Whitepill thread?
Whitepill thread?
Why does Salvini look like a villain?
He's a Luciferian. See the inverted crucifix on his lapel?
Because in most cases, the labeled "bad guy" is really the good guy
Feels good man
Because he's actually the hero
germany and sweden are fucked anyway
No white pills anymore user, west is fucked. What do you think will happen to the millions of niggers and ayyyrabs already in Europe, that they are going back home? They won't even deport the proven criminals.
salvini is a faggot
>if you're against rapefugees you're a kike
ok tyrone
Meanwhile we're still stuck with a dumb zionist boomer
Kikes chose that photo on purpose
>dumb zionist boomer
that's what salvini is too
Salvini is a xoomer though
Anyway, he preventing tens of thousands of niggers from reaching italy by closing ports is better than nothing. Not enough, but better than nothing
he could get so many antifas arrested just by scrolling fb and reporting all the death threats in there. but he just shrugs it off. he could start actually doing what he was supposed to do (sending them niggers back) but no he doesn't even care. and so on
he's a kike puppet
>he could get so many antifas arrested just by scrolling fb and reporting all the death threats in there
And by doing so he would give the media ammunition to call him a fascist. Antifags don't do anything but hurt the reputation of the left. You do not interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake
its already too late for europe
America is far worse. There's no european country that is less than 90% white
the "right-wing" party is more "nationalist" party than anything. We also just now got the most left-leaning government that was even possible (the nationalist party stays in the opposition even though they have the second most seats)
>Thinking an upside down cross is evil when really it's submission to Jesus.
80 years after the winter war the finish people vote themselves into communism. Sad
>And by doing so he would give the media ammunition to call him a fascist
the media would still call him a facist even if he was sucking niggers dicks on live TV
never try to appease your enemies
Those accusations are false and the italian public knows it.
When your enemy accuses you of something, you don't give them reasons to be right
people were crucified upside down, get over it bigot
The biggest whitepill is that we are on the right side of history. More than 99% of your ancestors would be more outraged than you are at the current state of the world. Also, we are on the side of nature, we literally can’t lose. No matter how bad it gets, whites will always win. We are the best. They can take everything from us, but that’s because we have something to take, user.