Liroy-Marzec, Marek Jakubiak, Dobromir Sośnierz and many more... konfederacja.eu/
There they have shown their refusal to accept the occupation of their government by foreign adversaries and of course, our beloved Eskimos! THE JEWS!
Our government has negotiated with the USA behind every Pole's back and behind the whole parliament to give "Jewish Organisations" hundreds of billions of dollars for "Heirless property". Editor Stanisław Michałkiewicz managed to show a secret note between our government and the US delegacy confirmig they will pay, but! But after the elections in Autumn!
Jews have been calling us anti-semetic for a year! They say our ancestors were the ones doing the selling out of their brothers when us idiots helped them more than any other country!
All of this has led to a public outcry and to this march. Mosbacher go home!
Your government signed a piece of paper that intends to steal money from foreign government's and give it to jewish organisations! 447 Act! It's not a gift it's thievery!
Jayden Parker
We have more jews than Israel. You should know we're not your friend.
Brayden Flores
based pole do your duty and expose this to others
Caleb Nelson
Could you show this symbol in your country?! Please support us from other countries, we need as many voices so we can end the occupation of Israel over world politics!
Grzegorz Braun speaks in English in this video to the leaders of this trechery: youtu.be/8COXgdYpd-Q?t=543
Sorry, but from here on out you're only the first line skirmish to fight Russians in the great war to end all Europeans races. They have total control.
Brandon Bell
Wyatt Evans
"USA will fight with Russia to it's last Pole." If you accept this reality your ancestors should be ashamed of you. The only reason I wake up every day is to make the world a better place for my people, for my family and for my future children!
Guys, breaking news!! Poland is trying to develop WMDs. We can't have that. Poland stop building nukes or we're going to sanction you.
Asher Brown
>There are more whites alive in 2019 than ever before in history. 8 Look at the US census and realize that white != European. White is counted as Northern African, Arab, Jew, Mestizo, and European. The European fertility rate is far below 2. The actual European population hasn't been this low since the end of WWII. We are nearing extinction levels.
Ian Price
Kiedyś jak słuchałem Korwina ktoś się go zapytał: "A co Pan osiągnął w polityce." On odpowiedział, że wpłynął na realia i to jest prawda. Często polityka to jest po prostu stawianie zagrożenia, może nas kraj poistnieje choć parę pokoleń. We fucking hate the Iran conference here. The left and right united on this topic. Same with how Israel treats the Palestinians.
Polish people are going to fucking allow this? That's basically a declaration of war if your government goes through with giving this money to Israel. Anybody threatened your leaders yet if they go through with it?
Wyatt Jenkins
>Polish people are going to fucking allow this? no look
Levi Thompson
Nothing out in the open, but there is a reason why we have american soldiers here. I would say it's bribes. That doesn't mean shit. This is getting negotiated behind the courtains. The secret note was revealed that WE WILL PAY if we don't change the government. youtube.com/watch?v=D98IP1WWAx8
>That doesn't mean shit. you don't understand what cancelling visit from foreign delegation literally hours before it should take place means in foreign relations. Jews will most likely respond with diplomatic sanctions to this and after that it will go only downhill
Thomas Williams
Shut up you worthless faggot. The worse things get the stronger Europeans will become. And things are about to get much worse. If you have an attitude like that you should just kill yourself now, you are of no use.
Christopher Lopez
You are the one who doesn't understand. The jews understand our government's situation that's why they wanted to go with if AFTER autumn. The official note SAYS THE INFORMATION WASN'T TRUE. It doesn't say they cancelled it, learn to read. The fine print shows world politics if you see far enough.
You're right, sorry, it's late. I still believe the real politics is behind curtains. The jews will continue their antipolonistic rethoric just as always.
It's a way to show how idiotic calling these protests anti-semitic is. Jews brainwashed the whole world into believing that calling them jews is anti-semitic.
Jacob Diaz
people are replacing jews with Eskimo to avoid civil lawsuits
Landon Cox
If you can't accept your demise is coming, good luck convincing normies in normie land. I don't come here to feed you honeyed words. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to inform you that your struggle will be the most grueling trial for survival, and everyone you try to convince in normie land will offer you the same resistance you offer me, because they are dependant and programmed to behave as they do.
Charles Parker
you niggers are literally crying about German reparations to this day
Won't they get sued by Eskimos instead? If someone is a jew I'll call him jew. Fuck this country. I see this fucking "hate speech" propaganda is full on. People don't see they're shooting themselves in the leg with supporting this bullshit. I really don't blame anyone who fucks off to live elsewhere when 80% of this country is retards with slave mentality. I'd fuck off too if there was a single country without niggers.
what the fuck you gonna do, stupid polack, go back and resurrect Berlin Wall and kick us out?
Alexander Campbell
That's my comment :l
Justin Cooper
If a correct government is chosen, yes. Someone has to stop your crazy fucking empire.
Angel Hall
Przecież to jest dla żartów robione, wszyscy wygadują o żydach, a z tymi eskimosami czy indianinami to jest taki żart porównujący plemię Izraelskie do jakichś kurwa ludów niecywilizowanych.
Isaiah Perry
The only way to shit on the sharts is to re-establish the People's Republic of Poland and make it the capitol of the New Union of Soviet Nationalist Socialist Republics
I wish Poland was still communist, it was a more nationalistic state
Communism >fags were shunned >kikes were expelled >cops were BTFOing bydło to near death c*pitalism >dude homos are normal people while at the same time having brains wired differently than straight guys >Goldberg owns a company where he fucks his workers in the ass >cops are useless youtube.com/watch?v=-b5X69vREAg
Communism is the greatest ideology ever created "Za komuny bylo lepiej" (Life was better under Communism) is a common saying among Polish people.
Brody Long
You're so retarded and ignorant of history I cannot comprehend how you are on Jow Forums. The secret police under communism WERE ALMOST ALL JEWS. That's why they got expelled later! It was infighting between totalitarian fucks!