Do americans actually put children in solitary confinement

Do americans actually put children in solitary confinement.

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All the time Finnbro. Its the only way to keep the little fuckers from getting ideas.

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Yes mothers throws their kids on tv or games

When they earn it.
t. former juvenile detention guard

How was the cπnny

I learn in a box my pop made for me. It sometimes gets hot in the box my pop made for me.

They mutilate children genitals for no reason.

Truly sick people.

they locked me in a rubber room
i lived there, i died there

Child never deserves to be put on solitary confinement, what's wrong with you barbarians?

Yes, it makes us stronger.

When will Finland invade and liberate America?

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>what's wrong with you barbarians?

Socioeconomic inequality.

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You must lack imagination.
>drug use/withdrawal (usually the oxy kids on their first 48 on site)
>suicide watch
>schizoid self damage
>used as a holding cell when searching their room for contraband
>detainment after escaping, waiting for police to search them ;)
The list goes on... being under 18 doesn't stop niggers from noggin'.

So much try-harding for bait itt
Lord help us

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Can we not say cunny?

I’ve talked to men who were locked up as children. They told me it’s a living nightmare rape fest. The sex is constant, forced, gang, one on one, night and day. OCs, staff, inmate on inmate, video taped... the whole justice system in Amerikike is a joke. It’s a mirage to keep the Normies quiet so the Jews can rape kids.

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You mean timeout?

Only if you like jannies and fbi vans

No reason for them to be alone unless they are a threat to others.


>suicide watch
Oh shit nigger you gonna kill yourself? Better put you in this depressive tiny cell lmao.

Hell ya. I was in solitary for 8months out of my 15month placement when I was in 8th grade.

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>1/5 of the income is earned by 1/100 of population

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the one in the picture has a bed-
ours didn't !

He probably dealt with boys, not girls. Besides he probably saw a lot more nakedness than he cared to

Sure do. Only way they learn.

How'd that happen? I can't imagine that would do anything good for a 14 year old boy

Yeah. Its called "time out". It is quite common.

Having been on the swim team, nudity didn't phase me- now the dumb bitches on the staff certainly QQ'd a fucking load for even ass cheeks showing.
Got one bitch fired for sexting a kid when I found his contraband though, that was one hell of a find. Fucking lard-ass 250lbs coal burner.

Yes, at tough love schools called “WWASP”

They keep kids in solitary condiment, starve them, abuse them, etc. parents send their kids there when they don’t feel like being parents anymore. Luckily most of them have been shut down

Documentary on same subject

>Got one bitch fired for sexting a kid when I found his contraband though, that was one hell of a find.
How'd all that happen?

This is sort of an open secret. There are multiple cases of institutions like that, continuing probably up to the present day. It's hardly ever talked about, but the information regarding it is available for those who look.

2am, writing a paper for uni and I keep hearing the damn default iPhone text ding. Get frustrated and tell the other guard to put it on silent... she shows a droid.
then we go hunting & the glow of a screen at 2am is hard to hide, even with blankets.
throw "deshuan the third" in the solitary.
get another text- fucking moron had a password of 0000 or 1111, we recognize the number and the stretching Angels and Airwaves tattoo.
Had to call the police & then the super... and then so much paperwork.


More likely teenage boys' assholes and baby-making equipment

Whats the surprise? We force kids into criminally sub-par public schools.

when I was a kid my mom would throw me into a windowless room for a week and meals were given to me through a slot in the door.

Yeah in Baltimore they can't even afford to keep the heating on in winter

Honestly it was one of the hardest, loneliest & cold times I've ever experienced. I grew to despise every adult. I read my whole bible twice. I strengthen & rebuilt my relationship with Jesus to the point that I acknowledge him daily and literally run every decision I'm about to make by him. At that point in time you would literally do anything to change your circumstances, it feels like the worst thing imaginable that could happen to you. Since I wasn't a Godless/atheist faggot I feel like my mind was immune to trailing off and rewireing itself into something harmful/schizo. Looking back I understand it was a crucial point in time that had a positive impact on me. It structured & disciplined me, as well as contributing to me being an absolute mental beast. B4 I was 18 I had been to fosterhomes, boot camp, JuvenileDentenion5x,LongTerm placement2x and a rehab ranch. Jail is basically like the military except you don't get paid.

That sounds like hell on Earth for a kid that age. Glad to hear you rose above it, though IMHO no 14 year old boy should experience that.

the american concept of parenthood is very abusive. For some reason people have it in their heads they should beat their kids, be very harsh on them, deny them sympathy and compassion. If the kid doesn't catch the football, scold him. If the kid does catch the football, tell him to work harder at it.

It comes from these bullshit parental methods that were popularized by psychologists in the 60's and 70's, and are justified through various religious scriptures "spare the rod spoil the child".

I think the way Varg raises his kids is very nice. He doesn't really have to beat them or scold them. They naturally just do what he says, because he's their authority figure (no need to prove himself). They are self-motivated and help out around the house without being asked or directed. Very wholesome and natural

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Parents routinely locked me in my room for hours. I remember going in there and talking about how I wasn't really their child and planning my revenge some day. Shit fucks with a kid.

U got any stories fren?

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Yall niggaz were never "sent to your room?" baka

>suicide watch
lol wut? are you people retarded or something? oh wait, you're cops, of course you are.

they did this to me for acting out in school they call it "in-school suspension" which is solitary confinement they basically put me in a closet all day and this is common practice in alot of places not just Juvenile Detention Centers
>inb4 degenerate
ZOG programming was incompatible from a very young age

A guard isn't a peace officer, Tyrone.

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I was put in solitary for a week when I got an F on penis inspection day.

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Mine did, and my dad once told us that he didn't want to have us.


damn that's a big cell

go to your room, faggot

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There is a layer in my town who’s wife is a social climbing a-hole, she locks her kids in room with a padlock

>looks at left chart
>sees all the strongest economies on Earth; yes, also Ireland

>Japan and Iceland literally the most homogenous countries on Earth

On crummy, volcanic islands no less.

Yah my father locked me in my room for hours on end. Wasn’t allowed to even leave for the bathroom so i pissed on the carpet in my closet.. stain is still there

yes, all the time. when I was about 5 or 6 my mother reversed my doorknob around so that the locking mechanism was outside my door so she could lock me up whenever she wanted, which btw was all the time.

now my sister does this to her son.

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That's disgusting, pissing on the floor when you're supposed to be punished for fucking the dog.

fucked up story, bro

Why the fuck are Americans such control freaks.

My son has autism. Sometimes when he goes full meltdown mode I lock him up in his room. Therapists call it timeout.

because this "society" is corrupt. it was my mother and sister who made me the way I am today. and I definitely blame them and everyone who saw the conditions I lived in and did nothing. I blame my teachers who also not only knew what I was going through but would intentionally make it worse by sending me home with bad "behavioral" progress reports daily so I would be beaten with "switches" everyday after school. my mother even called my teacher while she was beating me so they could both have a nice chuckle at me sobbing. good luck to whoever makes me snap and god help you if you cross my path if I do.

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I was put in solidarity confinement for a week when I was 16 for smoking weed on probation. (Was stealing cigarettes out of cars)

I simply pretended to be suicidal and they sent me to a really nice youth camp out in the beautiful mountains.

Serves him right, he spoke about Israel before seeking approval from the proper channels. Gotta make an example out of him.

Yes they did it to me it's a secret under system

Yeah. Then they figured out I liked it so instead I get the company of 300 pound niggers who would throw me at walls. Then I damn near killed one of them so the rest chimped out a lot less. Then I got out of there and the people that put me in wondered why I might possibly be angry at them.
Fuck boomers, fuck roasties, fuck kikes, fuck niggers, fuck jannies.

You mean time-out?

Yes. It's called "Joe Biden's basement".

Whoah there, tough guy, you'd better be careful with that manufactured edge.

In elementary school they would put me in solitary confinement because I was very poorly behaved.

It was instilled probably

I was put in it so yeah. We aren't pussies here

Solitary confinement is just what I would have done anyway if given the choice to do what I want when punished

Some children are too uncivliized to live in society

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if you are telling the truth, yeah, that sucks. And it definitely has some permanent affect on you. However, most of the negative affects are not permanent - its just what you feel and see as normal. You can actually man your own sail. You need to start by noticing your own dysfunctional behavior. Sure, a lot of it only exists because of the way you were raised. Everytime you see something or do something incredibly disfunctional - recognize it for what it is in that moment. That is the first step. Once you are used to that, you need to start working against those natural tendencies whenever possible. This will seem and feel impossible at first, but ALWAYS protest against your natural unhealthy ways. The longer you do it, the easier it will become, and the more effective your attempts to take over yourself will become.

I was beat regularly. Belt buckles, wooden spoons that were broken over my ass, thighs, knees, and knuckles. I was punched in the face, picked up by my neck, etc. Regularly. This went on from my first memory all the way until I was 19. The physical abuse was not the worst of it. I had to regularly have my teachers sign papers after every class listing exactly what we went over and what any assignments or upcoming work would be. I had to tell my teachers things they really didnt need to know and have them sign things saying I told them. I have many stories of intentional humiliation from my parents, like my mother painting my fingernails pink in elementary school and telling me she would beat my ass if that was removed when I got home. So many teachers gave me this "WHAT THE FUCK!? i feel sorry for you" look in there eyes in my life.

life can really really suck. I know. I'm 29 now. It has gotten a lot better. When I was 23 I wanted to disappear and not feel anything anymore. It can and it does get better. You need to remove the shitty people from your life, and you need to work hard to improve your mentality and self-esteem.

Jesus christ, no wonder white women love the BBC. Considering how pussies their "men" are.

If whites swing back, the nigs go running to teacher and the victim gets in trouble.
There is no winning for whites anymore.

In solitary that's literally all you have.

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>Do americans really put niglets in solitary confinement?

>nigger nigger nigger XDDD

That would be based and redpilled

What you don't like saying nigger on the internet?

Let's see your skin color

Wow, that's screwy.

Can confirm. Never been to prison but was locked up for two years in a retard academy for autists and other speds; rape was just a basic fact of life.

Did you learn to like it?

Hey user, your mother and sister are whores

Yeah at first, but when I got out and got older I learned what I had been doing (I kinda thought it was a game at the time) and realized I was a rapist I felt pretty shitty about myself for a long time.

Holy shit user your a rapist that's fucking horrible

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Hi, I'm here to adopt the kid. I would never put the kid into solitary confinement. My credentials for adoption are impeccable. Thank you for your time. Best wishes, David

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republicans do

A lot of the Democrats stand silent, unfortunately

When my Father was 12 St Johns Military Academy cut his tattoos off with razor blades.

jesus christ that's messed up

Proof is on you for making the statement. Prove that they do.

That's all sorts of disgusting. Like something worthy of getting thrown into a pit of vipers level disgusting. I'd volunteer to throw them in.

i did it to myself. its pretty comfy.

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