Question to Christians

I have been intrigued by the fact that Christians consider Jesus to be God or son of God. I always imagined God the same way that Jews or Muslims represent it: a powerful entity with no beginning or end which is not subject to any rule of this Universe (time, space, etc.) and Who is the Creator of this Universe.

So I have been kind of amazed by the fact that a human would be considered as a God (many Prophets have accomplished miracles and they are not son of God. If the fact Jesus didn’t had any father makes him God; then Adam would be also a God as he has neither a father or a mother).

Made some research and I have seen (pic related) that the expression «sons of God» is used for many people in the Bible and that there is not a single explicit statement in the Bible that Jesus is son of God (see next post).

Interested to know what Christians think about this.

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Second pic related

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It was heavily implied by Jesus he was the son of man, see the transfiguration (Matthew 17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, Luke 9:28–36), it was also evident he was the son of man from the prophecies of the old testment. It is not his birth that makes him divine but the fact that he is the one that the profecies of the old testment anounced

You misunderstand. Adam was not a God because he had no father. Adam was the first man. In the beginning there was the word. The word was with God and the word was God. Jesus is the word become flesh. Adam is just dust + the breath and will of god become flesh.

Read about the word. The word in the beginning was a living entity that became Jesus.

Adam was created from the dust by God and not His begotten Son. Adam is a created creature and thus not God.

And also if Jesus is God, why does he pray to God the Father? It would be like God praying to himself? It doesn’t seem logical for me that Jesus used to pray if he is God himself.

So wouldn’t Unitarian Christians be more right than Christians believing in the Trinity?

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Key word is non trinitarian. Non trinitarians are like jehovah's witnesses and really aren't legit. The trinity imo is best explained like an apple. You've got the skin, flesh and core that all make up the same apple. Also mind, body and spirit. God the father is the mind, Jesus is the body and the holy spirit is the spirit. The three parts of the same.

Lol yes I see your point but they are totally separate parts of the same being.

Then why does Jesus pray to God the Father and asking him if He has forsaken him?

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John 10:30-33, John 8:57-58, Matthew 1:22-23 (Emmanuel means “God with us”)

For me these extracts show that Jesus had a connection to God but wasn’t God himself. He was more a kind of Prophet or even the Messiah but not a part of God or he wouldn’t never have said this to God the Father if they were somehow part of the same thing.

Your body for example is made of separate parts that communicate with each other yet you are the same one being. You're seeing separate parts of the body of the same God.

Jesus said I and the father are one. Jesus most definitely claimed to be God.

You're correct about "sons of God" vs "Son of God". The real "kill shot" is John 8:58. On being asked "who do you claim to be?" Christ answered: "Very truly, I tell you, before Abraham was, I am." This, and other somewhat more complicated statements, are really the basis for Christ's divinity than the father/son language, which could reasonably be and was applied to others in a non-unique manner.

>God is a powerful entity with no beginning or end which is not subject to any rule of this Universe (time, space, etc.) and Who is the Creator of this Universe.
He is, and He is ALSO the man, Jesus Christ.

Some Christians find the Holy Trinity to be a difficult doctrine, but it is true. The less intellectually endowed can take it on faith, I suppose, although there is considerable Biblical evidence for it.

>"God the Son" which is not found in any part of the Bible

It's true that the construction "God the Son" does not appear in the Bible, but there are other pertinent passages. For instance, Colossians 1:15-18:
>He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things in heave and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers -- all things have been created through him and for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything.

Yes, Adam was literally a "son of God" insofar as he was directly created by God. However, Adam wasn't "God" in the way that Christ is for pretty much the same reason that YOU aren't God.

The rest of the verse says the apostles are one with me. So by your logic there would be 12 Gods. Jesus came to do the will of the one who sent him, not his own.

Your hand (or your head) both "have a connection" to you and are also in some sense "you". If I, say, drive a nail through your hand, it will hurt even (actually, especially) if that connection is maintained.

It's a language translation issue. A God could also mean a mighty person. He was telling the disciples they were mighty because they were children of God. He was calling them "Elohim" not "El"

OP anytime jesus prayed it was only to set an example for us. He didnt need to do it. He said this before raising Lazarus. He (the word become flesh, Jesus) took on a human form and was like us. He was expressing his humanity in the garden.

Stay away from NIV translations and stick to KJV because the NIV totally changed meanings and just makes an already hard subject even harder.

It's in reference to the psalms. Jesus fulfills a lot of prophecies all at once during his passion and sacrifice.

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Christ IS God and vice versa stupid fucking fedora tipping faggot

Exodus 3:14
>And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

John 8:58
>Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM.

John 10:30
>I and my Father are one.

It was Christ himself who gave the 10 Commandments to Moses ontop of Mt. Sinai
Now fuck off fucking faggot and KYS

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Hi Mohammad. How's the caliphate going?

OP wasn't tipping any fedora. Hes genuinely interested. Go outside and get some air.

>stupid fucking fedora tipping faggot
OP is, at worst, a Muslim. If he is an atheist, he isn't tipping his fedora. Show some charity.

You're either trolling or you're an illiterate moron. Read the New Testament, read through the Old Testament. It's all there. If you can't understand simple words you're a dummy.