The TRS Ghetto

I just started to listen to TDS and I don’t feel like I’m listening to a political comedy podcast as much as I am listening to two Gen X fucks crack an endless stream of inside jokes with each other in their basement.

How is this show in any way accessible to anybody outside their immediate social circle?

Even if you’ve been listening for years, you will never understand their jokes because the hosts never explain themselves to you. For example, who the fuck is Thomas Sowell and why is he moving to your neighborhood? Why do they say “credit” like an autistic faggot? What is nnnnn’guy? Who the fuck are rio rhinelanders? All of this is seriously cringe.

And it’s not just the innumerable amount of inside jokes per episode, it’s the conveyance of news as well. They seem to be completely unable to provide any context at all without diving balls-deep into self-satisfying shitpost mode that just leaves a casual listener more confused than engaged about what is actually going on.

I post this rant on Jow Forums because I know for a fact 100% of regular TRS listeners also browse Jow Forums. (TRS growth therefore can't expand beyond the size of Jow Forums, sad.) With the preponderance of inside jokes from the chans, it literally couldn’t be any other way.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>who the fuck is Thomas Sowell
Nigga you retarded

Gib Khazar milkies

gib jewish milkies pls

Much of Jow Forums seems to hate TRS these days.
What I do not like about TRS is their decision making both on strategy/optics as well as personnel (mostly volunteers)
From 2015 to Charlottesville TRS was all about an almost cartoonish brand of anti-semitism, much like The Daily Stormer. That should raise red flags but at the time, unfortunately, it didn't. I am not going to bother speculating... lets just say "groupthink"
Then after C-ville they did a 180 and they tried to side with the AmNat people like Nick Fuentes and Weev and Ricky Vaughn. I don't know what exactly went down but Nehlen, Cantwell, the "wignat" types formed their own camp and became very clearly anti-TRS.
So you have the ATF/FBI types pushing for Wignattery and the TRS types who are mostly part Jewish themselves, in the midst of an identity crisis. Not good.

I think we've been seeing a Mossad vs Domestic USA, metaphorical dick slapping contest. That sums up the entire alt-right when you dig into the background or performance record of any of these "movement figures" it is just, appalling at the lack of quality control or even common sense.











>who the fuck is Thomas Sowell
Very famous black economist, talked about how much better the black population was during the 50's than today.

>Why do they say “credit” like an autistic faggot
Nobody knows this

>What is nnnnn’guy?
mocking how Jazzhands talks

>Who the fuck are rio rhinelanders?
A play on something similar that Rush Limabaugh says. Means people who are unaware of things

>They seem to be completely unable to provide any context at all without diving balls-deep into self-satisfying shitpost mode
TDS is supposed to be Opie and Anthony, that's the format. So it's basically them having fun and ranting about stuff they care about. FTN is the more serious political show (since Jazzhands and Halberstram both work in Washington) and covers the news in a more thorough, methodical way. Strike and Mike is the high IQ podcast where they talk about intellectual theories and fascist philosophy and stuff.

I’m just providing a good-faith critique of their shows with the hopes that they’d mature as a counter-cultural force in the west. I don’t really care about past drama, but some of what I’ve heard about does show that they have grown in the past and I hope that they continue to do so.

>Nobody knows this
Very problematic
>Means people who are unaware of things
Yes obviously it means that.
>Strike and Mike is the high IQ podcast
No it’s just more ranting. Basically TRS without the much-desired interruptions of Sven.

New logo of Stroike and Moike

Attached: 56336BFA-4B96-47D3-A894-9F1D8D0CDCBB.jpg (1682x2198, 209K)

you can backbite but they've been very successful.

They used to host about 50 other podcasts as well, but none of them became nearly as successful as TRS and FTN, which had 50 times the audience. So eventually all those other podcasts were booted except a few. There isn't anyone else with a podcast as successful or with as large a listenership as them (at least in this side of politics)

Most people who listened to or provided content for the TRS network were acting in good faith, afaik. A small fraction of them still remain for a variety of reasons, "drama" and otherwise.
The humor thing is good, but when it is all inside jokes, it isn't that funny, even for their loyal fans. You have to be trying really hard to have a good time to enjoy their style the past year or so.
Also I hate Opie and Anthony, but it sure as hell is better than Cantwell and his copying of Howard Stern.
I'd rather listen to William Luther Pierce or Bill Cooper. I'm not endorsing violence or wignattery.... but the TRSodomites meme isn't too far off.

>50 other podcasts
>50 times the audience
>all booted
some left voluntarily, some were booted for "quality control"
Look into A Wyatt Mann or Merchant Minute... see pic attached. They're really good at those impressions, ya know?

Attached: 1557540558373.jpg (446x220, 27K)

milked and jewpilled

Attached: 85683563.jpg (764x512, 200K)

yeah obviously they can always improve things.

I'm just worried about them losing energy and motivation over time. For example we see Cantwell starting to consider quitting, and others like Andrew Anglin are losing their steam. As long as they keep the ship right side up things are ok.

>Almost every person these clowns associate with have gone to jail or are awful humans.

>They've never apologized for their role in bringing impressionable young men to the meat grinder that was cville.

>brute forcing of people. We will never get a rational explanation for why that faggot Ricky Vaughn was shilled on all their radio shows.

>sven is an actual unlikable asshole. Back on the old 504ums, dude would ban people who disagreed with him politely, who raised valid points about things perceived as wrong in the movement, and towards the end of that site, just "for the Lulz xd"

>no records of Mike ever getting divorced from his yidwife

>they get a shit ton of money from paypigs and sven is constantly getting electronics and unnecessary shit for their show. I mean this nigger has gotten like 3 new tvs in the last year. A green screen, new weightlifting equipment. A new pc. A new mic etc etc.

>constant derailing my aforementioned faggot. Sandwiches. Butt sex jokes etc.

>openly talking about religion and getting almost everything wrong. They have the Godcast on their fucking network. But instead they let that mouth breathing faggot atheist on a bike tip his fedora over the sound of his little asshole kid screeching.

The only remotely good shows on TRS are the Godcast and most things with Borzoi. Paranormies have shit audio. Ftn make me cringe with their MMMMNNNNGUUUYYYY faggot shit, not to mention halberstram talks at 20 beats per minute.

I've listened to over 200 episodes of the daily shoah, the show has completely gone to shit since the box broke

There’s a difference between speech and violence. ADL does track anti-semitic speech on sites like Twitter, but the powerful statistics they use against us are actual anti-semitic incidents. But overall I agree, the TRS-style of humor (which is really just stolen Chan humor) has a very limited reach and gets old.

Sven booted a ton of shows for absolutely no reason and it took a week of everyone on the forum pestering him for an answer. Which he basically said HURR need to delete shows because we're being too edgy


Yeah, FTN is not seriously political commentary. I would definitely like hanging out with them, with anyone on TRS, but their brand does not convey the gravitas it requires to break through to the mainstream.
Again, they’ve seem to have ridden the wave of chan memes without realizing that shit has a very hard ceiling, and they’ve hit that ceiling two years ago.


Thanks for explaining.
TRS just feeds into the MSM and ADL/SPLC narratives just like Spencer. Not good.
that is why almost everyone here hates them.

>longing for a white nation is "ATF/FBI wignattery"
This is a man demoralized.

Herzl wanted the same thing we do - reason for Jews to get out of Europe (and in his case, go to Israel).

i dont watch trs and i know what most of that is, you should gtfo faggot and dont come back


Well... not exactly. I just happen to have heard that PNW - Harold Covington was an ATF project.
Good point.

The Third Rail is pretty good, and serious. Too much lowbrow silliness with Larry Ridgeway, though (imo).

>I am listening to two Gen X fucks crack an endless stream of inside jokes with each other in their basement.
TDS in a nutshell

fash the nation is the only thing worth listening to they should do a twenty bucks a year paywall for just that I would pay it

> too edgy
I'm glad that bunch of drunks on 'The War Room' was booted - 'white sharia' didn't do anyone any good.

Also, Rebel Yell advocated for the continuation of slavery(!) I don't know how Sven suddenly cared so much about optics, but advocating for slavery was ok by me to get rid of. Musonius Rufus was a very well-informed guy though - a pity.

>but advocating for slavery was ok by me to get rid of

Fucking kikes

You’re a faggot dude

Sven said as recently as a couple months ago that the Vandals are always welcome on their platform.

You are clearly retarded

>Again, they’ve seem to have ridden the wave of chan memes without realizing that shit has a very hard ceiling, and they’ve hit that ceiling two years ago.
they are staying above water, but just barely. I only recently started listening because I made a thread a couple of months ago to have people shill me shit to listen to for 2-3 hours a day while im driving

They do make my drive go by much faster, but all TRS is, at least to me, is low brow bitching comedy tailored for people who hates jews and niggers

The show was a lot better when Jayoh was third seat. He's the most elusive character on TRS, but he has the most big-brained, entertaining, and laid-back bants. I wish they would do a Jayoh Show

I agree that they could get away with paying more money, but do you know what svenjeet said? If you want to pay more for the same content, just signup for multiple paypig accounts. It’s insane how incompetent they are with basic business strategy.

They are doing a Jayoh show. It's called the Europa Report and it's pilot episode was released a couple of days ago.

Is there an archive link to this show at all? Heard a couple episodes in the past and it was entertaining. Not about to pay for it though.

and it was really bad. Filled with dead air

The Europa Report of TRS dude. They just released a pilot episode this week.

ok - my bad! I read that here on Jow Forums. Do you know why they left, then? I don't disavow thinking 'white sharia' might have been funny for an episode or two, but it metastasized into being too ugly of a joke, that I'm sure hurt us with women.

You wish ;)
S&M is what low IQ gruff think high IQ commentary is.

It'll get better as they get more comfortable.

Here you go user,

It's an incomplete archive.

They left because the show was primarily driven by Saco, who decided to focus on having more kids. Not sure what happened to the other guys, but I don't think they have a different show elsewhere. They might also be focusing more on their own lives.

As a side note, I never got the feeling white sharia got out of hand. But I probably run in different circles, so that could explain it.

the white sharia meme is what drove a lot of the conflicts at charlottesville. And it wouldn't do to have this violent crazy podcast on their site when they were being sued

As far as I'm aware, The War Room stopped producing shows before the whole webhost dispute.


keep lurking

probably got sued by InfoWars for Owen Shroyer's "The War Room" show

Which is good. Not everybody needs to create cheap slapstick entertainment for white nationalists.