Filthy Papists ban Pastor Anderson from Ireland

Why are Catholic countries so unbelievably cucked, Jow Forums?

>Anti-gay preacher is first-ever banned from Ireland under exclusion powers

>An American preacher with extreme anti-gay and anti-Semitic views has become the first person ever banned from Ireland by exclusion powers dating from 1999. Steven L Anderson, a Baptist pastor based in Arizona, came to public prominence in 2009 when telling his congregation he had prayed for the death of then president Barack Obama and also praised the gunman who killed 49 people in an attack on a gay club in Florida in 2016.

>His website stated he planned to preach to a congregation in Dublin on May 26th but did not specify the time or venue. An online petition calling for Mr Anderson to be banned has so far being signed by 14,000 people.
Immediate effect

>Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan signed the exclusion on Sunday in respect of Pastor Steven L Anderson with immediate effect under the Immigration Act 1999. Section 4 of the Act allows the Minister to sign an exclusion order if he “considers it necessary in the interest of national security or public policy”.

>“I have signed the exclusion order under my executive powers in the interests of public policy,” said Mr Flanagan. The department later confirmed it was the first time an exclusion order had been effected in the 20 years since it was enacted.

>Mr Anderson’s church has also gained notoriety for its history of anti-Semitic statements including denial of the Holocaust and for its extremist anti-gay preaching. His church describes homosexuality as “abominations which God punishes with the death penalty”.

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Hmm, what is this gift outside my house! It seems to be a car!

Pastor Anderson has publicly bragged about having Jewish DNA. Anyone who can't tell that he's a controlled opposition kike is retarded.

You do realize Anderson is ethnically Jewish right? Hes admitted this multiple times.

Good, fuck this bigot

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This ain't 1902 retard the jews took that mfer over a long time ago

>Be Christian
>Bible says Sodomites are an abomination and surely death will be upon them
>Bible says all deniers of Christ (including Jews) stand condemned in God's sight
>Hold basic core barebones Christian views
>Get banned from a "Catholic" nation where 68% voted for baby slaughter to be legalized
It's illegal to be Christian in Europe and now Islam is taking over, and it's the Atheists doing it.

Attached: 3ZVLahi.gif (260x237, 1.99M)

t. christcuck.

>Why are Catholic countries so unbelievably cucked, Jow Forums?

Until proper leadership is restored current "Cucktholicism" will be the norm. The nature of Catholicism requires there to be a respected authority figure for stability to be maintained.

I love street preachers. They trigger entire crowds so effectively.
>Loving Tips to "Avoid Being Raped at College" by Street Preacher Saint Jesse | Wise Advise

Attached: abortion_smash_girl.jpg (750x1125, 201K)

>no culture anabaptist
>antagonistic as all hell
>everything is vain culture but wears a suit.

These retards have been thrown across the pond for quite some time now. Literally nothing has changed.

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Pastor Anderson is based. You seem upset?

>Pastor Anderson has publicly bragged about having Jewish DNA.
>You do realize Anderson is ethnically Jewish right?
Anderson has publicly shared his DNA test and there was no form of jew in his top 50.
He's about as ethnically jewish as he is black.

Is he supposed to wear a retarded hat and a dress made out of gold like the pope?
>Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes (...)
-Luke 20:46

Free speech is awesome. But let’s face it, Pastor Anderson is an idiot with a bad temper.

Ireland isn't Catholic anymore.

Catholics have become fag-loving idiots who vote for abortion legalization and mass third world immigration.

The PM of Ireland is an open Sodomite from India.

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> marries shitskins to adamic women
fuck off with your cucked fake pastor faggot

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Thought the Irish were based and hated sodomites

Oh no, the pastor that marries mixed race couples got banned from an irrelevant sub-country..

You are misquoting him faggot

Notice how Jewish this person is. Jews are all liars.

Isn't this the guy who owned Jesse Lee Peterson?

>USA, most.degen and cucked country in world, calling anyone cucked

Dont even cone to europe, faggot mutts

>The PSA hate club
1 faggots
2 Jews
3 atheists
4 Muslims
5 sometimes monastics

Freemasons like JLP

To be fair, he banned that black guy from his church some time after, though it was for a different reason.

Cthonic papists do stuff, blame atheists

>An online petition calling for Mr Anderson to be banned
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this petition.

Attached: I+sure+wonder+who+could+be+behind+this+post+_90a7f3d1a2ca3a26f729b5ad157a17c5.png (453x557, 50K)

heh, I was going to make a thread with that pic but it seems it's taken

If you died today do you know for sure you're going to Heaven?

Here's how you can know for certain:

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How many countires has he been banned from know? I think it's like 8

This one gets posted every time. It is to laugh. It really is the weakest argument against him, that he promotes race mixing.

>"Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His site.

This. Sad to admit. There are no young catholics. The corruption, abuse and pedo scandals really fucked the entire institution in Irish eyes, and the Church only has itself to blame.
The church needs to do 3 things.
Transistion back to traditionalism.
Purge the priest class of homosexuals (rumoured to be around 80%)
Sincere apology to catholics for all the cover ups, full admission of guilt, and yeah, monetary compensation to victims.
