Welding Hero

This guy taught me how to weld one or two years ago.

I never knew he was so fucking based. I love it


Attached: based chuckE2009.png (909x573, 938K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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Die baldcel

Your genetics are revolting

lol whatever who cares fuck you

>Be commie
>Complain about revolts

Attached: decker.jpg (699x663, 77K)

show flag,moses

The comments on his videos are still visible if you use Hooktube

wow never knew about hooktube. Thank you user!

Top lad.
The thinning hair is a product of head pats. He has many more than any shitty meme flaggot.

Attached: CC4A0615-5030-4302-A6CD-AF4985934DA1.gif (250x250, 3.88M)

Yay another Christian. Gaaaaaaaaaaaay.

blondes tend to go bald more often than others

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show flag

That's a larp, you faggot.

Here's the video of him reading a comfy story. (is now delet from jewtube)

they goyim know!

Goy Guide to World History

E Michael Jones on Jewish Influence from Calvary To Trump

E Michael Jones on Logos vs Anti Logos: The Pivot of Human History

Ethnos and Logos

>Latest Interviews
Donald Trump and the (((Russian))) Mafia

E. Michael Jones Interviewed on The Public Space

Libido Dominandi: Lust, Power, & Control

Owen Benjamin Finding Logos with E. Michael Jones

Know More News with Guest E. Michael Jones

The Vicious Effect of Usury

Attached: E. Michael Jones.jpg (178x283, 19K)

>Pray the Rosary
Latin prayers in description
Latin chant
Simple Instructions: Say the Rosary
The Secret of the Rosary

Attached: Rosário.jpg (1280x882, 84K)

Eat shit nigger. Pic related.

Attached: Now who's the LARP'r.png (1257x705, 199K)

Prev breads

Actual original posting of that image (confirmed with hash)

Attached: chucke2009_1488.png (1213x947, 1.95M)

Attached: lansed.jpg (580x536, 49K)


Amazing that video is still up.


Welders are the most redpilled people I've ever met. Pretty much every white metal worker hates niggers and jews.

t. Welder


this dude is fucking based

IMAO. You can't take a city bus to the middle of the country, Antifa.

Bless him on his journey, material things mean nothing, the only thing that matters is blood and soil!

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I encourage you to try faggot. Please try to do something, please please please.

usually workers that put their blood and sweat into their works are red pilled

What state does he live in?

seriously you don't know?

do what?

fuck yeah we are

Attached: 805aa0d79404712b89c58a14c17253e0700216299060af87490c7f8705a1f76c-b.jpg (433x650, 163K)

>commie scum complaining that the proletariat isn't what he expected

Get maimed by chain binders and carved up with a mig lol

>the jews have lost control of the narrative

uprising when?

Yes, he live in New York City, right next to central park.


Attached: risk.jpg (939x660, 114K)

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He used to live in Ohio, not sure if he still does. Wherever it is, it's rural enough that some 120 pound faggot in skinny jeans and wearing all black would stick out.
You could just post his address rather than some shitty google maps image that doesn't help anyone. No one gives a shit enough to report you for it.

whatch his videos he says what state he lives in all the time.
what's funny is it was easier to find his real name and home address than it is to find the fields he works on.

Try it, you fucking kike

can confirm.

try what? not a jew.

He's building a Königstiger in his backyard. Killdozer 2.0 when?

>He used to live in Ohio, not sure if he still does. Wherever it is, it's rural enough that some 120 pound faggot in skinny jeans and wearing all black would stick out.
He now lives Texas

The real question is will your parents be willing to give you a lift to that location because I don't think a bus will take you.

He's in Texas so I kinda doubt any antifa are going to show up at his spread trying to start shit.

Are you retarded? All of that information was posted in his twitter description. He didn't try to hide any of it.

Do you think he lives in Brookville, OH? We got an expert computer hacker here...


I wonder if this guy knows he is in actual mortal danger.
>inb4 he magically gets weed in the mail and then busted by the feds the next day like that fag, FPS Russia.

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Watched a few videos, this guy is a hack and slob. He also seems to shill alot of Chinese garbage. I assume he is sponsored to sell you inferior Chinese tools and equipment. I would not trust anyone telling you to buy cheap Chinese shit. He is also talks about his ass. His last video he is giving advice about 3 phase electric and is clearly clueless.

kek how is that video still up

>jewtube being jewtube
Real men, who can actually DO things tend to be based.

FPS missed a great opportunity to put his arsenal to work

Absolutely based. I would buy him a drink if I saw him irl

>Do you think he lives in Brookville, OH

Attached: lanser.jpg (751x424, 66K)

Holy shit I used to watch his videos about welding I never even know about this what the fuck. He seemed so happy being a welder

Fuck off and die, communist !!!!

Attached: pole SOF only killed commies.jpg (960x925, 89K)

lets see your hairline cuck

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wrong again

He's a good lad, been watching his channel on and off for the last 5 or so years.
Still boggles my mind as to how redpilled he is, I would have never guessed.

>Chinese tools and equipment
Have you actually bought any tool in the past decade?
It's fucking hard to find something not made in China.
Sometimes there won't even be an alternative made in Taiwan.

Damage control

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get yourself killed

So are you going to borrow your mother's car and head to Burleson? You're terrible at intimation. At least post your sling shot or whatever stupid weapon you have to fight 'da ebil nazis1111!'

I know wow. You really never know what people are thinking . Could go the other way as well.

this. on 9/11 my absolutely based hs welding teacher essentially predicted the next 15 years with 100% accuracy.

Pic related

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Nobody who's watching learn to weld videos should be buying high end welding equipment. I bought an everlast stick welder partially based on his recommendations and it's a fuck of a lot better than a lincon tombstone I could have bought for a lot more.

Now that he lost his channel he is going to go crazy and weld a giant killing machine robot


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This and checked

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Deporting the kikes on day 1? Goddamnit I was on day 7 of Nofap

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Everlast is solid. Have a 256SI that I use for TIG on SS and alum. I weld for a living and would buy it again over a miller or lincoln.

I admire the mans unabashed embracing of his beliefs.
I do worry he'll be ruined because of it. I don't think this of a lot of jewtubers, but he seems to be a genuinely decent fella.
I hope he stays away from Alt Right e-celebs though, they are largely fuck ups and hypocrites.

So you're telling me you're chuck? Post timestamp kike larper

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he's cute though desu
at least our guys don't look like this

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I love mine and I think he has a real point about the established brands running on their names and not on the quality of their product. Really at the hobby/farm price point everything is going to be made in China anyways so it's just a question of which one is the best deal.

>tfw he could be in this bread right now

Attached: Bane3.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

>when the goyim keep knowing and telling other goyim

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>So you're telling me you're chuck?
No, he's telling you to eat shit nigger.

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Holy fucking shit. Kek. I never knew he had these ideas. Lmao. I learned how to MIG weld from this guy.

His channel looks interesting. Might check it later.

this channel is getting fucking deleted lol. get a youtube dl of his vids if you want to watch any of it.

Calm down goyim, refugees welcome!

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he has a bitchute channel with some of his videos there

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Guy's pretty awesome.
cheap/budget chink welder reviews are well worth it. Nobody else bothered with those kinds of reviews, but there are a loads of people who aren't looking to drop a fuckton of cash on pro gear, but are just looking "hobby" level gear that wont shit it's pants a month after purchase, to dick around in their garage on little projects.
Art even.

redpills are just a nice bonus.

the rest is just a bonus.

>Deporting the kikes
Good goy. Let’s change that number to 110 and keep the list going so the jews can once again harm whites sometime in the future.

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Chuck doesn't read the comments to his videos, what makes you think he cares what anons think on a taiwanese underwater basket weaving forum.

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You can buy fake youtube buttons on ebay for a few bucks.

here's the response on bitchute

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If Chucke2009 does happen to drop by, we should give him more redpills he can post in his videos.

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Think Chuck might get thru to other major youtubers who might want to save the world?
Does he have an email?

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oy vey

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