How come when debating and talking about abortion that nobody ever mentions just not having sex...

How come when debating and talking about abortion that nobody ever mentions just not having sex? Sex in the vagina is for procreation, so I don't understand how getting pregnant is a "mistake." Just by having sex you're taking that risk. If you have sex, the outcome is your responsibility.

Secondly, I don't get the whole "government should pay for women's birth control." Your vagina works 100% as it should if it's getting pregnant and having babies. Viagra, the counter-argument that is always used cures a non properly functioning part of the human body. If you're not getting an erection, your body is not working properly.

These things are pretty obvious, but why are they never brought up?

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Because personal responsibility is for faggots, user.

Trust me, we use that argument. Then we usually get accused of being prudes or we get to the rape question. You make the mistake of thinking that people use their brains. They don't. Asking someone to put pleasure on hold these days for a greater purpose is something they take very personally for some reason.

>Because faggots are super responsible an' self-denying an' sheeit.

I'm not even convinced that the government should fund viagra unless there is a reasonable possibility of conception

I didn't actually mean "gays". I meant it colloquially.

A reasonable argument, but too hard to control.

It gets mentioned.

But people think they have a right to not face the natural consequences of their actions just because there's artificial means of stopping em.

Sex feels good. It may not make sense logically, but people are never just going to stop fucking. You're kidding yourself.

I actually ended up taking that position in a debate with my two sisters a few weeks ago. I said, "Every single policy, medication, and law related to this is all designed to remove people's responsibilities for their actions. That's wrong. If you want to have sex, have sex. But each time you do, keep in mind that there is a risk of pregnancy and the baby is your responsibility. Maybe if people were more considerate of the function and consequences of intercourse, they would treat as a more sacred exercise than just mindless hedonistic pleasure-seeking."

Your second point is valid though. No disagreement.

There is also an opinion in the criminal justice administration that sex is the harmonizing agent that is free, legal, and for public adult use; as opposed to drugs.

Because women need sex like they need food water and shelter, apparently

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>A completely different human growing is her body
Are women that retarded?

Since when do faggots champion personal responsibility

>for faggots
"Adults" would be more accurate, (((Satan))).

How do you nignogs not recognize sarcasm.


Anal sex solves everything for both parties. No babies, no condoms, still get to cum inside, doesnt matter if its man on man, man on woman, everybody wins

Womens suffrage was the literal death of our republic.

Yeah stop pushing that shit schlomo

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This has been my take recently, i mean having sex to just feel good is the same as getting high, you're just getting high off your vag or kak. This idea we HAVE TO HAVE SEX AND ABORTIONS is for Neanderthals. Fucking whore retards

They should be our property.

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asking people to control their lustful desires is a losing argument in this day and age.

There is a reason the Greeks strongly warned against it