@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

TrumpTV Real News Update (Lara) 5/12/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FoxNewsSun 5/12/19
>Corey Lewandowski on WashJournal 5/12/19
>SoS Pompeo @Claremont Inst 40th Anniv Gala 5/11/19
>VP Pence Commencement Address @LibertyU 5/11/19 (full)
>Lara Trump on WattersWorld 5/11/19
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Mil Mothers Celebration 5/10/19
>VP Pence on F&F 5/10/19
>HHSSec Azar on FBN 5/10/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan meets w/Latvian DM Pabriks 5/10/19
>ActDHSSec McAleenan @Washington Conf on the Americas 5/7/19
>SpecRep4IntlNegs Greenblatt @UNSCAF on Is-ra-hell 5/10/19
>Pentagon Press Brief (UndDefSec4A&S Lord) 5/10/19
>WWII Aircraft Flyover Honors 75th Anniv of D-Day 5/10/19
>Giuliani on FoxNews 5/10/19
>This Week@Interior 5/10/19
>This Week@State 5/10/19
>DoDVideo: Latvian DM Visits Pentagon 5/10/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump Hosts 2018 WSC Boston Red Sox 5/10/19
>Collusion Delusion 5/9/19

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:



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More incoherent whining as Trump fucks angel mom's

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Reminder that chinks are sub-humans that die in funny and over the top ways.

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2 4 6 8
Trumps incompetence is very great

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Ok thats a major broadside against Wray today
Clearly Trump has grown impatient with his director

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Trump's dystopia
You can't cope yeehaw

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nice people who die in funny over the top ways.

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You mean, releasing them into Sanctuary cities like he said he was going to do?

[Citation Needed]

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shills absolutely seething tonight hahahahahaha

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Quarters halves and thirds
Trump shills are MAGAturds

Trump wears a hair net
Trump is a security threat

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>who die in funny over the top ways.
Mostly by being eaten by machinery, getting hit by truck-kun and the random explosions that seem to happen for no reason.

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In Trump's America
Only whites can be criminals

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Is that Elton John???

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Not always necessary. Japan and Germany as a percentage of their total trade has a higher deficit than Mexico but because many of those plants in Mexico are american owned for domestic consumption, the american workers benefit more from that than Jap/Kraut factories.

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trump has to understand that no amount of shit talking will change their minds. also they wont take a deal that doesnt benefit them. hes a tard and he has ruined the housing market in america by removing salt without forcing at a federal level a cap on property tax by square foot on sub 3 story buildings

he is also responsible for the death of retail. the tax break boosted amazons lead on physical locations. a lack of foresight does wonders when paired with mentally deficient mind sets. in another year trump may kill corporate america and proclaim it to have grown biggly

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To whoever is making these-
I love you.

You will suffer under Trump
Says the silver maned grump

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I love you to

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I have been gone for four hours. What have I missed besides no one having the decency to destroy the negro so the air quality can improve.

pretty much

Hey first MAGA cock gobbler poster and the rest of you MAGApede Trump cum swilling sycophants..Democrats will now levy $25,000 a day fines for defiance of subpoenas. Hit the douchebags where it hurts. Man I love it!

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Trump loves niggers, kikes, spics, kikes faggots, trannies, kikes and Jews

Trump hates whites and genocides them for the jews

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I love his little jabs that yes he is still President. It makes libs so mad.

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America last
Trump is in the past
Jews no longer cool
playing Trump the fool

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>those "In Trump's America" posts
i dont get it, are they pro or anti Trump?

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Trump will disband the FBI for this

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now i know why i don't come here anymore
it's just constant spam
also Tards...

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commies and illegals murder children

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I second that, these are awesome

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This is what Pelosi said when asked about the Infrastructure bill.

>It’s about jobs, jobs, jobs. It’s about promoting commerce. It’s about clean air, clean water, so therefore a public health issue. It’s a quality of life issue, getting people out of their cars not being on the road so much. And in every way, it is a safety issue.

What that means is that any demands from the WH for eviromental deregulations are no go. Trump and GOP will ignore it. There goes your bill.

Turkey will also stick to S-400 and possibly Russian Jets. Turkey is the second largest army in NATO after the US. No Turkey = No NATO.

Whole Europe will go to shit and there will be no infrastructure just more gibs for foreign aliens for which there will also be no remedy.

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Look at the filenames. It's low quality shilling.

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I'm convinced that this is one of us pretending to shill against trump in an intentionally retarded way. Because there's no way that it's something that's actually meant to convince us.

Donald had potential but he sold out for Jew gold and foreskins

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I can't stop laughing at all of the shills and their ineffectual arguments/posts. Exactly what are you shills worried about?

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>Making Obama into Thulsa Doom
that's a bit of a stretch, for sure. but funny nonetheless

But he spends hours doing it. Why would anyone do that?

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fite me behind the gym bro

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And whoever was the president before had foresight. There is no politician that knows any solutions to the problems they bring up. Healthcare is now shittier, and illegals are taking jobs that actual Americans need.

Are white women good at cooking?

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If it's one of us pretending to be an ineffective shill than that guy has earned an oscar.

Cernojew once gave himself a (You) don't underestimate the stupidity of the average kike

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Who is this giant-chested princess?

thank you jesus

Trump will destroy Biden

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Convince the ten MAGAturd paid shills? Haha I'm not dumb like y'all you aren't even registered

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Carrie Keagan if i remember correctly

Mentioned this the other day when I found out but I recently got a large raise (over 10%)
When my boss told me about it she literally said “I remember back when the economy was bad and we would get 2% raises”
So thank you President Trump once again (I got a raise not long after the tax cuts as well) - it actually was the first time I was ever financially stable and it just keeps getting better

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Are you a bot?

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the ones I know are.

They ought to be if they want a husband.

Biden would build a wall Trump wont

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you sure are posting ALOT... like MORE THAN NECESSARY...

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You should post one first.

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NATO dying would be a benefit for America but everyone here already knows that. It is just America doing all the work while everyone else just jacks off doing nothing of importance.

Taleb dumps drump for Tulsi

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Who's this? She's not white

They are weak. Weak shills are not worth reading are arguing. They are not even human.

well, I'm glad they're counting now...

>the man who said we have an obligation to give illegals free healthcare would build a wall

they'll whip some shit up, you be like gd thats good.

Retard Trump imports another 1.6 million rapists

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