Welcome to planet nigger
Welcome to planet nigger
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thank you boomers
Formerly Sneed's
These are always great, because Africans can’t feed themselves now, but we’re made to expect ongoing linear growth rates for the next 80 years.
Never underestimate white cucks and their cucked governments
This. This. Fucking this.
Turns out planet of the apes was our most realistic sci fi dystopia
By the year 2100 niggers will be extinct and Africa will be a Chinese province.
Africa's population will top off at around 2 billion, and then plummet to near zero in a few months.
Once the population density reaches a level where viral hemorrhagic fever doesn't kill its victims before they make it to the cities, it's RIP Africa.
It's more like cannibalism is normal animal behavior and is one of the things we stopped doing. Still supports the argument that niggers aren't human.
Until we cut off aid and they nigger themselves to death.
If only
I love ebolachan
blame yourselves glow niggers
all you do is try to bully the only people in the entire world who care (anons on this board)
>planet nigger
Not yet, there's still internet.
I really do not believe that our planet can take this increase of people.
We are already using too much resources... what will happen if we are >10 billions?!
>Africa's population will top off at around 2 billion, and then plummet to near zero in a few months.
no it wont, automation will good enough to sustain useless people, the elites will ensure africans are fed
Planet of the apes was a documentary series