Why is this concept so hard to grasp for Jow Forums?

Why is this concept so hard to grasp for Jow Forums?

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I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be grasping here.

because white people wont exist in 20 years and there is more than one white person on earth so something else must be up

> le epic leddit post XXD

You need to go back

Whites will definitely be around in 20 years retard

That just because whitey isn't having sex doesn't mean you're being genocided.

das rite

>Whites will definitely be around in 20 years retard
im sure you know so much, goyshite bitchboy. keep feeling secure. if you survive you WILL be a slave.

Why do I suspect these people ITT have nostrils further apart than their ears?

>Reddit post
>Jow Forums is one person
Nice bait, now get back to plebbit and fuck off

most of the posters here are low-iq. they went to failing public schools, and grew up on a diet of processed food.
it's no wonder most of them are physically repulsive and too stupid to correctly ascribe blame for their condition.

lmao shart-in-marts btfo

you seem upset and insecure

aren't these the same people who say "Don't have white children because it's promoting toxic whiteness"

I don't get it, really, explain it to me.

this makes no sense since woman are the gatekeepers not incels

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Thanks for properly exposing the origin of this particular bad shill-meme.

Unironically posting a fucking reddit screen cap and not being permabanned. Pol is unsavable

Incels could always go on a jolly good raping spree. So that's still an option.

"White population declines from 85% to 56% in 50 years, projected to drop to 30%" - the left

"White population declines from 85% to 56% in 50 years, projected to drop to 30%" - the right
LOL fucking loser have sex incel

>Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.
Also, (You) need to go back.

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>The people who rant about the underlying cultural and socioeconomic influences being created by corporations cant conceive of any other type of cultural or ethnic subversion
A bunch of self-indulgent faggots.

As described in the books of Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua, Jews always have preferred to commit genocide rather than to permit intermarriage and genetic mixture with the host population. And the Jewish god is a specifically tribal god — rather than the universal deity of the Christians — designed first and foremost to maintain and promote Jewish racial integrity. The Hebrew history of the Old Testament dictates, in fact, that all of Israel’s misfortunes arose from rejecting Yahweh (Jehovah) through racial mixing. As Kevin MacDonald states:

>“God is simply another way of denoting an endogenous unitary ethnic group, representing a racially pure Jewish gene pool.”

The ferocity of the racial hatred which Jews have traditionally directed toward Gentiles thus has the evolutionary purpose of maintaining the separateness of the Jewish gene pool. This has been manifested in a variety of cultural practices, religious beliefs, mannerisms, and occupational peculiarities. And it has resulted in definite psychological and physical differences between Jews and Gentiles. The physical ideal for the Jewish adult, for example, was to be thin and pale; children were even scolded if they developed a physically strong, ruddy appearance.

The Jews’ genetic evolutionary strategy also accounts for the importance of kin-based cooperation and in-group altruism within Judaism which has been crucial not just in maintaining Jewish cohesion, but in leading to intense resource competition and hostility against Gentiles. In seeking to support this argument, MacDonald quotes figures which highlight the highly disproportionate influence of Jews in areas such as retail, law, banking, and the media in pre-1933 German society. In Berlin in 1930, 80% of theater directors were Jews, and Jews wrote 75% of the plays produced in these theaters, while they also edited the leading newspapers and were over-represented among journalists.

Its not genocide if you aren't getting murdered.

Plus, the other races are getting "genocided" as well. Biracial isn't white as much as it isn't black/Asian etc.

If leftists could stop thinking about our dicks, that'd be great. Thaaanks

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If that was the case why would we revert to Traditionalist ideologies which restrict how many women men can sleep with to their wife? I don't understand, Fascism and National Socialism promote the family and monogamy, which also includes men. If men were allowed to break it then female polygamy would be allowed since someone has to do the whoring. By us promoting monogamy we're if anything guaranteeing complete and total faithfulness. If we were motivated purely based off sex we'd convert to Islam since it has all the benefits for men (multiple wives, polygamy, sex on demand) and has every single sexist troupe they spout endlessly about. These people are truly delusional and are stuck in the
>When guys sleep around they're considered studs but when girls do they're considered sluts omg we need change!!!11!!1!

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MacDonald’s implication from this is clear: in seeking to implement their group evolutionary strategy Jews have chosen to engage in certain activities and occupations which have naturally involved the exploitation of the non-Jewish population. This, in turn, has usually resulted in a natural, defensive reaction on the part of Gentile society. Jews themselves, therefore, have been responsible for developing “anti-Semitism,” which, in fact, already exists in the Jews’ imagination long before it exists in the hearts and minds of their Gentile hosts.

Using MacDonald’s theory, we see how this consistent process of Jew-inspired “anti-Semitism” has actually served the Jews doubly well. Not only has it been invaluable in maintaining the Jewish racial consciousness and preventing genetic assimilation, but it has actually served a definite eugenic purpose by regularly eradicating from the Jewish stock the least fit individuals: that is, the ones who get caught by the enraged Gentiles, while the smarter and quicker ones get away.

MacDonald confirms that the Jews have been long-standing and committed practitioners of racial purity through eugenics, and that they have practiced discrimination against poorer and less fit Jews “as a function of genetic distance,” particularly in times of economic and demographic crisis. Intriguingly, he also suggests that Jewish eugenic practices have extended to Jews “stealing” selected genes from Gentiles. These genes are then submerged into the Jewish gene pool, so strengthening the Jewish genetic stock.

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Just as alarming, MacDonald raises the possibility that Jews also have evolved certain genes which have naturally promoted phenotypic similarity with the host Gentile population. This effect, he believes, could have been amplified via natural selection within Jewish populations without affecting the large overall genetic distance between Jewish and Gentile gene pools. Just as distinct species of butterflies can adapt themselves to resemble each other, so Jewish sexual selection behavior ensures some physical resemblance with the host population, such as in eye and hair color. In effect, this amounts to genetic deception tactics as part of the Jewish evolutionary survival mechanism.

This factor is also reflected in the nature of Jewish intelligence. Jewish children’s verbal IQ is considerably higher than their performance IQ, with visual-spatial reasoning being greater among Gentile children, especially those of northern European ancestry. This would again suggest an evolutionary preoccupation with outward display, which, as MacDonald points out, is reflected in the lack of Jewish original thinkers and inventors. Jewish economic activity has tended not to be characterized by technological innovation related to mechanical abilities, but by economic “mediation” in the form of importing and exporting goods, and by commercial flair. In 19th-century Germany, for example, the inventors of new technology — such as Rudolf Diesel and Werner von Siemens — were predominantly Gentiles, while several Jewish fortunes in technical areas — such as those of Ludwig Loewe and Emil Rathenau — were made by importing technology that originated elsewhere and were dependent on capitalization provided by Jewish private banks.

>because whitey isn't having sex.
Ok shlomo, we are 11% of the world population and all of our countries are being flooded by the remaining 91%. Go be a nigger kike somewhere else.

You're sort of missing the point on a couple of fronts.

In terms of white numbers, a decline in the absolute number of whites is going to happen as soon as the baby boomers start to die off. The post-war baby boom did create large numbers of whites, but fertility then went below replacement rate and stayed there (beginning in the 1970s in most of the Western world). What you seem to be missing is that relative number in any particular country is the most important factor. Ethnocultural majority is the basis of self-determination, politically and in all aspects of communal existence. To lose it is to be vulnerable to outgroup competitors, either singly or in coalition (the coalition which intersectional politics aims to build). To be clear, relative number is primary because power is relative.

Genocide or not, mass immigration into countries where the ethnic core is reproducing at below-replacement rates can only result in the displacement of the ethnic core, faster if migrants reproduce at above-replacement rates, which they are.

Do you understand why this is a bad thing?

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>That just because whitey isn't having sex doesn't mean you're being genocided.


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Based and blancopilled.

>Expecting a Reddit screenshot / demoralization shill to argue in good faith

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>Its not genocide if you aren't getting murdered.
Wrong. What do you call it when you tax whites so they can't have kids, then give that money to blacks and hispanics so they can have lots of kids? I'd call it d and e as well in an economic sense.
Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as

... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
—Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[4]

Speak for yourself shills. My beard still smells like pussy from this morning.

poor dumb faggot how can you be so wrong and so faggot

I don’t want to laugh at the wrong people so please if you’re such studs prove it or fuck off.
I’m not holding my breath but I am so confident that these gobshites won’t post anything I’m going to bed.
If one of them proves he’s out tomming every weekend I’ll do a flip when I get up and read it.
I’m too tired and I have shitty work to get up for in 6 shitty hours so I can give tax money to the criminals who work for the people enslaving humanity.
Funny how perverts and the genetically weak support the destruction of the human race isn’t it, it proves that I was right to despise the weak all along because they are poisonous cancerous liabilities who need exterminating.
I’m here most days and I splurge my image & what I’m doing which usually means who I’m fucking all over like my own brand of toxic fatal thread cancer but at least I’m not a seething NPC like some of these cunts and now since they are such big studs and party boys I want to see them on paradise beach with bikini chicks and yachts flexing their muscles or show me your great success at online dating/hook ups. Proof not 2 year old tier name calling.
But they can’t because all they do is shove stuff up their ass and repeat buzzwords from approved NPC media sources all day like goldfish.
Goodnight pol.
Sorry American lad if I friendly fired you. Fuck off if you deserved it. I’m to tired to check it out.
I’m going to bed.
92% of left wing activists live with their parents
1 in 3 Left wing activisg is Unemployed
Pic related are their school bullies who they still fear.
They are proper shit cunts

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Conveniently leaving out the open borders variable of white genocide.