What age did you realize Atheism is the most cringe-worthy position in the history of humanity?

What age did you realize Atheism is the most cringe-worthy position in the history of humanity?

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I'm an atheist and I respect christians for their art and architecture. Fuck leftist atheists who always talk shit about christianity yet defend islam all the time.

Just come to the Lord dude....ffs. Tough times are ahead...its getting worse and worse.

about 17, like most rational people. Started doubting Christianity at ~10, went a few years as an athiest, then agnostic, and finally came to the conclusion that athiests were a bunch of narrow minded materialist monist NPC's

Freshman year when I realized all the self proclaimed atheists were insufferable

What age did you realize believing every story in your cult's textbosagedok is the most cringe-worthy position in the history of humanity?

this. its not a coincidence that a society and life based off of Biblical principals are the best route.

abrahamic death cults are not your friend

you literally just acted like the dude in the pic



>be me
>be atheist
>over time realize that most normies need Christianity or they become nightmare tranny communists

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I've read most of the Sand Books
Miracles or not, they hold a lot of wisdom

^This. The vast majority of people don't have the sort of intelligence or critical thinking ability to come to their own conclusions about morality or ethics; if it isn't spoon-fed to them by a sky-daddy, they'll be as degenerate as they want.

I ain't even atheist, but whoever made that is cringe incarnate.

when I realized the jews push it

When I was baptized at an infant

It's the metaphysics of theism that gets me every time. I have no problem with christian morals and ethics, hell I like that there is established right and wrong and you'll never find me in support of moral relativism.

but those god damn metaphysics. There is no good reason to believe that the material world is not everything that is, there is no good reason to believe there are incorporeal realms unknowable or higher than the material. I get that the value of consciousness is in effect more than the sum of its parts or at least should be valued as something greater, but why can't consciousness and higher thought be simply an emergent property of the systems of matter?

that's why I say I'm an atheist.

Age 22 after the edgy late teens finally wore off

> Judeo-Christian values
This meme needs to die.

>why can't consciousness and higher thought be simply an emergent property of the systems of matter

consciousness and thought is not matter, though.

Nigger what's just coincidences it's literally a book of fairy tales to scare peasants into doing the right things

Answer me this christians, what god would create a universe with these laws?

Not ANY god i want to worship, this place is a hellhole!

More like you can't form a coherent argument for morality without God. It's not "normies need religion for morals" it's "you cannot philosophically argue for morals without God." And by the way humans are 100% capable of living with cognitive dissonance so you having said morals as an atheist doesn't mean you can actually form an argument for why it's moral/immoral

>There is no good reason to believe that the material world is not everything that is
Arguing only the material world is valid because it's the only thing that can be proven materially is circular logic. Arguing that only the material world is valid on rational grounds is contradicting.

My friends Dad died in a car wreck when he was 11, he hasn't had a relationship with God since. What do I even tell him?

but the neurons responsible for making those thoughts are matter, hence advanced systems emerging from matter. Jesus I don't wanna get into another hegelian debate here, because i'm fairly firmly a materialist. My point is that you can't assume that just because your thoughts aren't explicitly expressed in a physical medium doesn't mean that they aren't the sum of it's parts, like that of a machine.

also, paperclip maximisers are interesting as fuck


by what other measure is more reliable and can give more tangible, usable phenomenology than one based in materialism?

lmfao you just admitted the bible has right things in it

come to the lord already, bro. Stop kidding yourself

dude harry potter has some good moral lessons in it, the fucking lion king as well. Listen to jordan peterson on archetypical stories.

The religious right wants to enforce their hypocritical morality on others. They are welcome to go fuck themselves while I do what I want.

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and did those actual fairy tales acculturate predict the future like the Old Testament and Book of Revelation did? You are comparing harry potter to the bible. Stop being stupid. It's time to grow up. Tough times are ahead....get right with God

Rational argument. I can't prove to you materialism is wrong when you only accept material evidence. If you accept rational argument in place of material evidence then you've contradicted materialism being the only measure of truth.

You can infer from material evidence... You're trying to disprove that material is all that exists, or that there could be more? To that, I say all things have come from the material, considering we are all 100% made of matter. Conscious thought spaces could be looked at like a hegelian ideal, sure, but there still has to be the grounded connection to a material world, otherwise we're dealing in fantasies.

I'm not even gonna ask what came true there nostradamus.

As a mere first-order language of observable reality, physics presently excludes entire conceptual classes and constructions that it would need in order to define basic terms like “physics”, “physicist”, “reality”, “consciousness”, and so on, which cannot be formulated in any first-order language of perceptual reality. Obviously, physics cannot explain what it cannot even define, as we see from its manifest inability to solve the metaphysical problems which some incompetents claim that it has “solved”.

Physicalism – or “metaphysical naturalism”, as some like to call it – effectively limits the definition of reality to the empirical (object-level) content of first-order physics, idiotically excluding itself from “reality” in the process. This is why it has now run into a brick wall regarding things that are unsupported by its linguistic structure (and whether or not any given physicalist understands the logic behind this assertion, the incapacity of conventional first-order physics to accommodate such explanations is an empirically confirmed fact).

>You're trying to disprove that material is all that exists, or that there could be more?
I don't have to disprove something you've baselessly asserted. "Materialism is true because it's the only thing that can be measured materially" is literally text book circular logic and holds zero weight.

what other forms of measure are there in reality

do you think there is no reality

are you denying your own existence? What is all of this shit around me then?

I'm not athiest because i have a sixth sense. I see shadow people and astral travel to different dimensions.

Ok, so this is a little bit more interesting to me. Could you expand on the conceptual classes and constructions that physics excludes? As I understand, physics sets off to explain all that is measurable, which understandably may not be enough from a teleological standpoint.

Then again, I'm only talking about metaphysics, I haven't provided any sort of means to a purpose.

I already answered this question. Reason. Reason is not physical. Your brain practicing reason is physical, but reason, logic, justice, and these types of concepts are not material and completely incompatible with it. You are demanding something from me in every post but you have yet to answer my point: using logic and argument to support materialism is contradiction.

>astral travel to different dimensions

Cool dude, you wanna meet up on the astral plane? Travel to the ship sailing under a black sky on a glowing orange sea tonight when you go to sleep

>modern man
Maybe God will let you into heaven after all because you’re obviously just so damn smart and rational.

Brit here but you American's all came from the same ancestors as us. Millions of our combined peoples saw their lives come to end waging wars to secure Christianity a stake in the future of our nations.

I look around at the land around me and even here in the North it is a shit-hole now, riddled with degeneracy and rampant social commandeering bullshit that the combined might of a minister and the firm hand of a father would have knocked out of a head back then.

I've spent many years agnostic but I feel that the only way to unite us all in these trying times very well may be to return back under the Cross that brought us to our greatest peak in society - when we could, combined, stand in the face of all that which is seeking to destroy our society and values.

Deus vult, brothers, on my side of the ocean or not, we will stand shoulder to shoulder once more.

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I do not believe that rational thought shall be excluded from physical reality just because of some idealism that posits that the rational is all that is real. That, to me, is a more circular logic than the materialist who claims that all that is physical is just that.

>I called him a fedora tipper! lol I totally DESTROYED that guy...DESTROYED

>”sand books”
The fear of God is the root of wisdom, you didn’t read a single one of them.


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>I do not believe that rational thought shall be excluded from physical reality
That isn't even up for debate. Rational thought is physical evidence according to you? An argument is material proof? That's not even coherent

Why would i want to meet a 4channer in the astral realm if i wouldnt even want to meet you in real life?

I astral travel to get the fuck away from you humans.

I was never really an atheist. I remember questioning the existence, but never denouncing it. I dabbled in paganism in my early teens trying to connect to my latin roots. I didn't raelly start searching for God until I was 20 though. He pierced into my mind when I was walking down the street in Boston. Started turning inwardly after that. Thank God for gifting me with grace.

I don't respect either of them. Abrahamic faiths are cu cks that let jews think for them.

>rejects religion because of cultural influence
You sound retarded, but I’ll leave you with this to ponder: an intelligent design such as our universe must have an intelligent creator. A watch in all of its intertwined complimentary moving parts cannot be found naturally.

So numbers don’t exist either? What about the past? Both lie outside of your immediate sense data.

What, you don’t remember the judeo crusades? It’s a forced meme for sure.

You wish God would let you bang dudes without getting aids?

>More like you can't form a coherent argument for morality without God


Morals come from looking upwards and aspiring to be better. If not god, then a higher man. A better man. Something above you.

Was his dad a Christian?

Look, this is as old as solipsism itself. I'm not gonna get any further in making an argument from materialism simply due to the problem of other minds, etc etc etc. If you want to believe that the rational is all that is real, ungrounded in material, then sure. I mean, you at least believe the material does exist?

However, my point is that everything that is observable has some sort of physical basis, even to a quantum level with light that has shown even the most minute measurable mass. By logical inference, it is not a stretch to make the claim that intelligence has arisen as an emergent property of matter (advanced systems). But who knows, maybe there is a special property of the rational, I'm not gonna immediately refute you.
My beliefs are probably scarier since it most likely implies that machines can emerge into the rational sphere.

I see that Canadian flag and it warms my heart knowing we have more brothers with common ground, with sound mind and clean souls, to stand united once more.

At this point I don't even truly think it matters to me whether Christianity is true or not - what matters is that it is perhaps the only thing that with enough societal pressure from large swathes of strong men influencing their social spheres could cure this disease ridden society we have formed into. Perhaps as we embark on this path together light will be shed upon all truth's and we will find some modicum of peace in a new world.

>When christcucks get butthurt

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This is kind of silly since humans use the material to record knowledge. The internet has arisen as a physical record keeping system, and obviously numbers are rational concepts meant to express material value.

>Just come to the Lord dude....ffs. Tough times are ahead...its getting worse and worse.
>Instead of being strong through hard times, rely on fairy tales that only make you more of a do-gooder.

>What age did you realize Atheism is the most cringe-worthy position in the history of humanity?
A few years ago when I finally understood what may be the most annoying thing about fedora-tippers, at least for me;
Atheists suck all the fun out of EVERYTHING. They can't joke, they can't run with a bit of banter, they can't roll with the mood. It's like at any and every moment, they're calculating some way to virtue signal they they are Atheists. Everything either offends them, or is beneath them in some way.
Every other denomination, all of the religious types, regardless of what they believe in, can run with a joke. Christians get a bad rap for being "uptight" and "holier than thou", but they can laugh and go with the moment. Kikes, say what you want about them, but never say they can't tell or take a fucking joke.
But Atheists? Those fags can suck the life out of a room at the drop of a trilby.

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I learned from jews that religion is a source of great unity even amongst the atheist. Cultural Christianity is a thing. Im not into biblical scholarship but i will kill to defend White Christian culture.
Ironically, my jewish teachers are the biggest threats to that culture.

Student kills the teacher trope is for real

>Tfw Atheist and redpilled conservative
Don't fall for (((their))) tricks. (((They))) are not the chosen people.


>I astral travel to get the fuck away from you humans.

Fuck you nigger, I'm going to hunt you down

If there is a god, he is worth worshiping regardless of "muh laws." What would you rather do, follow some laws or face eternal damnation? Mouth breathing cretin

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The concept of "arguing materialism" is contradiction. You can't prove to me materially that materialism is true, and any argument you make that isn't direct material proof is contradiction. That's all there is to it and that's why materialism is laughed off in philosophy, it immediately hits a brick wall.

Checked and empirium pilled. It’s time to rebuild. Look to the East.

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Check mate

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Atheists are fine, however if we are going to be real about all this shit, the reason why majority of them are left-winged is because that they are more prone to indoctrination, since they don't have any religion as a set of fundemental rules and morals to begin with.

And by the way, all Abrahamic religions must be abolished, starting with Islam, then with Christianity, and finally, Judaism. Those beliefs need to go away.

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Man your God must really love you so much that if you kill another being he sends you into an eternal pit of fire. Accidently or pre-meditated.

It was after many long years, but about the time I realized a purely material universe could not support the notion of free will, or indeed any sort of will at all. The atheist congratulating himself on his liberation fro the will of God by denying he has any will at all is an even more absurd picture than the Christian groveling before his imagined sky dad. Bring back the sky dad.

That's evangelicals.

>Something isn't in my favor so we should continue living in fantasy blue pill
The fuck?

Muh abraham lmao

If you have never seen a man blow up in slow motion, or have his balls cut off and fed to him, you would understand my sentiment, we are soft little things, we die horrible gruesome painful deaths, no god would create a universe and make us this way.

Never. Atheism is based. Unlike you mutts seem to think, atheism is not denying gods. It is just not believing in something without good proof.
I would argue that believing in magical things without proof is the most retarted position in modern times.

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>"tragedies will happen in the future"
>tragedies happen in the future
damn guys pack it up god is real

>faggot posts from the safe confines of Jow Forums...
>...because faggot knows that if he were to debate someone like Matt Dillahunty, or Logicked, he would be torn to pieces.

You all would, so stop posting this dog shit. And stop licking the boot heels of Mudslimes, you fucking rats. I don't care if they hate the kikes. They are no better. Fucking imbeciles.

You dont have proof for any of your beliefs.

So do numbers exist or not?

You can't choose not to believe in free will and be right.

It has the same problems as theism
>believes their view of the world is correct regardless of any evidence or logic to the contrary
>fallaciously believe they can understand how something well beyond the physical limit of human comprehension works
>believes they can understand the full of the universe and all creation within it despite never leaving the planet
>views science from a theological stance rather than a practical stance, believing that the inner workings of the universe apply to a being that operates above our universe
>has faith in their assumptions rather than doubt

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>no god would create a universe and make us this way.

>No proof.
I see proof of God's creation all the time user. You're not seeing the forest, only trees.

>Gawd is real!!
Got any proof of that?
>....W-well he all around us!! he in our hearts!

Thats the point, any benevolent god that would create this kind of reality is evil or incompetent.

>not sucking sandnigger dick
>didn't learn a thing

Why not

As a tenet in anything that requires anything physical to be conjured like engineering or science it's the best way. Philosophically we can argue however we want, you like hegel, I like hobbes, you know whatever.

When it comes down to it, I'm reminded of the story of Niels Bohr who kept a horseshoe above his door, because of the superstition that it wards off evil spirits. When confronted about it, you know, why do you keep that superstition around, you're a scientist, he said, "of course I don't believe in such superstition, but I am told that it works even if I don't believe in it"

You can come to whatever end phenomenology that you want to, but sometimes it's about using the right tool for the job. As someone deeply tied to the modern world and as a fan of understanding, I accept your position that the rational alone is real but I hold my own presupposition of the constituency of reality, one that is grounded in materialism.

Atheism is cringe af but christcuck shit is even worse


jesus is not real dudes

I'd be a christian if any of it were actually true

What if I told you that there's reasoning behind those trees growing and that it has nothing to do with God? Are you going to cover your ears and scream

depends. I can write a number on a paper and say it exists, does that count? I mean the paper certainly exists, and the ink I draw the number with certainly does as well. Or are you trying to make a rational argument that the concept of numeracy can only be rational and not material?

If we only admitted that religion is just a concept on how our World was created, we wouldn't have to deal with this shit. Honestly, I am pagan myself, and I do not really care if you are an atheist or christian. However, I again say that all Abrahamic religions must go.

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I don't care if God exists or not. Get in my way and I will fuck you up. =D

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yeah religion is for the vast hordes of retards who need some founding myth to believe in
but it shouldn't be taken seriously by leaders

If God is hypothetically real then he is foundation of what is moral, not you. If you and a hypothetical god disagree on morals then you are wrong. Why would you hold moral authority over god.