China bad?

someone explain why trump believes that climate change is a conspiracy by the chinese. is he just shilling or is there actually something to this particular conspiracy theory?

(PS: the quote in OP is directly from a trump tweet)

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Link it retard

Yes, it's bullshit. You have to be illiterate on the issue to believe that crap.

Wrong as usual. Oversimplification and self-delusion.
They are simply exploiting climate change to take advantage of the US, just like the rooskies exploited the divisions in US society.
Get your head out of your ass.

Attached: mcconnell-vs-trump.jpg (636x750, 174K)

when you say
>get your head out of your ass
are you telling me, or trump?


Attached: clim.webm (806x564, 460K)

Trump of course.
Good day, Sir!

climate change too edgy for Jow Forums? the president of the US tweeting conspiracy theories about how it's a chinese hoax too real?

typical, bunch of republishits here

Attached: sidney.webm (640x480, 2.74M)

tfw conservashits will legally and illegally support a hostile foreign power to maintain minority power because all your ideas and policies are garbage.

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GDP growth coincides with WTO Uruguay Round, Brazil lost lots of electronics manufacturers around that time also.

Attached: nominalgdp.gif (365x307, 10K)

Because there is no evidence that the earth is getting warmer. And even if there was, there isn’t anything we can really do about it, funny how all the “””solutions””” to global warming always involve more taxes and more power for democrat politicians. And these only apply to western/white countries, oh the US/England/France/etc, can’t use oil, but third world shitholes can, and not only that they can just dump their trash in the ocean and somehow that doesn’t hurt the earth. It’s only bad when rich (read:white) countries do stuff like that. Ask yourself why that is

>there is no evidence that the earth is getting warmer
science denier detected
what say you, user, to webm in this post?

A 1C increase in temperature over a 100 year period will have zero negative impact on anyone. After all, doesn’t the theory of evolution state that life forms will adapt to their environment over time? 100 years is a long time to adapt to a change of 1C in temperature. But no you’re totally right, let’s give all our taxes to democrat politicians, that will cool off the earth!

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Convincing the enemy to defeat itself is the best kind of victory.

like burgers give a shit about CO2 production...

Amerifats are fucking stupid.

>it's getting really hot. that means Gods are angry
>we must gather gifts to please the Gods
eternal primitive

The Republican party will spend the next 50 years trying to recover from their Trump gobbling and betrayal of their own country.

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>A 1C increase in temperature over a 100 year period will have zero negative impact on anyone.
oh really? sea level rise isn't an issue? anyhow rewatch the webm, it shows 3.5C increases which would melt all the icecaps

let's not argue the science though, since Jow Forums is full of retards like you who are like "oh yeah it can warm like super much and nobody would ever notice the difference! those people in charleston SC are totally schizo with their 'daily flooding'!!! total fake news!"

anyhow let's get back to my original question: why is trump convinced that climate change is a plot masterminded by the chinese? how did he conclude it was the Chinese instead of e.g. the Germans or Russians or French or Indians?

China is shit.

Attached: 962D8331-4724-486B-A25A-5210867A3330.png (800x1672, 209K)

Chinks are cannibals.

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Yeah, you people have been talking about the ice caps for decades now. Al gore said they’d be gone by 2014, but yet they’re still here. So either the earth isn’t getting hotter, or it is, but not enough to affect anything. Either way, is there any plan to do anything about it other than raise taxes on energy and elect democrats? What about China? Are they not part of the world? What about India? Or is it only white people who have to do anything?

>Either way, is there any plan to do anything about it other than raise taxes on energy and elect democrats?
yes, scientists can solve it. we have nuclear power (yes, normies reeeee about this because "muh fukushima muh chernobyl" but after all, it is zero-carbon) and will soon have fusion

we should increase science funding and at the same time increase economic sanctions on polluter countries. but it wouldn't even be controversial to do that since china and india are already going pro-solar, much more than the US federal government. china and india are BTFO'ing us on photovoltaics

that's nice and all, but the real solution is carbon-free nuclear energy. and the US needs to start doing something there, instead of being oil shills (e.g. Pompeo is a card-carrying Koch shill)

Sorry user, but that graph does not say anything.


Attached: climate.jpg (799x557, 134K)

Because Trump works for the (((billionaires))).

We are looking at a future like the movie Elysium where 99.9% of the world lives in post-apocalyptic poverty and the (((0.1%))) controls and owns everything. The richest will be fine but the rest of you goyim will be in destitution. Trump never cared about the average goyim he desperately wants to join our clan (he's not allowed to join he's basically a nigger we just use him as a tool)

CO2 warming up the earth a few degrees isn't nearly as bad for the world as ocean acidification which will come with increased CO2. Once the plankton dies off the rest of the ecosystem and even oxygen production will become extremely unstable. Ocean will just turn into a mass of jellyfish

another science bump.

you poltards are really weak at science it seems

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I mean, we know they have the technology for weather control like we do. It's not off the table for them to fuck with our weather to make climate alarmists cripple our country

have a fresh dick up your ass Barry.

The CO2 stuff, especially any generated by western civilization, has been proven bullshit repeatedly, so I won't bother. If phytoplankton are dying, then it's for a different reason.

>Muh climate has never ever changed before man built factories so therefore, regulate everything into oblivion here while ignoring other nations who do not adhere to any regulation (China, India)
This is why, faggot. If every nation were on the same page for regulation and compliance, we might agree, but fuck telling us that we're literally hitler while turning a blind eye to other nations who literally dump their fucking toxic shit everywhere and DGAF about following the same rules we're playing by.
Don't be a liberal retard.

TFW the next thirty-eighty years will be drastically cooler than the last because carbon dioxide is actually plant food and the sun (and concomitant coronal mass ejections) are responsible for 97% of temperature variation

A lot of climate change statistics have been altered to show a warming trend. And CO2 isn't that powerful of a greenhouse gas. Tony heller on jewtube is pretty gud

>t. i'm way more science literate than the overwhelming majority of scientists
Jow Forums is so classic