Babby's First Redpill

I've just now realized that Germany wasn't responsible for the Second World War. In advance of the conflict, had half-a-year's worth of negotiations with Poland, all along only demanding a connective highway across the territory that was rightfully theirs, and the repatriation of the single city of Danzig to Germany, which Poland would retain full economic rights in. Hitler agreed to permanently and irrevocably recognize Polish possession of stolen lands in Silesia and guarantee Poland's frontiers despite German majorities in much of them. No mention of returning the enormous amount of property seized from Germans by the Polish government. No mention of returning large swathes of German territories stolen. Just a highway and a city. That's it.

What did Poland do? It spat in his fucking face. Did not even attempt a compromise on the Danzig question. Instead, it began to arrest prominent Danzigers traveling in Poland for pro-German sympathies, and even threatened to cut off the port's food supplies if it voted to return to Germany. It mobilized its military far before Germany, distributed plans calling for a surprise assault on Berlin, and schemed with the French and British to jointly attack Germany. Ignored the final German offer and pushed for war with a full mobilization as Germans in Poland are harassed and beaten in the streets and arrested for being "unpatriotic". Hitler didn't initiate the conflict, he simply gave them what they asked for after they fully mobilized and flipped the negotiating table. They knew what their decisions meant, they expected war to result, but however greatly overestimated their own capabilities and the commitments of the Allies. Hitler moved into Poland as they so desired, the Allies initiated the Second World War by declaring war in response instead of agreeing to minor Polish concessions.

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The redpilling moment for me was three questions.
1. How many Jews died in the Holocaust? 2. Now how many Americans died in the war?
I didn't know the answer to the second question.
3. Isn't it odd that the capitalist nations allied with the communist nations to put down nationalist nations even the communists' death toll was already staggeringly higher than the nationalists would ever reach?

i read mein kampt and it was a load of BULLSHIT!

Hitler says the main point is to protect christiandom

then he blamed all his problmes on the JEWS

FUck hitler and his shitty book

There is nothing more Jewish than hating Christ.

Jews literally killed Christ
There is no bigger enemy to Christendom than the Jew

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There's video of before and after the war where Germans living in Poland were getting lined up and gunned down. Hitler heard word of the slaughter of ethnic Germans and demanded that it stopped. It was all part of the agitation of getting Hitler to declare war so that the Jews could wrangle their good goyim slaves to pounce on Germany

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>Hitler moved into Poland as they so desired
Stalin moved into Poland three weeks before Hitler did. England and France declare war on Germany, but partner with USSR. Pure hypocrisy.

Do you think they have relatives in common?

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................................. hitler was putting people into fucking gas overn.......................................................................................................................... they needed to be stoped . i know 4 epople who servived the halocaust and they said it was the most horrible time of their lives.

but you believe some fairy tales of hitler tryingto "save germans from being massacred"

show me your evidence of this. until then. nazi german needed to get stompped the fuck otut

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Because England and France promised to defend Poland specifically in case of German aggression.


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Imgur link, Mobile faggot here

>wehraboo delusions that the invasion of Poland was self-defense

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1)Stalin invaded us 16 day after Hitler
2)we didn't have common defense pact signed against soviet union but we had one signed against germany after they broke multiple diplomatic promises like this one
>Hitler gave a speech in Berlin on 26 September 1938 and declared that the Sudetenland was "the last territorial demand I have to make in Europe".[4] He also stated that he had told Chamberlain, "I have assured him further that, and this I repeat here before you, once this issue has been resolved, there will no longer be any further territorial problems for Germany in Europe!"[4]
3)they didn't partner with USSR you just say they did because Germans invaded USSR before they finnished war against Britain so they were both fighting against Germany
finnish elementry school before talking about politics stormweenie
kids can't post here

That doesn't mean we should genocide them. It means we should convert them.

Go back to the potential history hole from which you came, foul beast!

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we gave it a try but it proven to be impossible
instead most of us got converted into satanists

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Surely this post is in jest ?


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me grandpa survived deth camp. he was survive from the evill nazi running out of death gas.. He also survive anal gas pump and death rollercoaster and knife floor... he got his kidney removed by mengele while he was in dachau!

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then you realize that england declared war on germany a day after the invasion because "muh treaty," but when the soviets invaded like 2 weeks later they allied with them. I can't find much information on it that isn't misleading, but the initial medals given for the anschluss occupations were called the "Flower War" medals because the campaigns were so peaceful. The german soldiers were met with flowers instead of rifles.

I always make this analogy.
>ww3 happens
>US loses
>china makes us sign a treaty
>Treay says ohio is now mexico
>US asks mexico for ohio back
>Ohioans want to rejoin US
>"invade" Ohio

this post can’t be real