Alberta Nationalism Thread

Alberta Nationalism Thread. Saskatchewan and Manitoba anons allowed. Easterners and British Colombians not welcome. How do we meme the Alberta independence party next election?

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What would this country be called? Feel like we need a name

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i too support the first nations getting full soverignty and all the worthless whites get to go back to europe

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What's it like living in Hobbema?

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A nation based on geographical location and not on race, creed, or culture won't last very long. Besides without bc your oil goes nowhere and bc has oil reserves about half the size of your oil sands so "muh oil" is nothing special. The interior of bc is pretty based but the coast is in enemy hands. Don't let the kikes divide us European canadians with something bad trivial as provincial lines. Besides Trudeau is gonna take a stab at guns pretty soon and we need to be focused on that.

Old rich boomers are this country's downfall. They are apathetic altruistic children who have no sense of consequence because they never had to face any. They are the ultimate hypocrates they vote green and then buy brand new land rovers and 100k dollar kitchen renos. They sold the coast out to the Chinese and if white Canadians ever want it back their going to have to fight for it.

Unfortunately Alberta bro we are in trouble and some Alberta independence won't solve our problems. Edmonton is basically fucking Somalia and their numbers are growing while ours are shrinking.imo best option we have is a smaller white ethnocommunity in the north with energy reserves so we can hold up and let the city's fall apart when the next great war happens.

it is time we took the boot off if our necks!

we need strong political leadership and a solid economic plan

Peace region of BC should be allowed as well.
>oil and gas heavy
>same time zone as Alberta
>basically albertans with worse vehicle insurance
I'm from bunnyhug land, but have lived in Grande Prairie, so I give y'all my support.

Pisses me off that people voted in a self proclaimed Canadian nationalist as premier. What were they thinking

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>A nation based on geographical location and not on race, creed, or culture won't last very long
As an Albertan who lived in BC for 5 years, I can tell you that AB and BC are very culturally different.

We can invade and take the northern part of BC after NATO collapses. Right now, I think it's best to focus on what's more realistic

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I can tell you how nice it was considering how our community still respects family and culture. Or could also tell you about how some young men caught up in gang life would do whatever they needed to to make a buck but just end up destroying their own family and culture.

No matter how you want to look at it, life in that reserve you are asking about it complete shit. worst of the worst when it comes to rez life. there are a few good ones still in Alberta but most of the best ones are in BC.

t. 100% cree

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Right Wing Albertan Death Squad invading BC to remove the chinks and gas the Jews when???

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The lower mainland is lost. It would be better just to let them be an independent country or stay as an enclave of whatever is left of Canada

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I've lived in both too and they aren't as different as you think. Relative to the brown people in millwoods we are the exact same.

It's a Chinese colony and as quickly as they came they can be made to leave but they have the full support of mainland China and they would provide military securry for their citizens especially in a world where the us is out of the picture

People were thinking that we are poorer than we have been in decades. We needed a change in a face of conservatives.

Yes Kenny is a cunt and even worse he is Ottawa man through and through. But the cunt is conservative.

>t. lower mainlander
invade us, I can already see a RWDS coming over the horizon

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This is so pathetic. Why do our politicians even feel like doing this? Muslims make up a small although rapidly growing portion of the population and they lick their asshole like there's no tomorrow! Yet they don't acknowledge the holidays Euro-Canadians celebrate.

>British Colombians not welcome

wtf man, why do you have to be like this? We are peaceful people out here

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We really don't want you. Thanks though!

If we just ripped off the bandage and just separated, things would be better. The confederation is a fucking joke.

What do we replace Saint George's Cross with? I want nothing to do with crown anymore

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>worthless whites
lmao natives are the fucking most worthless people ever! the whites built canada while the natives get drunk and high

Last time I was in Revelstoke, a bunch of assholes yelled at me for having an AB plate. Same thing happened to me in Salmon Arm. No, the people of BC are not the same as us. They have no morals and nothing drives them. Not God and not money

Nice try chang

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Whats wrong with Yeg?

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Nothing if you love homeless aboriginals and malls. That hill elevator that Edmonton has is pretty cool I guess

These things are made to keep oilfield retards broke and in constant need of relying on oilfield work.

Sounds like some good Rachel Notley Economics™ to me

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Not my fault you suck with money.

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Reminder that this is our premier

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Has anybody ever been to the donut mill in Dead Deer? Best donuts I've ever had in my life

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Al Nat will never happen, just keep sending money our way and stfu.

Wouldn't you be happier too without all those icky conservative ridings? Help us leave

Its always been cool how many Albetans frequent Jow Forums. Any edmonton niggers wanna get a beer sometime

Where else we gonna go? Leddit?

Hopefully Alberta's as a major player on the world oil market are finished


I actually like this. Good joke

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Natives need to stop appropriating white culture by using snowmobiles and drinking liquor.

>drinking liquor.
Nah... That's their thing now

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Fresh OC

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Get the Yukon on board then we'll join and finally complete the Boreal Confederacy

- T. Alaskan

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I'm a based NB resident, please let me in :(

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Don't want to stay with the ZOG?

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We're different people user. Doesn't mean we can't work together, but wouldn't you rather have an Atlantic federation?

>What would this country be called? Feel like we need a name
Republic of Canada
Not Sorry!

Nah, hear me out. When SHTF, we should get AB, BC, Montana, ND, Idaho, Washington and Oregon together and create Cascadia.

It would be the most beautiful country on earth, it has rich farmlands, it has tons of oil so we can become the new oil jews, it has low population but mostly whites. We'd have to ethnically cleanse hongcouver, edmonton, seattle and portland, but once that's done with we'd be unstoppable.

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Notice it's only Americans that's want this. Go suck circumcised cock someplace else. We want no part of it

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ZOG runs Ottawa and DC both. Which way will you choose whiteman?

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I've heard of talk of combining the Atlantic provinces for a long while, mostly about reducing costs in administration fees and easing trade etc... imo probably not a good idea since NS is cucked out of their fucking mind, PEI isn't any better since they elected green party, only reason NB is conservative by a SLIGHT margin is cuz of Saint John. I assume it would just lead to a permanent liberal controlled political party if we combined all 3 (I don't count NF&L cuz they're their own thing).

Also i hate living on the coast, just let me move to the prairies in a small town and enjoy the freedom

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I'd rather make a third option.

Kek. I remember when these pics came out years ago. Everybody whining. It’s even worse now. Methheads attacking people on the daily. Attacking cops too, not that Igaf but that’s rare here. City is fucking lost. This summer is going to be madness. Fuckin filth.

Lol you should check out regina.

It's clearly in your interests to join up with those states in a SHTF scenario. The fuck are you idiots going to do on your lonesome? You have a tiny population, and long winters that would be offset by the things easier produced in the lower states. Enjoy being landlocked in AB and charged excessive fees by BC to ship your oil out.

>implying someone who posts a picture of hitler would allow jews in the country
>implying truedough isn't the biggest jew puppet on the world stage.

Taiga is a kinda sweet name for a country. OK Alaska user, you can join too. You're basically Canada right now anyways

That’s because albertans are fucking scum. I’ve been to BC dozens of times and no one ever bothered me for out of prov tags. It’s a pity the best part of the Rockies and Banff are in Alta. You guys are fucking assholes.

Exactly, your population is the biggest threat when shtf.

New Canada

Red Deer has apartments for 60k. Even cheaper housing in more rural areas. Why not just move now?

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Fuck you. Nobody wants you here.

Prince Rupert's Land

Red deer is nasty 2/5 of the year due to shitty snow removal infrastructure

Don't expect the mutt to understand even slightly complex issues. W is for Walmart

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no the biggest threat is clearly all the shitskins that are infesting calgary, edmonton and hongcouver.

All those states I listed have low populations outside of Seattle and Portland, but they're nearly all white outside of those cities. We wouldn't have enough people in each state to properly defend ourselves if we didn't band together.

Thanks for proving my point. BC is shit and it would be a mistake to let them join us. Filled with people like this

the gay union

fuck albertans

Can't be even half as bad as the East coast

you fucking landless alien peasants will all die at my feet before one inch of alberta becomes american

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In shtf thats not an issue after 1 winter.

Kek. This city is fucking entering collapse mode. Worry for my safety downtown after work on the commute home, summer should be a fucking shit show. Methheads are legion, glad I live in the south.

t. Toronto user

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The east coast is worse for longer periods of time, we can just get some wind which makes highways shit.

At least I don’t live in the Arkansas of Canada. Everything outside Calgary is abbos and dumb fuckin hillbillies and retarded methhead rigniggers. Rather hang with the abbos any day.

An Indian running buffalo off a cliff?

Then go hang out with them and stay away from us. Fuck you.

Shame we need Manitoba for sea access, though the Hudson bay is frozen in the winter. Still better than letting BC join. We're still prairie brothers I suppose

Prince Rupert's Land is the only non-meme answer.

God bless Buffalo Jump

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I'm not a fan of cities mostly, I love living out in the country or smaller towns desu, the "undesirables" tend to form in cities no matter how little colored people you get, and i just generally hate the "feel" you have while living there. The only nuisances I'd say for not being in city is relying on water well instead of city plumbing/sewers, worse net typically, bugs if you're too close to the border (too warm) and hospitals are a bit far if you get fucked up somehow.

Worse the price imo.
I'm joining the Israel Defense Force (aka Canadian Armed Forces) this summer, delete this, it hurts my soul

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Could always be worse. You could be a Reginian.

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I really don't want anything to do with the Brits anymore. Why can't we be our own thing?

That's true to an extent, but you guys would still be on an island isolated from the world. If that's what you want then fine, but theoretically you'd have a lot to gain by partnering with the states directly to your south.

Combine the oil in AB with the bakken in MT and ND and you'd easily be able to be a major player in the oil markets, you'd have access to ports to ship out and in, plus there just happens to be a shitload of nuclear missiles in the plains states which might come in handy for defense if we could cop the payload out of a few of them

A buffalo running an indian off a cliff.

So why not just move?

Retard, its still a huge asset. The Red River Valley is the best quality farmland in this new "country" by far. Also manitoba has neglected mining and forestry resources as well as what amouts to 2 great lakes full of fresh water. Not to mention about a million white ppl.

>million white ppl
Sure thing chief Red Feather

Oh no, we wont be globalised anymore, our comforts and cheap plastic shit won't provide the same level of anesthetization anymore. Whatever would we do?


Greatest place never ever.

I do. WTSHTF where you think I’m gonna be? Down with the neechies. They may be down and out now but you don’t survive in Canada for thousands of years of frozen barren shitholeness without picking up a few skills.

First for Fort Sask

You're actually the worst poster in this thread. Yankee go home

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Why not team up with us in New France and squish the degenerate province of Onterrible between us?

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Everything east of Kenora gets nuked. Fuck off dollarama France.

Cuz not enough money saved up yet, gonna save up after getting out of the IDF (CAF) and hopefully find a nice place out there, but for now I must be a good goy
fuck you fags let us build the fucking pipeline, my province could make some good money! NB poor as fuck out here!

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