King Nigger thread

Share your fondest memories of King Nigger. I'll start.
>be gay black nigger married to a black closeted transvestite
>get law degree because of affirmative action
>decide to run for president
>your opponent is the biggest scumbag warmonger in the world
>half of the Right stay home because of that
>the Left all vote for you because you're a nigger
>get elected
>ayy we president nao
>we King Nigger
>start having gay sex with your transvestite lover in the white house
>have no fucking clue about economics or anything else besides reading off a teleprompter
>your jewish masters decide to give themselves a trillion dollars of taxpayer money
>they write on your teleprompter that you're going to bail out the banks
>half of the country who have two neurons to rub together hate you for this
>the rest of the country still love you because you're a nigger

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Other urls found in this thread:

>your jewish masters want to enslave everyone faster but can't because of that pesky second amendment
>priority #1 is to disarm people ASAP
>stage a bunch of school shootings
>your teleprompter tells you to cry crocodile tears on national tv
>you cry like the little bitch nigger you are every time
>gun control still doesn't pass
>you give a bunch of machine guns to Mexican cartels in a false flag attempt
>they sperg out and kill an American border patrol agent
>jew-controlled media quickly memory-holes this event and it is never mentioned again
>stage some more concert and nightclub shootings instead
>"How many children have to die before those bought-out old white GOPers agree we need to pass common sense gun control?"

>conspiring to genocide poor whites Bush HW style with a heroin epidemic as payback for the crack epidemic
>MKUltra intelligent white people into shooting up schools to push your bullshit leftist agenda
>make chopping off your 8 year old's dick cool
>manage to fuck up everywhere along the way
>manage to make a laughing stock out of every political ally almost by association alone
>exposed every nigger in the country as the racist pieces of shit they are

>your jewish masters are hungry again
>they want another trillion dollars of taxpayer money
>strike a deal with Big Med and Big Pharma
>government will guarantee their exuberantly high prices can remain high forever
>in exchange they give a trillion dollars to Schlomo Shekelstein and Moshe Mossberg
>teleprompter tells you to declare universal healthcare and force everyone to pay for it
>and if you don't pay for it, you still have to pay for it, LOL
>completely butcher the rollout of your "insurance", i.e., tax
>your far left masochistic cult loves it anyway, they are gluttons for punishment

The Man who funded Obama into University is the same man who owns part of the upper floor in the Mandalay Bay...

>your jewish masters are still hungry, want more trillions of dollars
>"I know, let's start some wars"
>worked with dubya didn't it
>throw a dart on the map, lands on Libya
>bomb a bunch of children, brutally sodomize and murder the leader of the country
>We came, we saw, he died, LOL
>oops, that war was too short
>arm a bunch of radical islamic terrorists through the CIA
>ISIS is born
>wonderful, now we can have more war
>get Nobel Prize for being a nigger

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No one else has fond memories of King Nigger?

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>No one else has fond memories of King Nigger?
Obama gave us bump stocks, binary triggers, pistol braces and actually made getting a NFA trust to own machine guns and suppressors easier
>damn I miss him

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faggot shill kys

Prove me wrong faggot

gun grabber in chief

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muh due process

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shills jumping on this lmao kill yourselves faggots

sorry sweetie

Obama's Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners' Rights

The Christian Science Monitor ran a very interesting piece in September comparing Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's gun control records.
In making that comparison, CSM pointed out Obama has only ever signed laws expanding gun owners' rights. One of those pro-gun laws took effect in February 2010 and allows people to carry loaded firearms into the Grand Canyon and other national parks, according to the AP.

Paul Helmke, who was at the time president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said national parks were the safest spots in American but guns could change that. The other major pro-gun law Obama signed allows Amtrak passengers to carry guns in checked baggage, reversing a ban that was put in place after 9/11, according to USA Today.

In addition to signing pro-gun laws, the Chicago Tribune has pointed out, Obama also failed to make good on a campaign promise to close a loophole that let some people buy guns without background checks.

It's not so shocking then that the Brady Campaign gave Obama an F in January 2010.

lmao keep replying to me and outing yourself as a faggot and a shill

name something Trump has done to support gun owners and I will stop making you look like a retard

Because you trumptard have no fucking spine,

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I'll make this realy simple for you - nobody, and I mean NOBODY gives a shit about bumpstocks. They are ONLY talked about by lefty noguns faggots. I will give you credit for your semi-unique shilling attempt, but you must understand how obvious you are to all observers. Seriously, you are a faggot shill and need to kys.

>'ll make this realy simple for you - nobody, and I mean NOBODY gives a shit about bumpstocks
I wish it was just about bumpstock you fuckwad

Donald J Trump "I like taking the guns early" edition
Trump On Gun Confiscation

President Trump appeared to disagree with Vice President Mike Pence on the issue of due process before confiscating guns from people found to be mentally unfit. The vice president said that they would have to "allow due process, so that no one's rights are trampled," but in the case of a gun violence restraining order government needs "the ability to go to court, obtain an order, and then collect not only the firearms, but any weapons in the possession of that individual."

Trump interrupted: "Or, Mike, take the firearms first, and then go to court. Because that's another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures -- I like taking the guns early."

Take the firearms first due process second

I haven't even mentioned trump but you call me a trumptard and spam the same few images that the shills spam every day. Lmao pathetic.

whatever nigger, I'm still not voting democrat

No one asked too retard

At least Trump hasn't organized false flag events and killed children

All he did was slow jam the news on the Jimmy Kamel Show and consumed vast amounts of coke in the oval office...Other than that? IDK

>whatever nigger,

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>I'm not a shill I just have all the copypasta readily available
lmao kill yourself you fucking faggot


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and yet not a single Trumptard can say what he has done to support our gun rights

He really did get the nobel just for being a nigger. He had done nothing at all yet. Oh and don't forget targeting his enemies with the IRS.

I'm still waiting for Obama to go full fag.

After obama 's presidential legacy is destroyed, Barry will have to come out as gay to save it.

stop projecting and try some self-improvement.

Trump actually got rid of a bunch of Obama gun regulations.

He started putting conservative judges on the 9th circuit

this is what he was talking about when he said take the guns first due process second
>you fail

>He started putting conservative judges on the 9th circuit
the only reason i voted for him, if RBG is replaced before 2020 I have no reason to again

I love Obama for the simple fact he had you white fucks triggered his entire term forever my president

Single issue voter?

>had you white fucks triggered
if not for white people Obama never would have won, McCain and Romney were cancer
>t. Obama voter / Trump voter

>be King Niggers wife
>after college go to law school
>be employed as a lawyer for less time than law school took
This makes no sense. Was she incompetent? Fired?

>Single issue voter?
100%, Obama even got my vote because Romney banned AR15s as governor of MA

Only one republican didn't get my vote during mid terms, guess whos not getting it in 2020
>pic related

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This is the post of those times and our times

I'm waiting for him to claim that he knew nothing about Spygate.

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>white folks who voted him into office were triggered by him

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>Only one republican didn't get my vote during mid terms
literally who

>moochelle is a tranny
Fuck off zoboomer. Go follow the plan somewhere else cancer

Obongo did prevent an Illary and McBrain presidency so he did do something right

Do you even know what a bump stock is? Why pay $30 for a shitty piece of plastic when a rubber band or even a shoe string would work in its place

Soetoro is a child fucking sumbag jew terrorist

I don't like him he is a nigger and they ruin everything

Trump went behind congress to amend the NFA, get it straight retarded fuck, he didn't ban shit, He amended to NFA to change the definition of what a machine gun is, Even Obama never tried such bull shit
>Settlor of a NFA Trust
Are you going to look up what that means or should I just tell you I dont need a fucking bump stock when I can already own machine guns

It's not the bumpstock, it's what he did to do it that is the problem

You are so full of shit. Obama was pushing for gun control hard after Sandy Hoax, which conveniently happened a few months after that Aurora shooting in Colorado. He was pushing for more regulations but failed. If you were over the age of 10 seven years ago you would remember

Those automatic assault rifles were banned in 1994 under Clinton you retarded piece of shit. Trump had nothing to do with that

>Obama was pushing for gun control hard
And yet he never banned a single fucking gun

Trump made 500,000 law abiding gun owners FELONS, Not Hillary, Not Obama Trump did that

$20 for whomever proves to me that monkey queen has a penis.

>Those automatic assault rifles were banned in 1994
Clinton banned AR15 and we see how well that worked out

Pre 86 transferable Machine guns are perfectly legal for civilians to own if you pay a tax

>Republican majority Congress prevented Obama from passing gun control
Do you realize how stupid you sound?

>Clinton banned the AR-15
Why would an Armalite-Rifle 15 be included in an automatic weapons ban?

>>Republican majority Congress prevented Obama from passing gun control
Just because he was a nigger, Republicans are the worst gun grabbers ever

Ronald Reagan bans open carry, restricts machine guns
Mitt Romney bans AR-15s
John Kasich vetoes stand your ground law
Marco Rubio pushes red flag confiscation
Rick Scott bans 18-20 yr olds from buying all firearms
Trump backdoors congress to classify bump stocks as a machine guns that were approved by Obama

You might wanna try using google my friend, machine guns are restricted, not banned

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since you are too lazy

The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Act was enacted as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 The prohibitions expired on September 13, 2004

The Act prohibited the manufacture, transfer, or possession of "semiautomatic assault weapons," as defined by the Act. "Weapons banned were identified either by specific make or model (including copies or duplicates thereof, in any caliber), or by specific characteristics that slightly varied according to whether the weapon was a pistol, rifle, or shotgun" (see below).[11] The Act also prohibited the manufacture of "large capacity ammunition feeding devices" (LCAFDs) except for sale to government, law enforcement or military, though magazines made before the effective date ("pre-ban" magazines) were legal to possess & transfer. An LCAFD was defined as "any magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device manufactured after the date [of the act] that has the capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition".[11]

And yet none of those are enforceable laws and (((they))) know that perfectly. You probably dont even own a gun

The AR-15 is a rifle, not an automatic or a lmg. And the US is the biggest black market for unregistered guns in the world so regulating them is pointless

Gun free zones are still a thing. In fact, gun free zones are the reasons Democrats have talking points on gun regulation to begin with. Just compare the number of mass shootings prior to 1994 and since that bill passed.

>The AR-15 is a rifle, not an automatic
your post
"Those automatic assault rifles were banned in 1994 under Clinton"

Clinton AWB had nothing to do with machine guns
>The Act prohibited the manufacture, transfer, or possession of "semiautomatic assault weapons

Mossberg isnt a jewish name.

and ½ of Twitter