why are jews invariably detestable?
>treated my family to a mothers day meal at a small local restaurant
>jewess gets seated right behind us
>knew from the voice alone but easily confirmed with brillopad hair and can opener nose
>orders a meal but doesnt want to pay for a coffee so she negotiates to take parts of the meal off
>says to waitress "it's cheaper for you and cheaper for me" as if that makes sense
>she initiates peekaboo type play with my 5 year old daughter while shes trying to eat, distracting her and making me have to enforce good restaurant behavior
>jewess laughs at me when i try to get my daughter to focus on her meal saying "oh we're just playing DAAAD"
if you have kids you know how much a pain in the cunt that is when trying to teach etiquette
why do they have to bargain over the simplest shit?
why do they disrupt everything?
what is their drive to have the world cater to them?
My own jq
you should have said to your daughter
>honey, for the six millionth time, quit screwing around!
and then given her a knowing glance
I am a contractor. I have had two very clearly jewish customers. One bragged about how long he had made his paint last by presssure washing it every year. There was barely any paint left . The second was the most distasteful cheapskate I ever met. She basically chewed my ass during a meeting about price. I declined to redo my bid and would NEVER work for her. She was the most unpleasant woman i have ever met.
I had some very... unpleasant... experiences with (((them))) too.
i dont get why they bite the hand that feeds
they're never satisfied and never courteous to people providing a service to them
My own personal experiences with Jews have actually been fine.
It's the upper middle class white women they wind up that have been a problem.
To a lesser extent, Christians on here. (Again, a group I would classify as wound up by Jews.)
The answers you seek
> The jewish revolutionary spirit
I had a jewish landlord who evicted me because my damage deposit cheque bounced even after i told her i would drive to the bank and get her cash. I had just deposited it after the cut off. She then kvetched about us leaving and how much income she was losing even though inhad wanted to stay. She tried to charge us for damage to the property due to a giant storm, and all this landscaping bullshit.
Another time, a jewish guy ripped me off and lied about it. The worst part was the lies, i was actually willing to forgive and forget due to it being inconvenient to hold a grudge but he kept changing his story and eventually turned it around on me and accused me of some wild type shit. It amazed me that what hitler said was right, you will get a foot forward with them when they admit something, but the next day you come back and its like it never happened. I had done so many small favours for this guy because i couldnt be bothered to nickel and dime him, and he was even getting paid pretty well. It amazed me he ruined chance for future income for me just to try and get one over on me.
I spent about 2 months behind the ticket counter for a big airline last year. Jews are approx. 20% basic economy and 40% (AT LEAST) of 1st class. They have such a disdainful cold way of looking out of their eyes. An amazing percentage of them don’t take their husbands surname either. Honestly they were a part of why I decided to do something else. I felt like I was going crazy surrounded by Jews all day with bluepilled coworkers and having to be nice and shit.
I once mediated a contractor for a job as a favor. I tried to negotiate the situation because it turned out to be more fucked up than expected, and the guy winds up in my house shouting FUCK YOU into the phone.
And he asks me if this lady is a fucking Jew, at which point I reminded him that her last name had "christ" in it, so ah doubt it. But she was from Jew York. That was funny. I told him to go ahead and get it done right anyway and took the remainder of the kvetching for myself.
>It amazed me that what hitler said was right
Real life bantz like this are too rare. I only wish this would happen and on tape
Dont know why they do this but I work in construction and some of our clients are Jewish. No other clients try and screw us by not paying the agreed fees like our Jewish clients.
We spend so much time chasing them trying to get our money that we no longer persue working with them. They nearly always only pay part of the bill so we have to chase and threaten legal action to get them to pay up fully.
I don't understand the mentality because they screw over a potential mutually beneficial business partnership just to delay paying out some cash.
They're damned kikes, why else. They've been like this throughout all of human history, there's gotta be reason they're kicked off everywhere
Not Jewing hard makes them weak among their own kind. The secret to understanding the Jewish mind is to understand that they Jew each-other just as hard as they try to Jew God.
I had a jew in my class in school, every time he walked past people smoking they would blow smoke towards him telling him they were trying to gas him.
Good times
They are genuinely mentally ill. In an esoteric, but clinically completely valid way.
My sides are thoroughly destroyed
>Implying anyone on here goes outside, let alone go outside to talk to jews so that they can post about it on /pol like a faggot
it's so odd they're willing to complicate things if only to save a few shekels in the here and now.
maybe it's true they honest to goodness believe theyre literally chosen ones that are owed every break in society. some sort of superiority complex above the goyim
i think you're projecting a little
The Talmud is like, what, the size of the OED? And it's just endless kvetching about how to cheat around the Torah. These people are so bad God had to incarnate Jesus, who wanted to simplify things and bring them back out of trouble, and then they Jewed the Romans into torturing him to death in order keep going with it.
What does that tell you?
I think you're lying a little. Wanna know what gave you away? You're asking a question in the form of a statement you virgin.
That would have been fuckin' kino.
>why do they have to bargain over the simplest shit?
>why do they disrupt everything?
>what is their drive to have the world cater to them?
because theyre arrogant kikes that thinks the world revolves around him. nothing says its like CHOSEN people. all they do is bitch and complain, nothing is ever good enough. fuck kikes.
you sound like you're a little low, champ
wanna talk about it?
You people always say the gayest shit on here, why are Canadians such smarmy weirdos?
Just take solace in the fact that when white civilization falls the Jew falls with it. No other group of peoples on the planet is willing to put up with their bullshit.
A Jew refused to pay a $20,000 bill for a job my company did, he then sued us for some bullshit about an employee damaging his property, which didn't happen because we weren't there when the property was damaged. He lost in court but because of some contract issue he didn't have to finish paying the bill. Lesson learned, as an unspoken rule, we no longer do work for Jews.
They stir it up themselves by portraying themselves as eternal victims so they can suck white sympathy for sheckels.
Being Europe's niggers for so long they learned and identified weak points of white culture.
It is their nature.
Why does the cuckoo lay eggs in other birds' nests? Why do hyaenas steal from lions? It's the nature of the animal and how it survives to antagonize and parasitize.
>They stir it up themselves by portraying themselves as eternal victims so they can suck white sympathy for sheckels.
Seems like jewish culture for them to insult and bully each other to instill this as well.
he was being an ass
rather than just call him an idiot i try to dissolve unwarranted tension with silly statements. was taught that way growing up
Not the first time I heard this from airline employees.
There was a post on nextdoor (neighborhood community social media) that was some faggot whining about a pickup truck that backfired as it drove by him, so he was trying to get people to find the driver because he was claiming the loud noise caused him some kind of injury. Sure enough, I look at his name and it ends in "berg".
I couldn't resist myself and made a comment about how he should contact the law offices of "Shekelberg and Goldstein" and the silly kike floods my private inbox threatening to dox me and send screenshots of my "antisemitic remark" to my employer. I basically laugh at him and tell him to fuck off, and he starts sending me links to every LinkedIn profile he can find of people with my name. I laugh at him again, and then he informs me that he is a (((journalist))). I respond with "Imagine my shock", and I didn't hear from him again after that.
This. Its in their nature. The devils children
When I was a child, maybe third grade, before I ever really knew what a Jew was or anti-semitism, we had one Jew in our Texas classroom.
He was literally the must insufferable faggot I've met in my entire life. He was fucking awful. Would bitch out the teacher about his failing grades while obviously making no attempt to learn the material (reminder, third grade, retard tier).
I didn't even know what a Jew was yet and I hated them.
Because whenever they catch shade from a rando on Jow Forums for posting like a faggy leaf, they report you instead of responding
Nice try Janny queer, but you're too stupid to know how to get people banned on this board LMAO
Fucking based.
They're not White they're Jews, that's the simplest answer.
They aren't like us, OP. Culturally, they have always been cunts.
you should take screencaps
tell me where i lied, fag
>espirit d’escalier
found the Jew
Oh I've got 'em. I'm censoring personal info so I can post them as we speak...
part 1
I took a class about Jews in America
The prof was Jewish, but was secretly a very based and hardcore conservative. The class was filled with insufferable liberal Jews and a few randoms like myself.
The last class we talked about "hate speech" and some über juden was literally screaming at me for saying the best antidote is exposure of ideas and debate, saying we should throw people away to rot in jail forever if they use hate speech.
I reminded her that a certain mean mustache man wrote his best selling book in jail.
The kvetching was unprecedented
Short answer
They are not
(((they))) does not really exist
what exists in reality is the will of consciousness propagating outward into the three dimensional
such a thing has only over you the influence you allow it
it is not magic
Those who may be influenced by things such as money or dreams of power are useful but only if others allow over them that influence
Basically tho it is external to many the reality is people are people and make the decisions they make
You are so much more are you not?
Then start acting like it and change the world around you
Time to wake up to what you really are
Or don't
Up to you this time
The entire universe is watching right now what happens on this tiny planet
What you do now could change everything in places you would never imagine
Further reading suggestions?
this is a perfect representation of their nature
Damn now that was fucking funny
go jerkoff with a dirty piece of laundry, you're not supposed to be here.
It's like clockwork.
You've known it your entire life
Put fear aside
Trade it for love
For all of us
Remember what you are and where you come from
Feel it
Everything is going to be alright
You asked to be here
So be what you came to be here in this place
That's the end of it. This kike thinks he's a mossad agent when he's some shitty blogger.
keep kvetching, chaim
And, "Well I hope they've got our food in the OVEN because I am SHOAH hungry."
the anti defamation league, pottery
I can't describe the disgust I feel for this type of person.
Yet they are you
Imagine that
>I answer to Christ
>you're just a sniveling rat
Fucking BASED, this is why I come here man. Awesome
>Reeeee stop having fun
Kill your self desu
This happened a couple months ago, but the convo is still open... The temptation is strong to taunt him even further.
Damage deposit is illegal lol
0/10 you didnt call him a slur
These kikes have no fucking shame.
Why are you a copy paste faggot. Iv seen this response over 10 times now in the last two months. Learn to shill you sack of shit glowie
This all started because I posted "Oy vey, better contact Shekelberg and Greenblatt for money damages", and did refer to him as a rat in the end.
That's way more than you've ever done in normiespace, so shut the fuck up.
Show me
They are taught that they owe goy nothing.
To haggle with a goy is just their way of getting the most they can without outright breaking the law.
If they could get away with it, they'd order food and then loot the register of cash and leave.
They think your car really belongs to them. Your wife. Your kids. Your everything.
You are cattle. Haggling with you over stupid shit is them being really, REALLY nice to you.
And really only because they're MADE to be.
>jews should be allowed to interfere with your parenting and needlessly complicate things
thanks user
>she initiates peekaboo type play with my 5 year old daughter
shut yo ass up honkey before i get tayvon in yo ass yo fuckin white ass
Try something nigger
there is no other user
there is no (((they)))
no separation
we are
we do terrible things
we do beautiful things
together as one anything is possible
but I can only
only so much
together as one we can anything
what we must find is a common understanding
we all piss shit bleed love laugh cry live and die in the same mud
imagine being something so true it cannot be denied
such a light it cannot be hidden from the world
something has to change yes
be that change. be something so amazing nobody can deny it
That's actually just a statement.
>invokes ADL
>muh antisemitism
The absolute disconnect. Its like they really cannot make the connection in their own minds why people hate them so much.
can we trade places?
you sound like you belong in canada
Absolutely FPBP
dis yo wife nex
>When you're so vile and unpleasant to be around that you need an entire organization dedicated to defending your right to be a huge piece of shit to everyone.
What? Its a very reputable law firm!
>Yet they are you
Oh no, it's retarded