Is this the power of boomers?

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It's Dems refusing to fund border security

based trump saved us

>*crack* *sip*

>we saved America

Btw I have a question for mutts, what % of you would support an invasion of the us by a based euro country if there was one?
I want to see how many of you actually like your disgusting country in the state it’s in

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too bad they didn't build a wall while republicans were in charge of everything
w..what? you mean the republicans want illegal immigration to continue just as much as the democrats, so they can use it to motivate their voters?

The wall needs 60 votes, brainlet. Mitch McConnell chose not to allow the nuclear option because he thought Dems would use it later on even worse things.

4 D

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Reverse psychology. All of the "stay out" rhetoric makes them want to come even more

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Back the constitution are they will only need soldiers to bodyguard the officials. They'd be better than most of the secret societies or cartels that run the government.

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Trust the plan.
> First they laugh at you
> Then you post angry tweets
> Then you let in 100 million illegals
> Then you win

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wtf i love hispanics now

If only Trump had 2 years of a Republican controlled House and Senate, damn those pesky Democrats.

Trust the plan, Trump is bringing the illegals in to build the wall. When they are done he will put a 24 case of Miller high Life, scratch off lottery tickets and an old 92 Ford pick up bed on the Mexican side of the wall to get them all to go home.

>reminder dems dont think this is a problem

The globalist want open borders. Cartels also have been paying off legislators. They've had both Dems and Reps in their pockets for too long. Trump fucked their plans up & the border wall is being built.

Projecting, you're in the same boat as we are Mohammad

This, and they keep legitimizing illegal immigrants.

>I want to see how many of you actually like your disgusting country in the state it’s in
Amelie isn't happening, because France is too ugly now.

>yeah but you didn't stop me from fucking things up
I have a feeling we're going to hear this a lot from lefties in the future.

we wouldn't need border security if boomers would stop hiring them to mow their lawn and build their house. i haven't seen a white person doing landscaping since i was like 5.

it's because the mexi's know the gig is up and they 're rushing to get over before it becomes literally impossible

how about a link or even just the fucking outlet publishing this, or is this just fake and gay inspect element garbage?