Mr. Finkelstein puts Jow Forums on notice

You hear the news Jow Forums?

It's over. They're going to silence you. :^)

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That faggot needs to be lynched

The social media must be silenced.

Clearly Jow Forums isn't doing enough to stop the dangerous lies of Kikes and Communists.

Good I hope they shut us down and the other Jow Forumss as well. They will launch a hundred thousand Brenton Tarrants that would have otherwise been content shitposting.

>the people christ himself called a den of theieves is buttmad that a few dozen of their own died in a country they never belonged in in the first place
fuck the jews

I look forward to the day when we're the ones doing the silencing.

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This is a site about toxic anti-goyimism:

>Maksim Litvinov, in full Maksim Maksimovich Litvinov, original name Meir Henoch Mojszewicz Wallach-Finkelstein, (born July 17 [July 5, Old Style], 1876, Białystok, Poland—died December 31, 1951, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), Soviet diplomat and commissar of foreign affairs (1930–39)

so Daniel are you related to this prominent bolshevik and architect of the Russian revolution who caused the death of tens of millions of Christians? Because you know he has the same last name as you or at least he did until he changed it

Good. That will only accelerate things.

Finklestien. Of course. It’s always a Jew. Wants to spread his own Jew lies. Protests any opposition to the lies.


jews must die for their crimes!

Rat fink fucker

>My beliefs are too flimsy to survive examination. Refuting them must be outlawed!

why are jews so unamerican


Every time.

no there won't be Tarrant was a hoax

it's over

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Checked and rekt

>When you’re so confident in the strength and righteousness of your worldview that you make challenging it illegal

butt test


He might be a hoax, but people can still copycat the character

This is how the kikes work, they can't operate unless all their opposition is silenced by the establishment.

>Jew learning about the Streisand Effect in 3, 2, 1.


The social media kike overlords must be silenced

a jew wanting to silence dangerous lies, thats like a whole new level of jewing

You guys that think everything is a false flag, or use that as a reason to get gullible morons to support you, are the biggest dipshits in all of politics. If you honestly think a few mass shooters coming out of millions of pro-genocide posts is less likely than some big secret government op with tons of moving pieces, risk, leak potential, credibility damage if it came to light- you are fucking stupid and as a propaganda lie it is absolutely transparent to all but the biggest flat earth retards alive.

There is simply no risk/reward benefit for government actors to stage mass shootings when there are clearly large numbers of people sympathetic to them and their aims.

So if you unironically think these things are all fake, please go drink some bleach or something.



The solution to free speech is more free speech.
>congress shall make no law abridging...

Jews have no souls. They dont believe in God, heaven, or hell and all pleasure is worldly. Thats why they rape kids and destroy countries. Theyre filthy vermin scum

They very well may. Almost every corporation has succumbed to some form of social justice and willing to axe off their "controversial" customers for the sake of internet points.

Look what happened to GAB. They already got the power, it's only about time.


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They're not even trying anymore.

Norman seems to have gone completely off the deep-end. His terrible website is updated with all kinds of bizarre ranting. Shame, he was an early red-pill.

Yes - and -

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A narrative no matter how compelling, no matter how wide the net already cast, no matter the depth to which people are under its spell, will fail and break if there are no causalities to justify it's continued existence.
For the globo homo narrative to survive, there must be a consistent flow of blood, brought about by its enemy, white people.
The reward is far greater than the risk, it is an absolutely essential propaganda piece.

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The fact that they want to silence "Holocaust Deniers" only made me question it more.

Why can't you ask questions? (rhetorical question, I know why)

Remember JFK? I grew up with people talking about all kinds of theories on what happened. It was the defining "where were you" moment of the Boomer Generation. One would think people would want to discuss and theorize and study such a huge pivotal event in world history as the Holocaust is made out to be.

People could openly debate JFK's assassination and the worst that was said about those obsessed with it was that they were kinda weird and needed a better hobby.

It's the same when you find out that somebody you knew died. The first thing you ask is "What Happened?"

It is the natural response of the human brain to try to find answers. To investigate. To explore all different theories and plausible explanations.

They tried, and are trying again to silence debate on 9/11 even. "Conspiracy Theorists" are now "dangerous". We all know why they're dangerous, and it's not the reasons the Lugenpresse tell us.

The fact that you will be destroyed if you ask questions opens the door to a whole other conspiracy. By silencing debate on the Holocaust, by saying you can't ask questions about it, they are causing people to ask WHY they can't questions.

Again, the natural response is to find out why. Why is this particular event taboo? Why can't we question the 6 million number? Maybe someone thinks it's more, maybe someone thinks it's less.

Even if you think only 4 million died, you could still totally believe that the Holocaust happened and that it was very bad. But because you're not even allowed to discuss or question the numbers or the causes of death, that leads people to ask *other* questions. And then when they realize they're not allowed to ask *those* questions either... that's when the only question left is the Jewish Question.

The funny part is even if 6 million is absolutely true in every way, it's a trivial number compared to the other modern genocide atrocities.

Which is a bigger accusation for the real reason they push it than your human impulse to defy censorship

It's also less than half of the total victims of the hall of cost regardless of whose numbers you use. Why are kayakers a special kind of victim? Is it because people don't hate them anymore but still hate gypsies, communists, and faggots?

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I think it's time to outlaw leftist thought.

Daniel Finklefuck is a kiddie diddler.

lets not forget how many allied troops died fighting to liberate them

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