This ridiculous faggot shilling is nonsensical. You people understand that Trump is going to go against an actual communist in 2020 who wants to give niggers reparations for slavery, wants to eliminate the electoral college, pack the Supreme Court with leftists, do gun bans and open the southern border to make sure Democrats don’t lose ever again, right? All Democrat candidates that are in the race to win the nomination back these policies. It isn’t even a secret. “Muh Trump is a kike boot licker hur dur” sounds really edgy, but I wonder how it stacks to getting taxed to give niggers more free money because of slavery and opening the southern border so a flood of third world goblins to come in. Trump is a B President, C + at worse. I’ll take that over any leftist tyrant who’s going to win the nomination for Dems any day, and so will all of you faggots.
“B, but Trump tot’s lost me!”
All of Trump's setbacks can be attributed to either (((Judges))) or dems not voting for it.
Voting republican means more judges on your side, and more votes in congress
Trump isn’t a fucking king you moron, Congress appropriates funding. Congress doesn’t want border security.
Accelerationism =. I’m a lazy fuck who’d rather whine than stop the fall. Fuck off.
This and this.
Dumb nigger. I’m not whining, I’m celebrating. If you want to preserve the rotten kike infested government we have then off yourself traitor.
Good luck with Buttigieg as President with his husband in the White House installing reparations.
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next time you cuntpaste, cut off the fucking file size data you complete and utter retards
fucking kill yourselves
The more slowly the decline happens, the more damage will be done to whites. A rapid decline insures that most whites will not have been breeded out or lost their cultures completely. The more this goes on in a slow manner, the faster white populations decline with our low birth rates. Along with the ever rapidly multiplying spics and niggers, whites will not be in a position to defend themselves in the future.
You mean like zognald giving 38 billion to the illegal state of israel. Your scare tactic won't work anymore.
So....what about the 2 years of republican controlled congress?
Don’t know why it’s giving me different tags
There are no actual Communists running for President, Bernie has never once talked about moving past Capitalism, he is SocDem and you are cancer
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>mfw the shill didn't copy the pasta properly
>using a Haaretz article as a source for your claim
Hello Chaim
Did you forget that it was the Obama administration that signed that check?
>soshulism =/= gobbudism
If anyone doubted there were shills on this board, here's a guy defending Bernie
You're a fucking whacko if you think letting the democrats win is going to bring about the end times and we'll all revolution and be happy again. Fucking fairy tail fantasies.
This d&c shilling is too fucking obvious. For all Trump's faults and kike loving, there's no way I'm voting for a literal faggot, a literal kike, a psychotic shitskin, or any other fucking Democrat who will all decisively end the demographic crisis by opening the floodgates for more spics and shitskins to come in.
Why are you spamming this shit thread shill?
Also see
Yeah amazing retarded theory, "if we let our enemies win then everyone will wake up". No we'll be fucking sweden and you're never getting out of your computer chair to go revolution anyways so what are you playing at? This is why it has to be a shill. There are not this many delusional whack jobs.
Tell me, what do you think the solution is?
Congress doesn't have a fucking choice. There are few, very fucking few reasons to have government and security, especially border security is the highest priority. It is a constitutional mandate. If congress refuses to secure our border. There is no reason for congress.
Shifting the culture and holding power through diligent effort.
I'm not going to vote for a Democrat. But I'm not going to vote for Trump, either. I'm just not going to vote at all.
He didn't deport enough spics. I wanted to see them crying and cowering in terror. All he's done is ALLOW America to become more brown. It's terrible.
If you say "muh he can't do it!" Yes he can. He could literally go full dictator and see who checks him. I'd be willing to bet nobody would check him. Too bad he's a fucking pussy.
My ancestors fought in the Revolution. One of them marched to Concord. And all I've got to say about the America of today is that it sucks ass and should burn to the ground. Fuck Trump. He was our last hope and did NOTHING.