Why can't wh*Te western men protect their territorial borders

like normal men?
Is the wh*Te subhuman so pathetic that he simply watches with a cucked hard on as swarthy outsiders ravage his women after illegally entering his territory?

Attached: IMG_20190513_033814_306.jpg (869x751, 161K)

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>considers himself a man

I'm a white woman. I don't understand why a large minority of ww like black guys? Like whats the appeal?
If I were to ever race mix, I'd probably go East Asian or Persian. Blacks are dumb and ugly.

white women aren't the reason they're leaving everything behind. go and visit their former country. and then when you get there, ask yourself why it's a shit hole.

It's as close as they can get in Sweden.

Hi Pajeet

Attached: black-supremacist-poster.jpg (915x255, 138K)

fucking gross, this whores should be burned at stakes

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yeah pretty much, otherwise it wouldn't happen.

is that photo even real? Looks like a fuckin sex doll

your opinion does not matter talking hole

Never change, romania

Jewish subversion and hormones in the water

Titans or gtfo

New phone you know what I meant


6’1” muscular East Asian here. Hit me up bb

>inb4 “but ur dik is still small”
>inb4 go back to

>Why can't wh*Te western men protect their territorial borders


*blocks your path*

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sure you are

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More like why are we not allowed too
Too many years of peace has made soft

well at least you can state the facts

funny that any of you would even respond to this creature. why lower yourself to their level?

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why aren't you removing the kaffir genitals? allah commands this!

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>I'm a white woman.
Stopped reading right here.

nice try wite boi
u cant compete
we've taken ur best women

Because our governments are cucked.

anyone ever see something like OPs pic and get a feeling that humans look fucking hilariously awkward when fucking?
shit sometimes i feel like humans always just look ridiculously awkward. like my brain is on the edge of understanding some higher understanding, and then its gone.

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>Implying all women arent sex dolls

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Cool story chink

How many white women have you bred so far with your superior oriental seed?

Attached: ching chong.png (1328x1140, 150K)

fucking poo hiding behind a meme flag.



These posts turned me into a fascist

how can they determine sex of a web client connection? fucking jew tricks.

okay, enough talk, whats the sauce

>Dude sweater.
I kinda smirked.

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Shut up Thailand

hello brother.

yikes imagine the smell

Looks like the golden one has finally taken the dude pill.

Attached: TheDudeOne.jpg (767x431, 44K)

if you can get them at all they are not our best faggot

Okay now this is epic

Attached: B8BE111C-E15A-4FDF-818F-2BFC66E985D7.jpg (750x430, 61K)

It's okay to admit t. want to marry upwards to white because everyone else is ugly in comparison. Whites are the golden standard. If t. truly believed you weren't ugly, you wouldn't pursue them so badly.

Attached: PST_2017.05.15.intermarriage-01-09.png (311x439, 8K)

is there a video to the bottom pic or what?

White women are surprisingly loyal

Does it matter? Just go to /gif/ and click on any random thread. Fucking niggerdick obsessed faggot.