>i-i-its not addictive
Okay so why have I been smoking the shit for 12 years, ever since I was a middle schooler??? It sure as fuck is addictive. This shit should be federally outlawed.
Hey guys, fellow pot head here
It is federally outlawed retard
Don't be rude, he's been smoking that shit for 12 years, there's a very high chance the last time was less than 1h ago.
>the government should outlaw something I like because I’m too weak of a faggot to control myself and I need daddydick to fuck the right choices into me
Just because you are took weak doesn't matter all drugs should be legalized so we can take over your white decadent countries this is revenge for the opium wars whitu piggu
its not physically addictive
technically, its safer than alcohol. cope.
same situation,
have you tryed not being a pussy and cease using it ?
This, and based. Fuck you OP, you little bitch
Umm weed has ruined my life. I BE sitting on the coach all day.
Learn to code
It shouldn't be outlawed just because you can't control yourself you weak faggot.
I did smoke less than an he ago, like 20 minutes ago. I'm addicted and that's why it should be illegal, thanks for making my point contard
You have ruined your life.
Do you even smoke weed? I thought all you had over in Englandistan was Carle fishing???
>he doesnt show up to work completely high with his supervisor
lmaoing at ur fail
Does it have any effect on you at this point? Or you just use it to relieve anxiety?
> smoked off-and-on for years
There is some addiction to it, but it's not very severe. In a few instances where I was traveling abroad and wouldn't have access to it for a month at a time, I had no real issues going without. A bit restless the first night or two, then completely fine afterwards.
Getting off smoking was way fucking worse.
How do i do that when I'm a addicted to weed???? I can't learn anything
It is addictive, but it's probably one of the easiest fucking addictions you can kick. That's why people who are "addicted" to weed are considered a joke.
At least they could enforce the existing laws. It's not normal that it's easier to get in middle school as a kid than in an hospital as a 70 year old patient. And shit's only getting worse, it's pretty normal nowadays to find 15 year old middle class teens who have tried coke, meth and worse drugs. But yeah it's all their fault, they have the same genes as their parents who didn't do any of that but somehow it's their fault.
I don't want your opinion, only sophisticated nationals.
Okay so how did j kick heroin but I still smoke weed????
eat the pot
make pot tea
food pot
but why smoke the pot?
if used for the right reasons and the proper ways canabis is good for everyone
> 4 sentences
I can dumb it down a shade for you burgerboi.
It's mildly addictive but only weak willed pussies can't cut it out.
Yeah I've smoked it every day for 11 years lol. I take responsibility for my choices.
200k yr pothead here, stop being a faggot.
Canada? Such language. What would Sasquatch think?
Habitual yes... addictive no. Addictive substances have physical withdrawal symptoms along with mood swings from the body craving the chemical in question. Habitual substances have no physical withdrawal symptoms but do cause minor irritability mainly due to boredom or the absence of a similar feeling.
It's more about showing self constraint... pick a certain day to smoke pot once a week and adhere to that. Your tolerance will drop and you will need less and the feeling will last longer.
Also, it is Federally outlawed.
i smoked it for 30 years
now if i smoke its a couple or 3 times a month on a sunday while im fishing
I used to smoke pot, but then I switched to spice and exclusively smoked that. It totally ruined smoking pot for me idk why so it was easy to quit. Quitting spice was a bitch though.
Heroin is safer than alcohol, so that’s not much of an argument.
Quebec leafy... That's how they naturally talk.
Liar, post pay stub
At a certain point, your body will tell you to quit. Usually you will be very high, then suddenly wonder why you feel like shit, then alot of people quit. Its A weird thing. Seen it alot of times. Happened to me. 1/4 ounce a day pothead.
that shit is being pushed on them
and all these libertarians
and "pot is harmless shills"
are the real gov dick suckers
Shut up Europoors. We have crazy weed here, not that dirt shit you buy from abdula
Puffing on some GDP now.
>420 posts by this kike
All you do when you get stoned is listen to shit music, watch shit TV and eat junk food.
When you do it a habitually, then stop you realise you wasted a lot of time, money you can get back, time is a different matter.
Oh so you're a pussy. Got it.
most of the people in this board are druggies themselves, that's why they don't want to aknowledge it even if drugs are white genocide.
You already know it's bad for you and is ruining your life. That's 1/3 of the work done.
The other 2/3: convince yourself you want to quit. Set a date and from that point on fill your time with something that helps you forget weed.
Then pass 1-2 terrible weeks, 1 very bad month, another 2-3 bad months, and a somewhat shitty year in which you try to do something to your life (and either succeed or get back at where you started).
>I smoked it for 30 years
Yeah your an addict
Pot ruined my brain. Fuck that.
>most of the people in this board
in this thread*
>be weak human being
>develop mental dependence to cannabis
>cant stop because weak human
>Cannabis should be outlawed because i have self control
Have you ever watched a heroin addict go through withdrawals or "sick" as they refer to it?
Do you know how drugs like, heroin, meth crack cocaine effect the brain? They make the drug a primal requirement like food and water, you LITERALLY need it to function until you'
ve stayed off it for a few years and your brain has recovered.
You know what drug doesn't make itself a primal necessity? Cannabis.
> addictive
> i've been smoking this shit for 12 years
> it's sure as fuck is addictive because i'm too fucking retarded to tell the difference between a drug of dependence and a drug of addiction.
your best option is to throw yourself off of the office building you're currently sitting in and stop larping for pharmaceutical companies, you pathetic and compulsive lying cunt.
because you are weak
I've quit for weeks before, it's not hard, it's not fucking benzos
>I'm a weak faggot and need the long dick of the law to ream my asshole to be responsible
Weak, pathetic, and cringe
An alcoholic can literally die from cessation.
op is deliberately being a fucking retard. sooner he dies, the better humanity will become.
It is highly addictive.
t. stoner
You can smoke meth for 30 years and quit cold turkey and it cant kill you.
It will be one of, if not the worst experience of their life, but it wont kill them.
> heroin is safer than alcohol
>An alcoholic can literally die from cessation.
people can die due to opiate withdrawals too, you stupid cunt.
Same for heroin, that was my point.
>what is opiate withdrawal
funny enough, what that guy said about meth is correct however
>Same for heroin, that was my point.
and you're still fucking wrong. shut the fuck up.
Yeah but people actually think like that, including many stoners.
I've seen plenty of them genuinely believe they are addicted and cannot quit its a joke, theres no real withdrawals to go through like a hardcore drug addiction and faggots like this are likely government agents trying to perpetuate MK Ultra onto lazy cunts looking for an excuse to do nothing.
I smoke amazing weed faggot, I don't buy from shitskins. The quality of weed depends on the knowledge and experience of the grower and the quality of the genetics. We can access the same seeds and grow equipment as you can. Just because good weed isn't as common here doesn't mean we don't have it, if you know the right people or know how to grow.
No they don’t. You are an idiot.
Just stop, like put it down. Don't buy anymore. It's that easy.
You’re a good example why it needs to be legalized. Drugs are a good way to weed out untermensch (no pun intended)
Dude weed lmao
>what is opiate withdrawal
100% non-fatal, that’s what.
>wasting your life away on a drug
>but it’s ok it doesn’t kill u
You can die from quitting heroin cold turkey but its not likely.
although if you know anything about heroin addiction, they'd be wishing they were dead for a few days/weeks until all the "creaks" and "sickness" passed
Show me the source of someone dying from opiate withdrawal. It doesn’t happen, only certain rehab methods cause death which is not the fault of opioid withdrawal itself.
Truth checked
It can happen you fucking idiot. At the very least you’re shitting yourself and vomiting for a week after quitting. My cousin was a heroin addict and I watched him detox.
it's not you are just fuckhead. get addicted to booze or opioids and try to quit that shit
You can’t die from simple cessation of opiates.
>gambling isn’t a real addiction either guyz despite people selling their houses/cars/suiciding
We have some REAL experts on addiction here
Tell us more you fucking clowns
>boohoo, feeling bad is LITERALLY death.
Source or fuck off, retard. You can’t die from simple opioid cessation.
As if the leaf is an expert on anything. Don't you have a cuckholding session to attend?
you can become addicted to anything leaf. psychical withdrawal is different to just not doing something
Benzos and alcohol are harder to get off than opiates. Opiates are just a lot more deadly.
Don’t you wear your shoes inside the house?
No you can’t become addicted to anything, you’re purely retarded.
I don't wear then outside the house
yep, flag checks out
you're addicted to being gay
faggot just quit and enjoy the dreams
Benson and alcohol withdrawal can literally kill you, opiate withdrawal literally can’t.
I’m pretty sure death is 100% fatal and not dying is 0% fatal
Big deal
I ate Doritos and hotpockets and drank Fr Pepper for 20 years. It gave me slight man boobs and a creepy skinnyfat body.
How are any of them still legal???
Pretty much the only positive aspect of quitting to me
> 2+ years sober
Post tits.
You’re American that’s your culture, to eat shit food and wear shoes indoors even in your bed
>outlawing things that are addictive
good way to put everyone in jail
Still more culture than any Canadian has. Quite sad if you think about it.
Substance and alcohol recovery worker. There is a significant difference between a physical a psychological addition. Weed is not physically addictive as you don’t suffer from any physical withdrawal symptoms. It’s psychologically addictive because you essentially train your brain to associate relaxation and feeling happy with being high, you crave weed because you after years of use it becomes the norm to feel a specific way creating a psychological dependence.
ye lets ban all the things
sugars bad for you and addictive ban it
cigarettes too
ban coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks, pringles, macburgers, tv, internet, smart phones
all cos op can't manage his cravings and poor impulse control.
I'm weak, so pot must be outlawed.
Not addictive- you're just a pussy with no self-control.
>Weed is not physically addictive as you don’t suffer from any physical withdrawal symptoms.
Show proof. An actual study, not a brochure.
I’m a drug recovery worker, these are facts. Do you’re own research and stop being so bloody lazy and asking people to do it for you.
I used to code every day then I learned to weed