Mass recruitment

How do we get more people on the board? Remove the age limit? Tell others about it? Destigmatized it? We have a lot of people, but we need more for the war. They must all know the truth.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Age limit downsizing to 14 and user payed advertisements.

College benefits but that’s literally been the strategy lately.

Studies have shown that Jow Forums is full of uneducated conspiracy theorists who don't think rationally and think more with emotions

Link to studies please

Not everybody will make it in this life bro. Some are meant to see the light, whilst others are not.

I'll fucking kill you

What about posters? Print a bunch and put them around town? There is a chance that atleast someone will decide to "look at what Jow Forums is".

lower the minimum age to 13, at least for boys
13-yr-olds are hot.

>We have a lot of people, but we need more for the war.
Nope. We have enough already. Meet up with 10-15 Jow Forumsacks near you and organize.

But no, you're too afraid of FBI to even try, so why bother with more people? Until you solve the organization problem, it will never matter how many normies you wake up. We need to organize to build our own facebook, google, banks, political parties, government. As long as we're just faceless, nameless losers sharing images of frogs, we'll never make a real difference.

You must transcend Jow Forums.

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The more exposure Jow Forums gets the more eager the media becomes to call it a grassroots neonazi alt-right white supremacist uprising. Let's see what happens?

But if they discourage people from visiting Jow Forums doesn't just make people to visit it even more, y'know the whole "Streisand effect"

This'll work.

Recruit yourself to die, nigger. There's enough fucking shills and faggots in this cesspool called Jow Forums.

Keep your faggotry off Jow Forums for fuck's sake
Make a BBS like stormfront or just get people to go there.

It's 3 am in Tel Aviv, aren't you supposed to be asleep?

This. We need to become a superpower.

This is most agreeable.

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I have been told this is a nazi board. Everyone I disagree with is a nazi.

Groups are for faggots.

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Lurk more, eventually you will become one of the nazis.

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How do you know I am not a nazi already?

Short animated videos (3 to 5 min.) with obvious, well documented and in your face red pills.

Come on kike, where is it?

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Kinda like PragerU, but not a Jewish shill channel. I like it.

The earth is a sphere

>the war
Against whom?

I don't see NatSocs disagreeing with each other.
"I have been told" newfags talk like that.

What is the truth?

We combine Reddit and Jow Forums to create



I know, this is a joke, but with all the sub reddits being banned, we should bring some in.

>I have been told
Man, you lost me right there.

Spread the word on ham radio.

Can someone tell how is this feasible?
UK - Such an organization or even "friendly club" will be shut down for hate speech
USA - FBI infiltrators and eventually it will get WACO'd
Canada - Self-explanatory

You lost yourself, these were your words right here

Vote democrat

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What is blue but looks like a lemon?

Your penis

Posters with QR codes around college campuses nationwide.

But only reliable official sources about banking, economy, currency, finance, investments, education, healthcare, debt, public spending, technology, privacy, defense, war, energy...

Oh yeah. I have no hope of doing this. I live in a city teeming with liberals. I won't be able to find others, I have to actually redpill the susceptible ones myself. Carefully though, lest I be arrested for hate speech.

Right answer.

Seems like you greatly enjoyed it last night in your anus.

false the torah is not the "nwo" the talmud which is this abominable pile of shit written and preverting the OT with its initial kabbalahist psycho vanguard denying the not to blame for this jewish satanic bunch of vermin that run everything.

Also usury is misidentified...charging interest on loans in dire situations non investments aka exploiting a problem was reworked into a diabolical nature and then ramped up with counterfeiting and charging interest for the "creation" of the counterfeit....aka fraud

Know something before you speak...the OT hebrews would lend aid and charge interest to non-hebrews they could not do it to hebrews but if they forgave the interest it was also allowed and oppression of foreigners not permitted etc.

It was a simple codex with the ten commandments applying in all situations they took Canaan from child murdering cannibal cults and did not spare any except for one tribe that God spared because they were executing his justice on them and that tribe the Gideonites had not participated in the evil...Saul ignored God and stole their land his sons who helped do it were handed over to death by David....these aren't the same Israelities and Christianity is the true faith from this fountain of justice.

I respect this potential merger.

>UK - Such an organization or even "friendly club" will be shut down for hate speech
I doubt that. Are you telling me organizing with friends is illegal?
>USA - FBI infiltrators and eventually it will get WACO'd
The FBI ain't what it used to be.

>how is this feasible
Even if it is risky, just keep on the down low. Run it like the mafia: a small, tight knit conspiracy. The point is that you're organizing for a common purpose with fellow Jow Forumsacks instead of each of you languishing in mom's basement.

Keep in mind I'm not saying form the blackshirts and run around lynching pakis. I'm talking about Jow Forumsacks organizing in secret for form companies, political fronts (not even necessarily Nazi parties), media organizations, etc.

The point is for us to stop viewing ourselves as honest forthright people trying to "wake up the normies" and begin seeing ourselves as what Lenin called "the vanguard of the worker's (read: white) revolution". We are the conspiratorial elite. The first thing a conspiratorial elite wants to do is not "red pill the normies"; rather they should go about seeking power, which is not determined by how many normies you've red pilled, but by how strong are your networks, how wealthy are you, etc.

Jow Forums must become powerful. We must become the new elite. We must become the Jew.

>I have no hope of doing this. I live in a city teeming with liberals.
There must be Canacucks within an hours drive of you, no?

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I think we got some people when r/CringeAnarchy was banned. It was something of a containment board for the site, and with it gone there weren't many places for the users to go.

Oy vey just stop hating on the Jews and being a loser. Then more will come. I swear you goyim get dumber by the hour

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Good point, I'll see what I can do.

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Same here bud

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And how do you suggest meeting up with existing redpilled individuals? Is anybody going to make pol media or is meeting like minded individuals just a larp?

Memes. Keep making memes that cause controversy. Then the (((media))) will go nuts, letting normies know where they came from. Then people will come, be exposed to free thinking, and they'll repeat the process.

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>How do we get more people on the board?
Y tho? Jow Forums is already in the top 500 websites in the entire world, according to Alexa.

You want MORE normies? Are you retarded?

Im not sure exactly how we feel about discord, but ive met like minded individuals through a few discord servers. It's rare, but if you search you may succeed.

>And how do you suggest meeting up with existing redpilled individuals?
I can't say I know the answer. The initial meeting would obviously have to be organized digitally, which is a massive drawback because of state surveillance. I've had my own ideas, but I'm hesitant to mention them here until I've tried them out myself.
>Is anybody going to make pol media or is meeting like minded individuals just a larp?
Not sure, it's a crapshoot with respect to the quality of individuals you can find I guess. Nonetheless, it's really the only way forward. We'll continue being disappointed by Trump-like sellouts so long as we exercise no legitimate power except the power to make memes. And even that "power" we have is ultimately insecure, and exists at the pleasure of the real powers that be. They could shut this place down in a fortnight if they wanted, and everything would be gone because Jow Forumsacks were too lazy or scared to organize IRL.

Recruit/meme on forums that lean in our direction.

Double down on the autism. Autists naturally gravitate here and the force of the sperg will be enough to get them in. It'll be hard to keep them in if they're not constantly engaged on a particular obsession of theirs.

If you just want everyone to join in, don't bring them here. Just incite massive amounts of asshurt on other more popular internet public squares.


I've had an idea to meet friends for a few pints and banter but the need to express it online is an issue as it relies on giving away your general location.
Another, rather insane idea is to use /soc/ and similar calling signs as Jow Forums using "feeling fit buddy?" I doubt anybody would notice.

That's really my biggest concern. Giving away personal information on Jow Forums tends to go south very quickly. My favorite was when a kid filled in his name and email in the respective sections on /b/. That was years ago though.

>I've had an idea to meet friends for a few pints and banter but the need to express it online is an issue as it relies on giving away your general location.

Likely FBI/MI5/Dudley Do-Right already know the exact location of each of us anyway.

You don't even have to organize the whole thing through Jow Forums. Conceal it through layers. For example, you post a livestream of Live PD or whatever the Canadian/UK version is; UK Canada anons join in on external discord/whatever to watch with you, reach out to some of the anons who join with a link to yet another discord on which you organize the actual meet.

If we aren't meeting with any intent to commit crime (which is what I recommend. Don't go around damaging things or attacking people for reasons I shouldn't have to state.) then it should be okay. Give out a kik or something, one that you just made a new account for. Connect with anons, discuss your general areas and get a few drinks as friends if you're a reasonable distance apart.

You will dilute the board. How can we reduce the number? Gore?

Maybe we should read and use the tactics of the leftist revolutionaries and how they organized underground. Maybe we can find something there.

It would work in the US if the groups were small and tight knit. Glowniggers only become a problem once you broaden your recruitment beyond people you can personally vouch for.

>You will dilute the board.

We've been nothing but a cesspool since phoneposters arrived.

This guy said it, Lenin style, we should use already working techniques with which we could jew the jews.

>Implying that 2016 didn't dilute it enough
>Implying a shitty board is worth as much as Europe

So it seems to me that maybe we're putting the cart before the horse. Like everything on Jow Forums, we must begin by memeing. Our newfound ideology of white vanguardism needs to penetrate Jow Forums before actually forming these cells is really practical. Jow Forumsacks are at present too averse to meetups, too scared to FBI, too atomistic to make this practical at present.

We must make vanguardism as much a meme as accelerationism is before this becomes practical.

Join the discord and we can discuss this more long-term as a plan to penetrate these ideas into the memesphere.
discord / ECCetm

get rid of the jew bots, and the MIGA boomers.
they destroyed Jow Forums

Brothers, sisters, faggots: we must expand our influence to nomie sites like tumbler, Instagram, and Pinterest. I constantly see cunts make threads with titles like "How Do We Fix Women?" "Are Zoomers Redpilled?" and "Does My Scrotum Look Infected to You?"

The answer is that currently the young adults of tomorrow are having their views shaped by sites like those mentioned above, all of which skew towards liberalism, Leftism and degeneracy. We should be there dropping redpills. We can't save them all, but we can influence some.

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The great Jonathan Bowden gave a great talk on Vanguardism--that's what we are, we are carrying the torch until the conflagration happens. We're getting close.

Nice, will watach and add to the server.

What do you anons think of my manifesto?