This is the most important redpill to any american.
This is the most important redpill to any american
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Too many of them cope and are actually happy they were abused like this.
Yeah it's pathetic. Either guys coping or women spouting ignorance like muh locker room dick comparing.
this is fake news i jack off without lube all the time
As a circumcision victim and survivor, I thank you for this post. More people need to know about this barbaric practice. Let us be the last generation to have our dicks mutilated by these disgusting kikes.
Jewish Question.
I'm circumcised and have never needed lube to jack off. But I agree that it's barbaric and my sons are intact.
i was cut but the doctor left some skin, so i never need lube. i have enough skin to rub it the natural way
I never really understood what's up with lube. Even if you are cut, skin is pretty stretchy so shouldn't even somebody that's cut not need lube?
Remember, it's not just the barbaric act resulting in a mutilated penis that makes it evil, but also the fact that they routinely fuck it up too, sometimes even castrating the babies.
How can a person have first hand knowledge of masturbation with AND without foreskin and therefore be able to compare them in this way?
There's a such thing as a circumcision fetish, where a dude gets cut then restores so he can get cut again.
>you'll never get it back
Never forget that we can have anything.
The only thing that circumcised men can do is to not circuncise their sons and encourage others to not do it.
Everything in that picture seems more of a demoralization tactic instead of a warning.
you left out the part where their frontal lobe gets permanently damaged
if we allow circumcision we also have to allow child hormone replacement therapy on principle
if you want your dick mutilated you should have to wait until 21 whether it be for religious or trannie reasons
I think circumcision is stupid and would never have it done to my kids (I'm not cut) but I doubt it's as bad as you guys make it out to be. I've never heard cut guys complaining about sex or uncut guys raving about it anymore than anyone else
What's worse, is that uncut people like me look down on you goyim. I don't even hate the Jews because it was your own parents who let them do it.
Why would you lie like that?
>I've never heard people admit their penis is messed up beyond repair therefore everything must be fine
Not sure it matters that much - the cock is hidden. I guess if there were some strange ritual where some people cut off their kids earlobes, it would matter more because it's visible all the time. It probably wouldn't destroy their hearing though
Same. I blame my own father as well. He should have known better then to give his son the mark of the kike.
The only positive thing about this is that it keeps my hatred of the Jew alive. Not content with Jewing my money, they Jewed my genitalia as well. Jews will leave you with nothing in this World.
Don't let circumcision become popular in your respective countries Eurobros. You don't want this.
>tfw uncircumsized Jew
Dad was cut. Didn't cut me. Thank fuck
Not a kike, nigger.
Oh yeah i almost forgot that men with a cut dick are property of jews.
thats why i hate whites so much, they're servants of jews.
I have zero skin around the head of my dick. I don't know if the Jew doctor went too far or..what.
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This is what my mom said and it’s why I’m circumsised. Fucking cunt.
Very accurate, its easy to fap being a uncut dude. But Im trying not to fap as much anymore, its empty and wrong. Best I abstain from it right?
He is from Vietnam, so he's not redpilled, he's bluepilled.