Should slavery be reintroduced?

should slavery be reintroduced?

Attached: good old days.webm (720x304, 2.94M)

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Who would that benefit?

no, genocide should reintroduced

reintroduced? usury was never abolished

What flick is that? Want more

I've been seriously thinking about this recently. We've been importing illegal immigrants and starting a trade war with China over the use of cheap overseas labor, but honestly we have a solution for this, and that's to repeal the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, and reinstitute slavery.

Americans (even liberals) are perfectly content with slavery right now, so long as it's out-of-sight; out-of-mind, so why not just go all out? It'd solve the illegal immigration thing, as well as the globalism thing.

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Yes, its time your Jewish overlords will openly enslave you.

No one said usury retard

Yes, we wouldn't need immigration if we could just enslave our cheap labor

hell no, we want them gone, not moved in

What is this from and is it legal?
Are we all going to jail?

you are the slave

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Me on the right

spotted the good goy.

amazon and walmart

Yes, but it should be contained to the third world.


porky's 3: the final holocaust

thats fucking repulsive. kys kike

A box of black tits.

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Yeah I wanna order some white eunuch slaves like in the good old days. Could be you who's reading this rn. Gonna contact my arab and jew merchants.

>haha titties amirite!
Nah. Fucking gorillas is hyper-degenerate.

Slavery is just a fact of human history and always exists, even when it's not called slavery and isn't done in a way like whatever historical period you're looking at.

For the Romans, many of their slaves were taken in conquest and were freed sometime in their life and had the opportunity to pay for their freedom.

Throughout history there's indentured servitude, which is just another name for slavery although sometimes the initiation of it is voluntary and it's held by contract.

Then there's the early modern form that we're familiar with, where slaves come from one part of the world to a very different part of the world and are a different race from their masters, where the entire lineage is enslaved indefinitely just by fact of their enslavement unless individually granted freedom.

Slavery now is different in different places. Sometimes it's human trafficking type sex slavery or whatever, other times it's more like indentured servitude. I would argue that Johnson's Great Society reforms are slavery in some ways - getting people on handouts so generations don't and can't really work because there's no real employment around unless they're fit enough to escape the ghetto by military service or smart enough to have their university entirely paid for.

So slavery is still around. I don't think that the kind of slavery that the South had is economically justified nowadays with combine tractors that can do more work than thousands of negroes for far less spent in upkeep. Slavery would have been outmoded without a war anyway, but then the Jews wouldn't have been able to loot the South.
What can I say except your welcome?

>ywn be that guy

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>tfw the actor got paid for doing that

No, it's a shit-tier economic system and we do not need niggers to exist anymore

If you did a real depiction of that scene in year 2019, 60% of the black women would be 200+ pounds and the same percentage (maybe even more) would have some kind of VD.

white men

whats with all the pedo shit in that movie?

Those who do the enslaving, fuckwit.

Imagine the smell

a room completely filled with nigger grease

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Imagine having a little house nigger to cook your meals and wash your clothes and darn your socks and warm your bed. And after impregnating her your have a little mulatto daughter fucktoy and then you could just kill the old bitch.

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Nigger abuse, fine, but why did they have to make him fat?

Its cheaper to pay illegals' wages than to maintain slaves.

cuckold detected

To deliberately fuck up the aesthetic, literally everyone would find it appealing irl if he were handsome.

Addio Zio Tom(Goodbye Uncle Tom), a 1971 mondo documentary film.

>should slavery be reintroduced?
You could always just move to Africa and some of South Asia, slavery is still a thing there.

No the fuck it isn't when you talk about the fucking STRAIN that beaners put on our economy.

>rape welfare
>send all their money to mexico
fuck Western Union, they're complicit.

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He's not wrong. If they have some kind of autonomy they maintain their own housing and shit and still work about the same or better, even while abused and underpaid in the fields. Unironically it's like what Tucker says, the state of immigration (and guest worker programs) in the US is a measure for class protection masquerading as an issue of moral and economic importance. irl it's only to protect the bottom line of very rich people, allowing them to further consolidate our agricultural sectors.

Shut the fuck up cuck bitch. Cuck faggots like you are why the white race are dying out. Spics and niggers run up so much welfare that if there were none in America we'd have no debt or deficit.

Why would you want to do that to your own daughter? She would be your flesh and blood

>our economy
Rich people aren't concerned with debt and shit of that nature. This really is one issue Tucker understands, I don't agree with him on legislative issues often and think that we should unironically go full Mycenean at this point but he's right about this.

You are a brainlet if you pulled a pro-spic or pro-black argument out of that post. God damn son.

also can we fuckin stop shopping women to anime proportions? that girl is hot AF, no need to turn her already huge tits to fuckin double Gs

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You are a nigger loving bitch who likes black dick up your ass that's why you don't want them to be our slaves so we can rape them and do whatever we want with them. Niggers are out of control and slavery is the only way to get them in line.

Also brainlets are the reason why we're losing so much ground demographically and in our own governments. I'm confident about the outcome though.

I never said anything for or against slavery, merely that the current state of immigration is unironically cheaper to maintain than slavery for rich people in the agri sector.

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I want this job if it comes back.

no, deport them back to their jungle

Man, if you could just read a full paragraph before sperging out, you'd see the dude makes a decent argument. Think about it like this: if you have a horse farm, you're obliged to feed and shoe those horses. You can use them to pull plows. You can use them to carry shit. But at the end of the day, you are 100% financially responsible for them. With spics, you still are. You still need to have their chitlins get braces and education and pay for their beaner cartel bros to live in luxury in prison. Only it comes out of your white man's wages. It would be better (quality of life) to maintain slaves. It's indecent but less expensive to individual to allow illegal immigration. This is an ethical quandary solved through history with the institution of slavery.

Not really it slaves were just barely useful to tend massive crop fields, and a slight improvement in technology did away with that. Logistically it would cost far more money to own slave, than they could or would possibly output.

Huh a white person wanting incest, who would've thought...

Christ, that's vile. How can any white man fuck a nigger? It's just as wrong to fuck any other animal.

No. Cucks are. Whites are smarter than niggers but they're eviscerating whites right now cause they aren't cuckolds.

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All I heard was "blah blah blah I'm a cuck and I want niggers to be free so they can fuck my daughter and destroy the white race."

we could just put shock collars on them and make them be our maids and butlers

This is what we get with public education.

Many, and growing number of white men

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>go to college so you can get brainwashed about the evils of the white race goy
this is a Harvard professor. education is a joke. the entire western world is cucked by Jews

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>That instawhore
If that's the same chick I think it is, I unironically know a friend of hers.



Cute niggresses would bleach

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Pretty girl

my girlfriend is black and pro MAGA
I plan on marrying her after college

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Slavery makes the white man lazy


mantaining a slavery system is way more expensive than paying a minimal wage.

slavery is only worth it if you really need to a specific task done no matter what and there's a serious shortage of workers and even thats a gamble.

the only other way you could justify slavery is self satisfaction or ideological reasons.

Your children are statistically likely to have major heath defects and IQ's below 100.
Also, should a race war ever occur you're fucking them over by making assimilation into one side or another more difficult.

Hope y’all have a lot of babies

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shut up cuck gook subhuman

Why are mixed race women's make muh dick hard as fuck? Jfc Hnnng

slavery is why we're in this mess
complete non-association is preferable

stay mad

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wrong, cuck. ending slavery is why we're in this mess

>marrying a nigger
>marrying right after college
you are both a fool and a disgrace. it is your life you are throwing away, not mine

nice larp wignat loser
we plan on having 1 girl and 1 boy
we even plan on moving to Seattle someday to buy our dream home (we live in L.A)

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Teach them to love themselves and do good in life.

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Question: are You Ready to say goodbye to Your genetics? Cuz if You try to Fuck That sheboon Thats what will happen

>Who would that benefit?
negros. they were better off.


I'm a Southerner.
I could get Nigress ass day or night without raising a finger.
They're such low hanging fruit it's like settling for a chop steak when you know it's bottom of the barrel.

youre already a mongoloid native american shitskin

I cannot wait to deport you scum once and for all
hopefully in 2020 Trump will have brought all dissidents in congress to heel so they will have no choice but to be pro Americana.

Lowest IQ in the thread award goes to

Top kek
Whatever faggot.
My kids will look like me and won't have sickle cell or kidney problems.

no you couldnt fat ass loser. you wish you could. southerners are the biggest cucks

cry more, race traitor

Holy shit this must enrage a black guy

Imagine how wet those negresses were having that absolute aryan unit play with their titties.


Thats a very low IQ response.
You clearly don't come to Jow Forums for anything but shilling, because anything else is to hard for you.