To Trump naysayers polluting this board

This ridiculous faggot shilling is nonsensical. You people understand that Trump is going to go against an actual communist in 2020 who wants to give niggers reparations for slavery, wants to eliminate the electoral college, pack the Supreme Court with leftists, do gun bans and open the southern border to make sure Democrats don’t lose ever again, right? All Democrat candidates that are in the race to win the nomination back these policies. It isn’t even a secret. “Muh Trump is a kike boot licker hur dur” sounds really edgy, but I wonder how it stacks to getting taxed to give niggers more free money because of slavery and opening the southern border so a flood of third world goblins can come in. Trump is a B President, C + at worse. I’ll take that over any leftist tyrant who’s going to win the nomination for Dems any day, and so will all of you faggots.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Russian psyop operator. Saged.

Have a bump OP, you non-faggoty turbofaggot.

Attached: 3xZI5p8.jpg (480x480, 11K)

Russian psyop... jeez, is that still being pushed? Nobody actually believes that msm propaganda.

I'm voting democrat 100% because of marijuana. I've voted Republican or third party since McCain/Obama but yeah. Trump also pisses me off, he acts like a literal nigger.

Can you overlay with 2016 county election results?

Literally what the gif was baka nvm

Attached: 1557694125418.gif (485x472, 1.05M)

hmmm murders are rare where no one lives

>I'll take the red ZOG over the blue ZOG
Imagine still being a votecuck in 2019.

Attached: JewishWorldDomination.png (624x99, 14K)

Trump is pro states rights for marijuana

so what? collapse the system.

The democrat diversity strategy is doing a great job collapsing the country, another decade of this and America will be balkanized. Exactly what we want

GTFO anti-Trump shills! This is a MAGA board!

Attached: trumpemperorstatue.jpg (1500x2250, 460K)

>men create bill of rights
>dude muh god!!! muh jewish god!!!

“Collapse the system muh edgy!”
Some of us have kids and rather enjoy this country and want to save it, you zoomed faggot.

>Imagine giving up your voice because jews.
Good goy, your opinion doesn't matter anyway.

Kys shill rat

Attached: bernborders.webm (790x442, 2.82M)

you'd rather be a slave to this evil power structure? fuck your kids nigger

None of the "with Trump shits better" case has been met though. Taxes still high as fuck, niggers getting free shit, immigrants flooding, wages stagnant. He barely made a dent. I appreciate his efforts but he obviously underestimated how fucked it all is. And yes he loves to suck kike dick. I'd be okay with it if he wasn't obviously falling for guilt bait, but at his level it's embarrassing. They're allies not our masters. Oh well. Hopefully he beats the commie, I'm gonna go Inna woods.

well now if only trump built a wall .................. o yeah he is on the leftists side

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>Tfw youre in that deep red spot in NJ
Lmao I'm surrounded by fucking commies

Millions of illegal beaners are NOT being deported.

Hillary Clinton is NOT in jail.

The man is a failure.

They should eliminate the electoral college. It doesn't represent the will of the majority.

Except the map is adjusted per capita. Otherwise counties in Montana would never be the same color as counties from California.

>Nobody actually believes that msm propaganda.
They spent two years pushing it, so a lot of people think (or just pretend) that it's true.

>living in the most pozzed parts of the country
You deserve this.

Attached: egl.jpg (1000x750, 244K)

Trump is the lesser of two evils but he's still an Israeli puppet and a lying piece of shit who will happily destroy white america at the behest of his kike overlords.

>actual communist
imagine being this delusional
>if you're not an uber capitalist warmonger, you're a communist

Makes you think

Attached: EC0A3B0D-8416-4C32-A3BD-5AC1826D2725.jpg (750x977, 813K)

Hurr what's population density

It does all though. Stupid people just think that they elect the president, which isn’t and never has been true. The majority of states elect the president.

We don't want wignats on the Trump train. Let them hate him. It's the only way to make sure they keep their distance and don't embarrass everyone on the right again.

Remember when Trump stuck his neck out to defend Charlottesville protesters? He didn't have to do that, but his sense of fairness dictated that he would. These people are bottomless pits of taking and bitching and complaining without ever giving. It's for the best that they hate us.

>Hurr what's population density
Immigration density

Afrikaner children have done fine, contrary to all predictions a couple decades ago. Your kids will be fine too, as long as you teach them to be strong and redpilled.

Attached: afrikanersfuneral.jpg (634x421, 81K)


TRUMP 2020

accelerationism works

Murders are rare where less niggers live

That was my post from a copy to a reply I did, forgot to remove the bit file from the jpeg

Yeah, if you know what you are fucking doing. But nobody on Jow Forums have a fucking clue. Destroying the US is only going to wake people up to the fact that retarded spergs are dangerous need to be eradicated.

>Hurr durr ignore Trump is a zionist, he is fighting literall commies goyim

This reeks of boomer, only a boomer would say that jews are okay as long as we own socialist larpers. Here have a Diego Boomerona pic.

Attached: DiegoBoomerona.jpg (412x452, 43K)

Implying that the popular vote which is the will of the majority represents the person who gets elected is a fallacy. You are right only stupid people believe in "elections".

>I'm going to destroy this country because I wanna get high
I'm glad you'll die one day

>implying that isnt the goal
>implying accelerationists dont want the "communists" slaughtered and the neocons executed
Maybe a world without the spergs will finally stop making us a weak fucking nation since we can stop putting them in office

GTFO with that bullshit.

The United States of America is a Republic.


Muh drumph

Attached: 30spel.jpg (500x581, 88K)

Do you know what the word republic means? What does the concept of a republic have to do with the statement that you are replying to?

Bro., seriously? Your asking me to define the difference between a Republic and a Democracy to you?

Go pick up a book if you don't know the what and why about this American Republic and why some of our our founding fathers detested Democracies and fought to make us a Republic.

The ignorance here is astounding.

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None of this deals with the issues people have with him. Saying he's good simply because the other could be worse means jack shit.
>“Muh Trump is a kike boot licker hur dur” sounds really edgy
Oh, you're a redditor. Lurk more.

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I already know what a republic is what I don't understand is why you think that the concept of a republic has anything to do with a presidential election in which people are encouraged to participate but their participation has nothing to do with the outcome.
The concept of a republic is proxy representation. We as the public do not vote on the bills passed by congress. What does the concept of a republic have to do with the electoral college?

OK, fine. Let's have another look at the OP post I replied too.

>They should eliminate the electoral college. It doesn't represent the will of the majority.
"Will of the majority". What is that called? A Democracy
I'll have none of it.

BTW, you answer your own question.
>What does the concept of a republic have to do with the electoral college?
>...a republic is proxy representation.


Attached: democracy-vs-republic.jpg (750x529, 106K)

>proxy representation.
By elected representatives/ We do not vote for electors, but we vote for congress people or senators. Electors are not elected representatives.

They are appointed, just as State Senators were, up to to 1913 and the 17th amendment.
Before its passage, Senators were chosen by state legislatures, not the Citizens of the State.

Wan't electoral college members to be elected by the citizenry? I'm cool with that. A pure democratic vote for President and then being led by our noses by L.A. and NYC, no fuckin' way.

imagine being so retarded that you have to make up blatantly wrong policy positions for your shitty candidate's opponent

>More murders with denser populations.

Whoa no way.

"Trump will start ww3, you must vote Hillary" part 2. Establishment shills are scared once again now Trump has proven his loyalty.

>now Trump has proven his loyalty
to the establishment and Israel

State senators don't matter. Majority rules. That's the point of a vote. 51% or better. If LA and NYC have larger populations because they are of greater significance. Such is the nature of things. But I'm just being a dick. I get your meaning, I just get triggered by the vote hype. In my opinion it's a sham for the shepple.

that map just correlates population, not politics with murder. wyoming and vermont are the too least populated states and they are both almost completely white on the first map, but on the second map they are the complete opposite with one being completely red and the other completely blue. look at the democratic blue states in the flyover sections of america, notice how they don't get a spike in murder, in colorado its the exact opposite where the blue counties have less murder then the red ones. meanwhile look at the coasts, in california it doesn't matter if its republican or democrat, they both have a high number of murders when they are close to population centers.
it should have been obvious that larger and more concentrated populations have more murders then thinly spread out small populations ones. which do you think has more murders new york or beaver county kansas with a population of 5,000?

We have to suck Trump's cock because Bernie is worse. Fuck off retard. We are mad at Trump precisely because he has done nothing to prevent the global communists from picking up right where they left off the second he leaves. I will vote for him over Bernie or anyone else because I would like to push hell back a few more years. He was elected to turn the ship around however, not merely drop anchor for a little while. Just because I will vote for him over Bernie doesn't mean he isn't a complete fucking failure.