Trump is acting like someone else is the President again

Trump is acting like someone else is the President again...
All he does is whine as if someone else should be doing HIS job. It's extremely pathetic.

Why doesn't he figure out what his powers are instead of acting like this much of a cuck?

>Wahhh Democrats need to fix the border
>Even though GOP held all 3 houses and did fucking nothing for 2 years
>Mueller was a hoax folks!
>Sad sad sad!
>Posted for the 100000th time this week

The list goes on.

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>Even though GOP held all 3 houses

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hey retard guess what the president's job is.

The Constitution assigns the president two roles: chief executive of the federal government and Commander in Chief of the armed forces. As Commander in Chief, the president has the authority to send troops into combat, and is the only one who can decide whether to use nuclear weapons.

As chief executive, he enforces laws, treaties, and court rulings; develops federal policies; prepares the national budget; and appoints federal officials. He also approves or vetoes acts of Congress and grants pardons.

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Why don't you tell him that.

Remember he promised an executive order about anchor babies before the 2018 midterms? Just more lies from Trump. Pen must be out of ink I guess!

He's a conman who whines on twitter to convince his retard base that he's actually 'trying to do something'. Because his retard base don't know what power he has either.

>He's a conman who whines on twitter
I can't wait for him to leave the white house just to see him get banned from twitter 10 minutes later
>it will be glorious

Given that he's done nothing to stop the deplatforming / censorship / violent attacks on his own supporters then that'd be what he deserves.

Ignore ALL Anti-Trump shills! GTFO!

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he can promise the world, words don't matter -- actions do, and actions are limited by the constitution and framework of laws we have, for better or worse. the only way for anchor baby shit to be changed is a modification of the 14th and 15th amendments to the constitution which requires congress to do something about it, and they won't do shit without a compelling reason (and president saying "make it so" doesn't count). call it a lie if you want, but you're better off paying attention to the myriad of supreme court cases waiting acceptance and adjudication. some of them may apply. git gud, scrub.

Best president. Period. You are on the wrong side of history libtard.

>that'd be what he deserves.
I bet he starts another TV reality show just to seem relevant again, It's not like anyone is going to ask him to speak at an event or pay to listen to him spew nonsense

> call it a lie if you want,

Trump said he would do an executive order on anchor babies. Either he's a moron who doesn't know what his power is or he lied when he said that.
He said it before the midterms to gain votes.

Just like he said 'I'll build a wall' to gain votes.

All lies.

Hey, OP, do us a favour and remove the memeflag for just one post? Cheers.

LOL so you want him to make an executive order to build the wall??

He needs to go through congress you fag

>Jared, can i pls come into the oval office?

The wall is being built...oh, pardon, it’s a fence...made of 30 foot tall steel bars with an anti-climbing plate at the top.

I’d like him to do more about the illegal spics, but let’s not pretend he’s doing nothing. It’s more than anyone else would have done.

he went through the federal procurement process and got input from border patrol who said they wanted the design that let them see through it and have a solid design at the top, based on the 8 prototypes presented. not what trump promised, but he followed his own "art of the deal" and promised 200% while negotiating down to 100%. if you truly expected his initial negotiation stance to be reality, you are dumber than the libs.

No. He does not.

an executive order on anchor babies would have absolutely no merit in the overall system and would be subject to being overridden by the next president. you fell for the negotiation tactics used against the country as a whole and are evidently retarded and uneducated. trump knew this going in and was willing to take the risk of being called stupid because he will get what he really wants, which is not what he asked for in the beginning -- as he always does.

>ann coulter's blog is a constitutional authority

unironically, kill yourself.

Yes he does, you idiot. Anne Coulter's opinion means jack shit.

He could have ordered the army corp of engineers to build it all from day one.

Infact parts of the wall have been built even by Obama doing such a thing.

It's refreshing to see a President that lets the people know what's actually happening.

>Infact parts of the wall have been built even by Obama doing such a thing.
Not against the will of congress, fag.