Our girl?

So help me understand.... former CIA glow nigger...running for congress...says jews are the problem.

How can you be CIA and jew pilled?
What is the angle?


Attached: Based Valerie Plame.png (609x411, 369K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>oy vey, vote for me stupid goyim I hate jews too

This is going to get confusing quick is it's a new tactic.

was she the yellow cake agent scooter libby outed?


once a glow nigger
always a glow nigger

Yep. Kinda milf hot.....

Jews don't actually run the world. No one does. Common misconception, but a particularly insidious and potentially deadly one that shouldn't be promoted

ok Schlomo

>How can you be CIA and jew pilled?
How can you not be if you have access to the highest amount of intel out there? I guess they don't say it because it'll cause goyim to shoot people in synagogues.

> Jews don't actually run the world. No one does. Common misconception, but a particularly insidious and potentially deadly one that shouldn't be promoted

"The world" too general. How about the media? Do you agree they run the media? (News, movies, television, etc)


We know for a fact that the mossad did 9/11. Every government knows. Most populations of the world know. The only people left in the dark are some americucks.

So, yes, the jews don't run the world. Mostly just Israel and America. But they assassinate any american that stands up and tells the truth, giving them control over the strongest military in the world.

So, pretty close to running the world.

Does America finally have it's own "Mummy"?
I sure hope so

This. She probably monitered Jow Forums for half a year and that was enough.
>mfw American Mummy stalked my shitposts

Attached: 1553649732970.jpg (650x1000, 119K)

>World knows
>America doesn't
That's some bullshit

Jow Forums will actually fall for this trap and support the deep state takeover

>former CIA glow nigger
Nobody ever leaves the CIA.

>This is going to get confusing quick is it's a new tactic.

Bingo. You nailed it. Glow Nigger spotted.......

Attached: Glow Nigger Spotted.png (1078x452, 177K)

>voting not only for a CIAnigger
>but putting a woman in office

Attached: Nixon.jpg (850x400, 78K)

they run the UK France Russia Ukraine EU and yes most of the world China and SA included are you mind dead?

>If less than a full 100% of kikes plans don't come to fruition then its annoda shoah and kikes are innocent
Seems reasonable

Her cover was burned by the Jews while in deep cover.

Attached: 1557576562473.jpg (500x756, 105K)

Plame IS a jew! The cunt is looking to shield and protect kikes.

backpedaled. just once I wish that during a press conference after a controversial remark the perpetrator would say "I stand by my statement " and stick up their middle finger.
Mel Gibson 2020

Imagine being this retarded and ignorant.

Chill. That's like woke level two. We were working on baby's first red pill there.

>women in politics

you have to go back

Ehhh, kinda sorta.. though I'd say it's more accurate to say the money controls the media. I'd love to elaborate, but there are way too many people who can't be trusted with the truth imho

Like yourself in Tel Aviv?

And American "Conservatives" are defending Jews who obviously lobby for Israeli interests.

Yeah, but do Jews consider her Jewish? They're all about the maternal bullshit to determine heritage.

Still a former Glownigger naming the Jew is glowing as fuck.

> Ehhh, kinda sorta..
Ehhh....I don't know. Looks like control to me.

Attached: jewmedia-1024x1024.jpg (1024x1024, 334K)

Imagine being such a good goy that while you yourself aren’t jewish, you still follow all of their rules. Immediately an hero, you fucking cuck.

Where do you think these global right-wing populist movements that are all 100% Zionist and promoted on meme boards without user identity are coming from?

You think that maybe the agency whose existence has been predicated on fighting communism and has used torture and human experimentation might lean a bit more right? You realize that “occultism” acts like a form of cryptography and that spies, intel agencies, etc can use esoteric movements as ways to communicate and organize without outsiders understanding?

Do you realize that UFO conspiracy theories were pushed by feds as a cover-up for spy-plane development, that conspiracy media is a perfect cover for the spread of psyop disinofrmation, that Alex Jones was raised with John Birch society weirdo shit?

Apply all the Yuri Bezmenov quotes to the alt-right and think about the things I’ve pointed out. I truly think this global alt-right has been Astro-turfed quite thoroughly by right-leaning intelligence agents. Memes come out of nowhere with tons of content and high symbolic vigor, posted relentlessly. It’s not impossible it’s just figures like Anglin, but I really suspect it runs much deeper. Shit, if you read documents from the Cold Harbor eugenics labs that were funded by Rockefeller’s in the 30’s and influenced nazi eugenics movement, you will notice how similar a lot of that information is to arguments people make on here.

I truly believe there have been crypto-fascists in US and other governments for decades waiting for a ripe moment. You see major movie plot lines about this idea with Hydra in Marvel and Alex Jones screaming about it constantly. Paper clip put a lot of nazis in important places. And again, the anti-Rockefeller alt-righties have some arguments identical to Rockefeller funded research from the 30s. It’s a strange picture to behold.

Keep up. We have people operating to the detriment of America's objectives for a free and prosperous, peaceful world.

Nationality segments (regardless of their geographic location) are included from:
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

Attached: 1555282542597.gif (236x307, 1.56M)

>And American "Conservatives" are defending Jews who obviously lobby for Israeli interests.

b...b...b....but they are God's chosen people....

Easy they turned her out to every nigger from here to timbuktu for intel, she's still a traitor
Blood on your hands, doesn't really ever wash off

Only some of them. The other some of them are hawkish war mongers and love usury. The same ones that are aligned with the American evangelicals trying to bring about Armageddon.

Attached: 1551521058403.gif (400x224, 3.69M)

Fucking (((national review))) with their sensationalist headline.

All Plame did was point out that the Israel lobby runs American foreign policy. This is so blatantly obvious that those attacking her won't even refute her claim on a factual basis, but instead just call her a conspiracy theorist and anti-semite. They know they can't refute her so they resort to calling her names. They did the same thing with Omar.

Fuck the neocons.

Nah, Jews definitely run the world. The thing Jow Forums gets wrong though is that they think Jews are some monolithic united front with omnipotent power. The reality is there are multiple factions of Jews battling for power. You got the Zionist Jews made up of Neo-Cons and Judaic Jews. These are the guys the US primarily fights wars for. Bankers usually fit in here. Then you got Globalist NWO Jews like Soros and other shadowy figures such as the Rothschilds. These guys want to dumb down the world with shitskin genes so they can fulfill their power fantasy and rule an ignorant easy to manipulate population.

>Nah, Jews definitely run the world. The thing Jow Forums gets wrong though is that they think Jews are some monolithic united front with omnipotent power. The reality is there are multiple factions of Jews battling for power. You got the Zionist Jews made up of Neo-Cons and Judaic Jews. These are the guys the US primarily fights wars for. Bankers usually fit in here. Then you got Globalist NWO Jews like Soros and other shadowy figures such as the Rothschilds. These guys want to dumb down the world with shitskin genes so they can fulfill their power fantasy and rule an ignorant easy to manipulate population.

Thanks Alex

>only some of them

Attached: 6D98A8A5-F886-4E49-86EC-898415C73A07.gif (149x181, 836K)

Thanks Alex XDDD it's funny because I'm implying he's Alex Jones, the popular conspiracy theorist from InfoWars but logically speaking he most likely not that makes it funny XDDD. Thanks Alex lole.

Yes, however, they ultimately just do and say whatever they think will make them the most money from advertisers... they are in many ways gate keepers and front line of the greater European alliance

Jews are completely anal about their rules you dipshit.
While I'm sure she considers herself a "Jew", there are probably many Jews who don't.
Ultimately she'll align herself with them in the end, but for now her naming the Jew can be helpful.

That’s an old photo

Netanyahu's and Wolfowitz's vs Sander's and Larry David's


You are correct in a way, but you are also wrong.

she already apologized

>former CIA glow nigger
No such thing. There are glowniggers, and glowniggers waiting to be reactivated.

forgot link


>he doesn't know about Valerie Plame

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