This is the leader of white nationalism in Europe, say something nice about him

This is the leader of white nationalism in Europe, say something nice about him

Attached: 2019-05-13_01h39_33.png (799x627, 1024K)

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What is this nation called white I keep hearing you jews talk about? Where are they located? What is their language? I must know.

Good job man

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fake opposition
government agent



Why is he so swarthy in this pic? Almost looks like a refugee

You were great in Office Space!

sloppy job mossad

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Maybe he's a mutt lel

Attached: 1554153975764.jpg (1128x945, 149K)

That's a continent of many races, not a country. The European races will lose their culture of they misceginate.

No just an average Austrian : )

Look at his nose and you’ll know

he looks a lot like a brazilian mutt


looks like Antonio Banderas

i like his large nose

Couldnt they have sent someone who at least looks European and not Jewish? Is Mossad struggling with budget cuts?

I used to watch his wife's vids. cool guy. never heard his take on JQ tho- usually he just talks about (((Radical Islam))) and not who is opening up the borders

This is what a southern German looks like when they tan.

I like him, he is a chill guy if you talk to him. And he received much fire from the media and police raided his home after Christchurch but he still kept a cool head.

Attached: E378BA60-5E13-42A7-ACC4-6337B7C82153.jpg (1024x576, 53K)

Pro eu anti brexit globalist shill detected

His wife is cute and trad
I wish them both well

the irony after all the 56% muttposting

my sides

The dude is not the leader. He doesn't see a (((connection))) to certain people, therefore he's a cuck.

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Anybody else ever think that white nationalists are just insecure people?
The faggot in OP's pic is obviously overcompensating for the fact that he doesn't look all that white.
White nationalists who do look white are insecure about other crap going on in their lives.
If you're a secure individual, you won't need to take refuge in white nationalism.

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Large noses are superior

Attached: Adolf-Hitler-1-1-700x390.jpg (700x390, 41K)

It's the Aryan nose

Attached: Ahmadinejad.jpg (624x352, 33K)

that cuck needs to die. fucking beta basedboy

Fuck off

Seriously, large noses need more appreciation, (((they're))) not the only ones who have them.

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stfu, hes an actual shill.

You retards are all falling for a photoshopped picture with a simple filter.

Attached: sellner-5-678x381.png (678x381, 165K)

>brown eyes

Nice try

Who's that on pic related?

Hell yeah

Got any proof for that?

Attached: 1556189277721.jpg (381x595, 58K)

i dont trust any of these ecelebs until they submit a dna test, fair enough?

except for the big jew nose apparently so my point still stands

Ayo whatcha doin' rabbi?

he rdiscarded white genocide meme with his gay replacement meme. Hes a cuck and will never address the jq. hes a weak leader and nothing will get done

Roald Amundsen, Norwegian explorer

Not photoshop or filter, apparently it’s been taken straight from this video

He's a traditional man, engaged to a virgin, and will make a lot of white babies.

Imagine actually believing this

It’s because of the beards, this trend of growing them has to stop

he's a good guy as far as austrians go

>t. retard


Europe needs Mosley's EU, where it exists solely to preserve the culture and sovereignty of all the nations. The idea has grown a bit since Mosley's day, now there's global nationalist unions.

He used to march with neo nazis though

literally who

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>t. beardlet

stop postiing that mossad bullshit

Fuck you, Martin.

His poise was impressive when he held his little presser after the media (and politicians) had basically accused him of being a Nazi and part of the NZ massacre.