>never wanted to be president >took on the entire globalism-pushing establishment >exposed the leftist media and universities for the true anti-American radicals they are >consistently trolls the left >publicly supports the Lord Jesus Christ against the rabid left's anti-Christian agenda >chosen by God to usher in coming age of Aquarius (Tarrant thought he was an accelerationist, no TRUMP is the true accelerationist)
This man is the greatest president, possibly greatest man to walk the Earth since George Washington. We are entering a new age of humanity, one in which Jesus will ultimately rule the planet, and Trump is the single biggest contributor to the advancement of the Plan. It's way closer than you think, so prepare yourself, brethren.
The reason immigrants come to the US is because they are getting hired by greedy profit mongers that don't want to pay an American a living wage. The US needs to leverage it's global power to stabilize the host nation's crime and economy so the people prefer to stay in their home country. Stop voting against your own best interests (Republican).
>the easiest way to stop immigrants from walking across our border is to control all the criminals on the planet, and force everyone to be rational, intelligent civilized actors in their own societies.
Luke King
>The reason immigrants come to the US is because they are getting hired by greedy profit mongers that don't want to pay an American a living wage No it isn't.
Ryder Morris
He loves us lgbt people too, don't believe the democrat lies. He is the greatest president looks after the interest all kind of people. He will get relected in 2020.
Help the host nation control the crime and economy. Some are not up to the challenge, dummy, so the situation turns to shit and the people go to a place where it is safe and prosperous.
Mason Martinez
Yes, it is.
Luke Watson
ITT Jewish faggot OP gives Zion Don a reacharound.
My best interests are to brutally kill every liberal and every nonwhite on this planet. Sure you want me to seek my own best interests?
John Moore
wtf I love Buttchug now
Leo Butler
>Help the host nation control the crime and economy. The host nations are the criminals, in many cases.
>people go to a place where it is safe and prosperous. Yea, and the US is always going to be safer and more prosperous than whatever shithole they're living in if I have anything to say about it.
Your proposed "solution" will just turn the US into a shithole so that they don't want to come.
Jonathan Turner
That's not in your best interests. You are confused and angry and sad. Please get help.
Kevin Butler
Trump is a traitor, wholy in favor 0f and willfully cooperating with white genocide. Clearly.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
You proved my point. Try some critical thinking for viable solutions instead of bigoted, violence.
He's good, but he needs to build the fucking wall and stop sucking off Israel so much. Those two issues aside, I like him, but he's fucking up a bit now.
Evan Richardson
>never wanted to be president I believe you are speaking about Trump here but one of the most interesting things that historians have found about GW was that he was extremely adept at appearing to not want power as he gained more and more. He definitely wanted to be president.
Ryder Gutierrez
Riiiiight and tranny melania gotta be the best first lady
Landon Cooper
Agreed where is the fucking wall? Where is the second tax cut? Executive action on the 2nd Amendment?! I think bump stocks are stupid, but creates horrible precedent.
Jonathan Brooks
Uh, no. The people wanted to make him the KING of America and he said fuck no. He was absolutely not power hungry.
John Gutierrez
Critical being the operative word. Your problem is that you are not critical enough.
Any close examination of your bullshit ideas shows them to be completely unworkable on the large scale.
"Keeping people out" Is a problem that has been solved for millenia. We know how to do it very well. It's just a matter of having the will to make it happen.
It's just a fact of reality that the poor and unfortunate are going to try to benefit from our prosperity. It's our choice whether we want to allow them to be part of our community or not.
Luke Walker
He's kind of a liar. He got elected based on his anti-hispanic message and basically has done fuck all about it.
I'm livid. I voted for him to deport all of the spics but he hasn't yet.
Grayson Scott
Best prez ever period
Jason Wright
No it's not. It's a medieval solution attempted by the Chinese, the East Germans and the Israelis and it's not working - never has. They go around it. The only realistic solutions are to address the reasons for mass migration from their host country. Think about it. Why would they want to leave their home country with their native tongue only to be discriminated. Because the situation at home is shitty and the US offers prosperity and safety. It's not an easy problem to solve, but takes global gov't to address.
He rejected no term limits on his presidency but the story of how he became the leader of the armed forces and president shows a man who was thirsty to move up while outwardly acting like he wasn't seeking higher status. He didn't stumble into the roles he filled. Nothing I stated in my post was incorrect. This book speaks to the topic quite well.
Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow
Noah Richardson
Vote Trump. He knows what he is doing. You can't stabilize other places if you don't clean your own house. After 2 years of playing a game of cat and mouse with the Obama federal establishment (which was complicit in a number of hugely profitably crimes) in order to flip the tables as the end game, Trump just got himself a shit load of political capital. He knows he now has a shit load of judges positioned by him, and a lot of big ass cases are unfolding as we speak (such as the NXIVM, which is connected to the Clintons, which have been caught via leaks, which Seth Rich allegedly was responsible for and killed because of said leaks, in a number of crimes connected to high treason in the shape of creating a server, purposely lacking cyber security of data in which she hosted (made available) so that foreign powers could invade said purposeful barely protected servers full of State Secrets intelligence that should at all costs be protected, she sold out the USA). Will the State persecute those crimes? Perhaps they will, perhaps they won't, but I have a feeling we will see the US State persecuting a lot of crimes, perhaps not those, but it doesn't matter because in the mean while, the same establishment that tried to fuck over Trump with illegal spying on his election, using illegal means and breaking due process, is going to get fucked in every shape and form they can because they commited a shit load of crimes during these 2 years of Witch Hunts from the Obama establishment, the rotten Old Guard. Trump is making way for the New Guard, and he is giving a LOT of power to the people back. We are witnessing a revival of the American Republic, in real time, real color. We are truly living in historical times.
No. Because he's an asshole, con-man being manipulated by Putin, Repub hawks, Aggro Israeli's, his own greed. That's not someone I want representing the nation or myself.
Lincoln Powell
You forget about Soros and such paying people for the journey
Christopher Morgan
>never wanted to be president this jew has been groomed for decades
Dominic Hill
>yet. Stop believing, bro.
Adrian Phillips
> to address the reasons for mass migration from their host country.
You cannot control the minds of everyone on the planet. Their reasons are their own.
You cannot mass mind control the planet into not wanting to come to the US. You cannot control every situation on the planet to make it just such that nobody wants to come to the US. We don't want to make the US such an undesirable place that nobody wants to come here. That is complete lefty retardation.
In reality, having a country with a border means that we have the right to keep people out REGARDLESS of whether they want to come in or not. Rather than controling everybody on the planet (an impossible, tyrannical, unethical goal), we should just control our own territory (well known, practical, ethical goal) .
Lucas Bailey
>placing Zionald above Based Jackson You're basically a nigger.
Ryan Cooper
You're in need of a re-education. Please recognize your own delusion.
Oliver Lewis
>The US needs to leverage it's global power to stabilize the host nation's crime and economy so the people prefer to stay in their home country.
Camden Mitchell
Based op thank your giving hope in a dark shill infested time
>You cannot control the minds of everyone on the planet.
Joseph Barnes
He is good for one reason, and that is making the left reveal their hand much earlier than planned. He has shown that they are batshit insane and has accelerated the timeline by decades getting us closer to the necessary collapse. He hasn’t done shit with the wall or slowing illegal immigration, but I don’t even think that matters anymore. His unrelenting support of Israel is absurd. Maybe he can get people to hate Israel because he likes it, but not enough to matter.
Mason Peterson
Bingo. The US really needs to take good care off itself no matter what anyone says. Giving hand outs in foreign aid only lines up the pockets of the Old Guard (the remnants of the Obama administration federal appointees, and the people who the money flows upstream to). Mass Migration and Open Borders are heists. The locusts don't care how the Country they target for sucking dry ends up, as long as they take money from it, and it involves a lot of people and a lot of influence trafficking and strings being pulled by different actors. And the locusts eat big time, at the expense of the targeted host nation, profiting immensely from programs that take money from Foreign Aid programs. They line their pockets by saying they will end misery and poverty somewhere far away, but they never do, because if the misery gets fixed, they lose their foreign aid program because if they aren't poor they don't need them anymore there. Foreign aid is a racket, and that money needs to go towards American infrastructure or something like that. Starve the parasitic NGO's from Soros and other Jews like pic related.
I didn't say control. I said stabilize. Get your head out of your ass.
Blake Ramirez
Kys kike.
Jackson James
Everytime i see trump i always think of poor white people who shot themselves in the foot.
Logan Ortiz
I said control
Jordan Hughes
That's because your not a happy person. Try some self improvement.
Cooper Hernandez
>kike puppet is the greatest man since washington no
Lincoln Nelson
You should stabilize my unhappiness. Send me $100
Jack Peterson
Just eliminate my reason for being unhappy and the problem will be solved.
Ethan White
Get a 2nd job.
Brody Jenkins
Don't tell me what to do. Just fix the problem
Nolan Long
Pray harder and longer.
Zachary Hall
I don't do what you say faggot.
Left wing faggots have a fascist complex where they want to control what everybody does.
Ian Sanders
Cooper Myers
Self-deportations are rising. That's a good thing. He is putting pressure on the illegals and cutting access to welfare to them. I believe he will end up progressively cut welfare access to illegals until there is none, removing the intensive. They start leaving and at a certain point they don't even want to come anymore. He is securing the border to contain the Soros caravans, which are probes, and start containing people outside. In some months, the wall will have grown, and it will end up being build, Trump already has the money for it, all that wall budget drama was a play to make the Dem dual-citizens from Israel Nancy Pellosi and Chuck Schumer and those who share the same Israel first allegiance to show their hand and being caught voting and shilling against Rand Paul who wanted to stop the deal to send 38 Billions in Military Aid to Israel over the next 10 years, and then saying that the 5 Million that Trump asked for were too much and that America couldn't afort it. He made the Dems show their true allegiance to Israel, to a HUGE portion of the US (and world-wide), general public.
He is making the Jew name itself. He is outjewing the Jew and the Jews can't even see it, and those that can, are panicking and denying it in the hopes that denying it does not make other people see it, but those people see it, and it exposes them on a mass audience level. Trump is /ourboomer/ and a truly strategic mind.
Good Night loser. Try reading books instead of burning them.
Ryan Jenkins
Hopefully you rethink your fascist worldview
Jayden Baker
>he thinks mcdonalds should pay a living wage That shit is for teenagers to learn how money works. A living wage is called getting a real fucking job or not wasting your money on everything. If a nigger can survive without this "living wage" BS by doing construction jobs with spics then so can you
Nolan Gutierrez
You realise he's about as Jewish as a man of German descent can get, right? Loves Israel, married his daughter off to some kike. Bows to the same Yiddish masters as any other. He's got you thinking he's different, but all that he represents is another con. No Trumpenreich, only empty civ-nat promises. You will never achieve an ethnostate with Trump as your president.
Jaxon Morgan
>faggot shills pushing for Trump being the real accelerationist now This kike loving fool has all the power in the world and you expect me to believe this is some 9D chess move on his part to destabilize America by being a do-nothing faggot more concerned about the (((economy))) than what he was elected for i.e. border control/immigration.
Joshua Garcia
Also >the us needs to be the police for other countries and fix them But I thought the left's line was "yankee go home"? Make up your mind if you ever find one, lefty
Cameron Sullivan
Trumps a shitty liar and a shitty president. All of you cucks that support him have been conned. youtube.com/watch?v=6inQmf96SYQ
Justin Butler
>Donald Trump is the greatest man since George Washington
Jesus fucking Christ, shut the fuck up. I thought there was no way to make MAGAtards to look dumber and more historically ignorant at this point.
Samuel Cox
He isn't stripping citizenship from anchor babies and deporting them. He isn't making sure our country is de-browned by any means necessary.
Fuck Trump. I'm so pissed all the time that I voted for him.
Jayden Rivera
It's true. It's only partially accurate.
In reality, Trump is the greatest man since Jesus Christ, and washington is nowhere near that level.
Camden Sanchez
This is the only positive. My family is very redpilled, including the women, but have some last issues breaking through on (((the question))).
Will say that I had a friend who worked for AIPAC and the absolute lack of knowledge surrounding their activities is astounding. They're only just coming to light today.
Cooper Jenkins
Wait and see. And things have worked out that at this moment in time, there was never more people aware of the JQ at the same time in the same deep degree. The American people have identified one of the bigger control mechanisms in their society, which is the control of language via MSM and Hollywood and Netflix narratives and online censorship, and they all bow to one power, Israel. This has to end, one way or the other, and there is a non-zero possibility that the subversion is squeezed out peacefully. Make people notice it, Trump has made the new's cycles work against the globohomo cabalistic mafia, and now everyone is aware of a lot of things about them at the same time.
We'll see who shoot themselves in the foot when RICO charges start to rain on domestic terrorists with connections to foreign known terrorists. Pic related.
The bill in your pic is edited out, the actual bill is not to make these things illegal, but instead to provide annual reports on those things. The pic is just the actual definition of anti-semetism they use for the bill. congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/672/text
Kek, the only way he will be able to fix US demographics, which Jewish collective power chose to pro-actively unbalance as a way to gain more influence, and affluence, in American society (pic related, it was in strategic interest of the Jews as a group to undermine the majority homogeneity, in order to have minorities, like themselves, gain more power and influence. This resulted in them gaining more power by leveraging ALL the groups that are not in the majority, to start AGITATING, and ask for concessions, from the majority, while buying out key elements in said majority political tissue by inserting members of their allegiance in all key institutions).
What I wanted to communicate is that Trump is exposing the Jew big time, and you need that step 0 to have the general public, not just Jow Forums users, to realize that there is a Jewish problem in the Western world, which is Jew using their collective power to subvert their host nation to their political and financial benefit. That is step zero, without people realizing Jewish collective power is pushing for a lot of shit they have no right to do is happening.
>He isn't stripping citizenship from anchor babies and deporting them. Yet. Now is not the time. The wall is getting built, the welfare for illegals (that shouldn't even be there) is being de-funded as we speak regarding housing, but Trump intends to end it all up. The Wall is not just about the physical wall, its also the Farewell wall. Pic related.
>Some scenes: -Israeli activist in the US claims to use false Facebook accounts to monitor US citizens and any sharing of information that might hurt American general public support of Israel. She communicates their identities directly to Ministries in Israel. -Israel attacks supporters of the BDS movement world-wide, because they are a non-violent group that decided to be so due to it being the best strategy against the zionist military occupation of Palestine. -Israel uses top of the line social media technology to flag, censor, and if necessary harass and spy on any American and non-American that posts information that might hurt general public support for Israel (part of Canary Mission) -AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) members buy out Congressman using pre-paid credit cards which are given to them inside an envelope
>provide annual reports on those things In order to coordinate with EU and Israeli intelligence to silence the voices critical of Israel and Jewish collective power. One thing Israel exports in mass quantities is censorship peddled by it's Unregisterred Foreign Agent apparatus of network of lobbying organizations, like AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).
Censorship will be broken because the kikes went insane with the censorship. They were baited into naming themselves, and showing they are a GROUP with self interests. They shapeshift to hide that fact, but the internet ended up making too many people realize it at the same time, and that fucks up their shit because if people learn about their shit on a mass level Awakening, people will just take over everything they are connected to. The system is rotten as shit, and Trump is improving it while engaging with foreign powers in a way that is mainly pro-Israeli, and that upsets people, and that is what is waking the masses to the issue of Jewish collective power. Once the evangelicals get redpilled about Israel, the ZOG collapses.
Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about Israel being anti-Christ. Enjoy:
archive.is/UF27x - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1" archive.is/8xnkU - "How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2"
Remember: The True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, not in the earthly country we call Israel today.
The message of this meme is what Trump is showing to the masses, and they need to hear him. He needs people to hear about who they are not allowed to criticize in order to realize there is a problem with them over there, and dialogue needs to be happening to fix the issue peacefully.