Have you noticed the shift in the thinking of the society about humanity's future? In the past humans thought about becoming interstellar beings that navigated the galaxy, now all what you will hear in the mainstream thinking is that we humans are going to end up extinct and other sentient beings are going to replace us, aka aliens, cockroaches, dolphins, etc.
The Satanists have a goal, we are not going to become slaves, we are going to get exterminated, the way they are going to achieve that is by making us a retarded species unable to build or develope any type of civilization, society, or scientific advancement so a virus, bacteria, or just a natural disaster could make us disappear.
The thing here is, why? What is the end game between them for that? What will they win?
So is Paganism, it glorifies a heroic death in battle.
Adrian Lopez
Perhaps people are becoming more realistic.
Chase Walker
I mean all humans, including blacks
Anthony Ramirez
There is the effect of the self-chosen ones and the fact humanity overestimated its capabilites and talents, HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE
Brody Ross
Is it realistic wanting your species dead? That is not realism, reality is created by our actions, humanity is a great species, we are able of everything you can imagine, we are just being held down and getting regressed
Jaxson Morales
From 1930 to 1970 humans passed from not having the single idea of what an airplane was to having spaceships, in only 30 years, not even the entire life of an average human, since then we have been getting regressive, but if we didn't have to care about retarded people and liberal science, focus in the real science, we would be much more advanced, we would be half the way of terraforming Mars already.
Jason Smith
this is the key to a lot of problems....the atomic age gave us a twenty minute ticker..no bueno
John Baker
Satanists worship only themselves. They sell out our future for ez gibbs. When shit hits the fan they'll be comfy in their cold graves.
Cooper Moore
Reality is shaped by our collective will, our hopes and dreams, our fears. It does not suit (((TPTB))) to have us aspiring for greater things, to conquer the stars. So they've steered the zeitgeist towards one of fear and resignation. A planet of beings who believe they are doomed to extinction in the near future, most likely resulting in a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Lincoln Sullivan
First flight was 1903 but quite a feat in that time span still.
Xavier Martinez
Because Goyim shouldn't dream of reaching the moon or stars. In fact, Goyim shouldn't even dream of riches. Those are all things for the CHOSEN!
Dream of scrounging together a meal with all of the other rats... I mean Goy... I mean people!
This, but what I am asking is why? Why would they want the human species extinct? Is there a reasonable reason for them to don't care about extinction and even promote it? Saying "they just want to live like Gods while they are still alive and they don't care about what will happen after they die" doesn't sound reasonable to me, having such huge effort just to enjoy such a small and minimum time that will perish while they could have just made humanity as prosperous as it could be, and them and all of us would be like Gods, makes no sense to me
Zachary Rogers
They don't want us all extinct (I don't think so, anyway), they just don't want us having any sort of positive hope. They think of us as slaves, and slaves need to be kept down.
>Saying "they just want to live like Gods while they are still alive and they don't care about what will happen after they die" doesn't sound reasonable to me, having such huge effort just to enjoy such a small and minimum time that will perish while they could have just made humanity as prosperous as it could be, and them and all of us would be like Gods, makes no sense to me It makes no sense to you, it makes no sense to me either, but they don't view the world like the rest of us do. They only look at their own self-interests, they couldn't give a rats ass about the rest of us. The total mess that the world is in starts to make a lot more sense when you come to this realisation. (((They))) are a race of short-sighted cretins, who only exist to live in this moment. It has been their undoing repeatedly throughout history.
Dominic Watson
Be cause they want to inherit the Earth and have permanent slaves. It's not a question of just enjoying life while they can, but of ensuring that they get "what was promised to them." If the goyim fly away, who will be their slaves?
Aaron Smith
I've noticed a shift in thinking the world would be a far better place if the huwhite goyim eliminated all forms of parasitism. Be it the tribal bankers or the room temperature untermensch subhumans they constantly push on us.
Imagine the world as it would be with a conscientious, eco-fascist huwhite population. Creating the exact civilization where nature and humanity live in perfect balance, harmony and beauty. Alas, (((they))) hate beauty.
Too bad the long term planning, management skills, crime fighting, environmental degradation analysis and intelligence work (military, economic, technological, ideological,...) was REALLY lacking, HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE
Levi Parker
I understand what you are telling me but the kikes are already old, most of them are going to die in the next generation, they have kids, and their kids will have kids, also take into consideration that the kikes have been planing this since the start of the european slave trade, so they have been setting this up not for them but for their descendants, so they care about their descendants living like Gods, but this descendants will also have children, so, read this carefully please, they are being really serious about the human species going extinct, all, negroids, mongoloids, Caucasians, mutts, all, even them the kikes, so making the human species seems more like the actual endgame and not the thinking of "they want us to be slaves so they can be like Gods", no, they want to kill everything, maybe this is why you can't understand what I am sayi g because not even I can describe well this, this people want to exterminate the entirity of humanity, including them, for no apparent reason, there has to be a reason.
Alexander Young
I live in Alaska and run around the woods shooting guns and stuff. When I get tired I come home, eat, then shit post on Jow Forums. I'm literally living the dream.
I dunno. Maybe they believe the more souls they deliver to Satan, the more richly they will be rewarded.
But Satan deceives.
Jeremiah Harris
What about it is funny? And why is it a good thing?
Bentley Powell
I think it is kind of funny, some rednecks from deserts and corn farms screwed the entire thing in some major ways. And no, it isn't a "good thing".
Juan Campbell
>what will they win? An eternity of fucking retarded favela kids and sacrificing them to lucifer. There won't be jack shit anyone can do about it because they will all be retarded. If you want to imagine the future, don't imagine Star Trek. Imagine a circumcised dick fucking a 3 year old brown boipucci. Forever.
Ryan Carter
Whites created civilization, the only reason why the human race survived are them, if that makes you angry then go to Angola or Mozambique and go live there in their prosperous society
Hows the bugs out there? I've always liked the idea of alaska but I've heard you guys have a swarming mosquito season over there.
Ian Garcia
It acknowledges that we all die. The religions posted in the previous image all glorify living a dead life. Living for someone else as an obedient slave. There is no escaping death, but there is opportunity to live.
Possibly true. But even in todays highly gynocentric culture the intelligent males and females selectively breed with a mate who they feel most viable. The rest will become slaves, or more accurately commodities of high functioning animals. We intelligent people are just the highest functioning animals. I see no difference from myself to a monkey except for mental prowess, a level of which i feel dismally about even with accord to myself.
goddamn that sounds comfy...i want to live a comfy rural life
Tyler Evans
I don’t know what this means but I don’t see living past tomorrow or next Friday... if I get the chance I’m going to either off myself or run away I just can’t deal with how worthless everything is I have no hope anymore
Gavin Kelly
Santiago is such a beautiful city.
Cooper Moore
Trump literally said you're going to have spaceships. You guys probably weren't even paying attention when he quoted Jow Forums in a speech, saying >"nothing is beyond our reach" Just hold out a little longer, faggot.
Benjamin Ortiz
Even if I do live on I’m not going to have any children to endure this hell of an existence I don’t care about anything anymore
Andrew Rogers
Fuck all of it why should I care about the US or anywhere else? It’s all just dirt rotting away. Why did God make me?
James Butler
>The Satanists Satanist Bible lacks any verbiage about destroying civilization just to be mean. Of course there's no why, you're just looking for someone to blame for general trends and what you've created to blame is the Satanist.
At some point, you'll have to realize that there is no conspiracy, this is just humanity flowing along the riverbed.
Brody Lee
Why do we exist? I believe that God made us for His glory but I just can’t endure this anymore there’s nothing good in all of existence
Andrew Diaz
It's not going to be rotting away when the illuminati are being chased through the streets and hanged and we start using spaceships and free energy and reconnect to the "other" realities (think out of body experience).
Thomas Smith
I see more people thinking this way too. You have tons of different tribes living together in a world connected with modern technology. Where will the battle for survival take the various tribes? If the Europeans fight simply to exist, will everyone turn against them? Will there ever be an allowed "Every race has its space" if the parasites are shaken off? You look at how most inventions were invented by such a tiny percent of the world population. Little Europe, and its tiny number of people changed the planet forever. You'd have to be seriously mentally ill to want to kill all of those people and replace them with millions of pygmies.
I often ponder what European blooded society would look like if they earned their true freedom. Violent conflict would unfortunately occur to obtain such a thing, as nobody is allowed to simply walk away from the bankers prison. A conflict would reshape culture, and ways of thinking. What of the people who are only 90-95% European blooded? Would they be allowed life in the European blooded lands after a collective white chimpout? Even if they fought for said freedom and were willing to accept sterilization. I mean, they cared more than the ignorant masses ever did. Interesting times await us should we not all go extinct, or watch the planet eternally remain a slave farm.
Cooper Lee
There’s nothing good though, nothing worth living for, everything is just pain. We all die someday and there is only pain until that point
Jose Morris
So I take it you're coming with the rest of us when we take off.
Jaxon Brown
Lucifer has convinced them they can upload their minds into computers and become immortal tranny gods.
Lincoln Lopez
Sabbatean frankism. They want to produce as much sin, chaos, death etc to force Rapture as quickly as possible. Similar to plot of FFXIII
Nolan Young
>In the past humans thought about becoming interstellar beings that navigated the galaxy It was a meme We 'made it to the moon' then no one ever followed up
Camden Gomez
get out of my country arab scum
Eli Rivera
Sweet Polaris slide cover plate.
Jackson Rogers
The human world is fucking dying man and if we aren't the ones causing it, we're certainly not helping. Everyone acknowledged it to varying degrees before it became a political issue, but now it's a political identity issue; we'll be pointing fingers at each other as the sky falls down.
Andrew Rivera
The things that are happening to the world are planned, there is no way to deny them because even the United Nations have the projections for the future already made, meaning that they know where we are going and they have the power to stop it but they do not do it because they are the ones doing it