Wanna bet?

wanna bet?

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but i'd lose then?

You mirin meatbag? Hand over the cum or I will take it from you.

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That ass tho

You wanna see some doll ass?

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Just hop on user!

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sexual luddites

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oh so your women never get their periods or sleep or get old?

sex is the last currency the modern thot has and that has been so devalued that it will soon be replaced.

these bitches are going to have to learn how to cook.

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Sluddites bro.

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How much is a good sexbot?
It's cheaper than a real whore, doesn't ever argue, never gets tired or sick.
Why even buy a whore at that point?
Buy your own doll.

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>paying Nevada brothel prices
Hah, you can use the $1000 you'd spend there on 45 minutes on a roundtrip ticket to Thailand and spend weeks banging Thai girls for next to nothing

I like it

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Ya but the crabs gonna get ya and your balls will smell like curry

>Sheri's Ranch
>World's biggest brothel
When do Americans stop thinking that world ends at the US borders?

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because there is nothing but wasteland outside the US

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Murder and kill the destroyer of America

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Attack like a special forces soldier at night and unseen

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Fuck this thread. Doubles and I shotgun this.

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>Bethesda Fallout
And into the trash it goes.

Id hit that so hard

Always buy a shutgon

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implying oblivion with guns isn't fun

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I want to fuck my greek godess blond uncles wife. I wantr to eat and fuck her pussy. I want to eat and suck at her pussy eat it.

dubs. you better shotgun that shit, nigga.

i spent 2400$ for a threesome...

it was nice but ill never go to nevada for sex ever again. id rather go to amsterdam or thailand as long as im spending that much and ill get a nice vacation out of it too

Attached: Fallout.jpg (1013x1218, 197K)

for some reason, that piece of silicon makes me hungry for fryin chikkens

Close. Ive shotgunned only one before and almost threw up, I havent been drinking hardly at all lately and Ive barely ate today. Ill do it for the boys though.

alyssa milano: liberal women, shut your damn legs for a change!

wow females are going to phase themselves out of the industry completely, they're too bigoted to adapt. that's fantastic.

Christ, do they let you fuck them bareback or something?

Do it you fucking faggot

implying I can't have fun

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Please enjoy it instead of chugging it, don't make yourself throw up, it's a really unpleasant feeling.
Get a meal to go with it too.

I want to fuck her and suck on her toes eat and suck her pussy clit lick it asnd lobe it. Her name is 'Mina' pussy A+ lick it fuck it.


A world with instant russy (Robo-Pussy) with no pesky roasties you have to jump through hoops for

Ill let the digits decide my fate

greek lovely licky her pudding. Omg fuck her pussy adter tasting it \so good. Blonde whitepower pussy so fucking good.

you can never go wrong with a good shotgun.

I want to suck a greek womans clam like it's an oyster.

I have sex with warm living tracing women.
If there’s no chick there to see me fucking them it’s not a fuck it’s just a wank.
You’re a wanker who likes dollies.


Trips here. Better shotgun.

Nah these are real trips

>sexless losers think they want an object that can't resist or acts like it is willing
>when these get perfected sexless losers will be destroying them within a year, out of pure, lonely frustration
i go to prostitutes because i like the fact that they don't enjoy it.

If there's no offspring, it’s not a fuck it’s just a wank.

Steel Reserve is the alcoholic's choice. Shotgun it pussy


Brutal, m8. Did you got any penis deceases by doing those? You will.

Crabs not an issue, 2% of Thailand is HIV positive though, mostly concentrated in sex workers of course.

seeing as my hand does a better job, I beg to differ

Damn that was quick.

droids will be great. no more bitchthink opinions to deal with.

Gotcha. Give me a second and I’ll shotgun it. How will you guys know I did it? Btw im not an alcoholic anymore I’m just poor

Inb4 fake dating profile using photos of the bots get just as much feedback as real whores

>top tier looks
>never says no
>isnt a fucking bitch that nag all you the fucking time and ruin your life
>doesnt want you to buy her shit
Jesus I so want that

Men are taking the dollpill because it's a choice between fucking an inanimate, unexpressive lifeless object - or fucking a live woman who's exactly the same thing, but gets tired, diseased and burned out. Dolls of the future fucking when.

got any...
cute&funny dolls?

That thing looks like it weighs a ton.

Clean as a whistle, first visit to pros in 1998. Use rubbers properly, no blood contact. It's not rocket science, but some people are ignorant and some really don't give a shit. They die.

> There will be people who's job is to clean the cum out of dolls.

based and redpilled. women keep getting worse. i like the idea of customizable bots too.

you know rubbers don't protect you from everything, right?

You could unironically just buy a sex-slave for less money

the competition began when we named the Jews into putting the parenthesis around their own names, but these red state legislators have answered by making thots patrol themselves. how is user going to answer this obvious challenge?


Hey, Rajeesh, can you help me out? I got this issue with my computer.

Post a pic of the vomit with a timestamp

I guess it's time for a Wang Dang Atomic Tango.

>i spent 2400$ for a threesome...
haha what? I've spent 200 bucks for a threesome in Amsterdam and 90 bucks for a foursome in Moscow

Alright haha


Do you have the 'dat ass' doll pic solely?

Yes, Einstein-looking-for-easy-endorphins-on-the-infotainment-supertoilet-by-telling-people-off. They are only 70% effective as contraceptives across populations. Yes sex is dirty and risky, always was. Your choices change that risk. I'm one of the ones who got away with it while ignorant shitheads who pressure a prostitute for unprotected anal, on the grounds 'it won't get you pregnit', are likely to suffer and/or die. Sex worker actually told me a client said that, btw.

The teen Puritans in Jow Forums are festering jokes waiting to turn into Elliot Rodgers.

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Grow up.

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>tfw I hope they actually and unironically call it Wang Dang Atomic Tango

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> or get old

lol how long does a heavily used sex doll last?

>tfw Jow Forums sits and watches the mortal kuntbat tournament

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Communist flag promoting capitalist decadence.

Unopened can for proofs.

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enjoy your genital warts, degenerate.

they call those gynecologists

>learn to cook
But sweety all the worlds best chefs are men.
Men learned to boil a potato and wipe their ass and throw their underwear in the washing machine while they were gone for 20 years it's ogre.

It depends on the person. I tend to rip the dolls throat out when I orgasm.

>i like the fact that they don't enjoy it
are you attractive and what kind of reactions do you notice?

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It's not just about the diseases. It's about the ruination of an entire generation of otherwise breeding age females with toxic ideology. Women in my age bracket are just plain awful.

>can't cook or clean
>viciously mock other women who can and do both
>look down on and actively avoid motherhood until it's too late
>entitled amd simultaneously uneducated sjw tier opinions

It's depressing.

Big oof

nigga, (((they))) will make DLC's to upgrade your sexbot to spend all your money. you are going to deal with marketing strategies instead of thots trying to get your money.
>buy the latest upgrade, japanese personality is now for sale! pre-order customers will have south korean kinky bitch 2.0, now with kpop songs!

oh god, not steel reserve. it's the one beer my dad, bros, and i won't drink.

great, you just activated my snu snu fantasy.

Its like playing with your sisters barbies , then fucking them..kek pathetic..what you gona dress yours like user?