Obama White House Tracked FOIA Request For Hillary Emails That Was Improperly Denied

>The Obama White House kept tabs on a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email accounts that the State Department improperly denied, according to newly released emails.

>The emails, which were provided to Judicial Watch, show for the first time that the Obama White House was aware of the Clinton-related FOIA request, which the liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) submitted to the State Department in December 2012.

>The State Department denied the request in May 2013, claiming that no responsive records existed. That despite officials at the State Department, the White House and even President Obama himself knowing that Clinton used a personal email account for government business.

>The State Department’s inspector general determined in a report released on Jan. 7, 2016 that the State Department’s denial of the CREW request was “inaccurate and incomplete.”

>It is not clear from the emails why the White House was interested in the request. But Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton has a theory.

>“These documents suggest the Obama White House knew about the Clinton email lies being told to the public at least as early as December 2012,” he said in a statement.

>“The Obama White House orchestrated the Clinton email cover-up,” he added.

>Several FOIA requests were filed for information on Clinton’s email accounts during her tenure at the State Department, which ended Feb. 1, 2013. The most specific request was the one from CREW, which was submitted on Dec. 6, 2012.

>The group filed a FOIA request for information on the personal email accounts of several cabinet officials, including Clinton.

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The floodgates are opening.

>but her emails

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>hillary's crimes should be forgotten just because she lost

It's like 6.5 tears after the last email was sent and the Clinton crazies are still obsessed. Clinton derangement syndrome is real

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Well she did sell nuclear materials directly to Putin and stuff in exchange for donations amounting to hundreds of millions to her "non-profit."

in English doc!...

I still want to know what was up with those handkerchiefs and hotdogs and shit


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He has to prosecute and execute Hillary or this nation is finished.

child sex slavery

>giving a shit about some boomer cunt who lost

>child sex slavery
this but unironically

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I kind of wish she won so we could be lining people like you up along a ditch.

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>Not exposing traitors

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>not caring that a traitor almost took over your country and not wanting to see her smoking corpse frying in an electric chair

Yeah I saw this, very interesting.

Hillary committed perjury and nothing happened. Nothing will happen. No one cares.

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my body is ready

say the word trump

>Hillary's emails

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>If someone doesn't get prosecuted for a crime for a long time, we should just ignore it.

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bbbut that was debunked!!!!

pretty pathetic that this is their go to defense:
>those crimes were committed in the past!

>if someone doesn't get prosecuted for a crime because she rigged the justice department we should just ignore it.

Show flag kike
I don't know why you people even bother any more. Your mask is off here. You only make people hate you more this way.

They've just been making people madder and hurting themselves for years now. Trump would neve have won without lefty shills turning people away from Hillary.

It's clear they intend to make the same mistake this time around too.

Thank God for Judicial Watch. A lot less of this stuff would be getting out without them.

Yep. When the headline is about someone lower-level like Nellie Ohr, they say, "Wake me when it's Hillary." When it's about Hillary, they say, "Why do you still care about her?"

>electric chair
>not hanging from the neck until death

Mfw Based Barr is the new sheriff

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Persians are ancient white folk, aren't they?

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