Jow Forums proven wrong, Germany is now better off because of merkels immigration policy
Jow Forums proven wrong, Germany is now better off because of merkels immigration policy
>only a third of them are speaking the language and learning that's a good thing
ok retard
So what you're saying is:
>3/4 of migrants refuse to learn the language of the country they are inhabiting
>2/3 can't speak the language to a reasonable level at all
>2/3 are unemployed
>economy is larger because artificially inflating the population increases the gdp
Is this some kind of joke?
What is the purpose of these migrants, except to provide cheap workers to German industry?
Fucking Chinese nazis
I wonder if the equivalent number of whites would add 38 billion.
>state propoganda produces state propoganda
Truly I am shocked
a blistering 35%
>65 percent out of work
Is this fucker serious? Just cause you make the glass 35 percent full instead of 65 percent empty doesn't make it better
That's soviet levels of disinformation.
fucking this lol
absolutely insane that that's spun as a positive
honk honk motherfucks
>added 35 billion to the economy
Friendly reminder they use welfare and gibs to generate these numbers. So when the government pays a landlord rent, and pays for the equivalent of food stamps, that is technically money "added to the economy."
You really can't believe anything these scumbags say. And holy shit 65% of them are out of work after YEARS.
35% way to be even with America.
ding ding ding
you saw through the BS fairly easily.
>65% unemployment
>good thing
Imagine being this retarded
How many German daughters have been raped? Not in the poll apparently. Serious question. Any Germany flags have a reply?
Nowadays you look at any western country and it's clear that the justification for importing people is that the people already imported need doctors, houses, etc. It literally never ends.
And it is a question how do you accurately measure the cost of shitskins because it is not just welfare, but safety, national cohesion, culture, low-quality genes and so on
They still have serious problems.
It would better if B-52s just dropped an equivalent amount of Euros over random parts of Germany while preserving their ethnic homogeneity.
Those raped German girls help the medical and therapy industries! Think big.
65 percent are unemployed faggot.
>33% can communicate with german people
>See it's good for germany
You have to be retarded
Holy shit these numbers are awful
what is Germany without Germans? the goyim are not fungible
this lawyer doctor engineer meme was pretty funny
now it's a sick joke.
It gets better when you compare 35% working means 35% of a of a 90% adult male population
>We hate capitalism are pro-environment so were going to support global capitalism and policies that are detrimental to the environment.
I hope global warming is real so I have the satisfaction of watching this planet spiral into all out extinction.
>average honkposter
>65% unemployment rate
Economic collapse soon
>35% are in work
If diversification is so great, why doesn't Israel take any?
>He wuz a good boy, finna be a rocket sciencetist if he hadnt bee deported!
>immigrants are mostly young fighting age males, by most counts about 90% or more
>only 1 in 3 is even working after almost a decade
>growth over 5 years is less than what they cost in benefits in one
>only 1 in 3 can speak basic German, probably not well enough to have any conversation
>these are their doctored numbers to look as good as possible
Truly, an economic and cultural miracle.
>35% have jobs
You know, that's bad when you have unemployed germans. It's taking away their Chance of re-entry into the job market.
>also 65% still recieve social benefis
>only 35% have jobs
I think their kids are if anything less integrated. Paco gets here and keeps his head down and works hard, his kids go to (((college))) and become racist La Raza dipshits. They certainly don’t internalize concepts like free speech and freedom of association. They do become effective agents of the Jewish anti white agenda though which is the point.
To take this one step further why would Abdul’s kids give a shit about paying for Dieter’s pension? The system worked because Dieter’s kids and their community were paying for it.
So much bullshit in a single tweet.
>35% are stealing jobs
>65% are living off gibs
Why? I'm a NEET and I agree 100%
Having been to germany a great many times, I call utter bullshit
The fucking Turks barely speak German and they've been there for decades.
So what about the other 66%?
>Wow I don't care what my country changes into as long as the economy is good!!!!
Any statistic that just says "immigrants" is worthless.
They treat western european, eastern european, east asian, middle eastern and african immgrants as the same entity.
>3/4 of them took a course when they got there
>1/3 can communicate with you if you speak really slowly
>1/3 have a job
>Every single migrant has contributed (almost) 10,000 euros to the german economy
That sounds amazing! On an unrelated note what is the poverty line in Germany. I think in the USA its somewhere under $20,000.
>immigrants increased economy by 35 billion in 5 years.
Germanys GDP in that time frame would have been about 18 trillion. 35 billion is less than 0.2% of that. It's a margin of error level irrelevant contribution.
They do the same trick here in reverse, claiming that immigrants commit less crime than Americans. Thing is, they commit less crime than blacks do, but much more than whites. Put a bunch of Mexicans in a formerly white town and the crime goes up not down. Put them in an urban ghetto and they’ll push out the blacks.
Almost none of them talk about diversity from a cultural perspective anymore. They can't hide the fact that unassimilated niggers and arabs have turned once beautiful cities into foreign wastelands, so they defect to how well the invasion has helped globohomo
I've never heard libshits care more about the corporate bottom line than these past few years
god all you fucking jews care about is money
I totally support Europe killing itself.
Came here to post this