My dad is going full mask off

Redpill at a family get together in front of about 8 people at a Mother’s Day party discussing deep state, federal banking and new world order. This is really interesting to watch

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He’s been going on for about 40 minutes standing up talking.

Based dad

>Redpill at a family get together

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Tell him about the wooden doors

Give your dad a hug before he dies user

Now he’s discussing how the illuminati chose Obama

And what's the expression on your mothers face right now?

Always do he’s a great father.

Oh my lord now he’s discussing how the Vatican sacrifices children and Michelle Obama is a tranny. This a bit too far papa

My mom doesn’t care at all she’s a lefty but is so used to this stuff from for decades she just ignores and watches.

The real redpill here is that neither you nor your father have been anywhere near an authentically epiphanal experience, ever.

>Annual Israel Rave in the Park

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I wish

Awesome my kids deal with this from me all the time lol

Did he mention how joan rivers said on camera michelle is a tranny and barack is gay? And how she likely got killed by jews (botched surgery or something in heavily-jewish ny, common knowledge) after that??

Same. If you dont tell your kids constantly about the jews, niggers and deepstate you have failed them as a parent. Also its fucking great being white

Lmao I told my grandparents about the wooden doors once and went into standard holohoax shit. They sort of brushed it off though and didn’t seem to really stick.

Oh, yes indeed. Yapping with your chaps until you’ve rendered the antisemitism memeplex second nature amongst yourselves will ensure the utmost protection in this world. And then your daughters will befriend catholic Mexicans and you’ll have an intractable paradox on your hands because you’ve rejected the diaspora’s use of humanism and the Levantine core of Abrahamism as practiced and ecumenized in the West.

jews vs jews.
who wins?

My dad knows I'm a NatSoc.

Is he doing a sloppy job?

Great to hear.

Night of the Long Knives Pt. II is about to commence. It all started in user's dad's dining room.

>Jews vs 'Jews'
the Jews that didn't crucify Christ & who treated their followers like shit

Tell him about Based Bill Cooper

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did..n't treat*

>red pilled boomers in just one day

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tell him WWG1WGA and watch his eyes start to water, and him finally crack that proud smile he never gave you growing up

I have pretty much exposed myself fully to my moms side but not so much my dad as he is a quarter kike.

Ayy Tone, you believe this crap?
Wooden doors
Wooden fookin doors

amen. My dad just tells me not to blow up federal buildings and it's cool.

Your dad is based. Mine is too but because he grew up under Mao's cultural revolution. Along the way someone told him about the juice and he will reflexively resist anything remotely left-wing.
The human body can withstand a certain amount of Jewishness.

Same. My friends and family are entertained by my openness about politics, but I'm probably saved by pretending to be unaligned. I'm too nice to go McVeigh so I'll just wait till shit goes crazy.

Tell your dad I said "Sloppy job Mossad"

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I've been on it with my 3 year old since he turned 2. Dont know how much of a difference it will make this early but you cannot sleep on the JQ and the nogs problem

You fucking retard. He's going to sperg on his classmates at school or daycare.

Yeah the context is even worse. She took videos too.

>when the critique reverses