Daernays just murdered millions

>Goldman Sachs writers ruin their whole thing
>shit all over it

lol impotent women swine

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user, wtf are you talking about?

Unironically based and dragonpilled. Kill your enemies, show no mercy

she just burned all of kings landing schizing out like a fucknut jew and genociding women and children with dragon fire probably hitting her own troops and going crazy the Cersei army surrendered she almost killed arya twice

Havent watched the episode but with the protocols of zion thing with what they want in a king... am assuming Cersei won?

no retard you call enemies cowering civilians lol shows your impotence

i don't get how the dragon is so strong, it solod everything

Can't have anything in media without the Jews eventually getting their slimy claws on it.

Cersei died Jon has to kill the dragon king to make things right, Sandor linebackered his brother out of a stone wall 500 hundred ft down into fire to kill him the whole show of course is jewish hegelianism and jewish banking included

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must've been that time of the month

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Too bad Arya survived I was praying she would get trampled

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>when you are allowed to use the computer at the nursing home for 20 minutes a day to shitpost

>White woman burns Western civilization after letting in hordes of refugees.
fucking BASED

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Are there any main characters left who aren't female?

>muh civilians
Kek sure, slaves killed their Masters and freed themselves. Dany was right, they're cucked by a tyrant and don't realize they're slaves. It's an allegory for the west dummy. Burn it all down

John the turbo-cuck and the midget

Literally killed the eunuch too because he apparently was the only one with "balls"

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This pretty much sums it up.

Woman leader= foreign army invasion, western civilization destroyed by the woman herself, and even her white knight John Snow who bent the knee and did everything for her is beginning to turn on her.

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Will they allow a man to kill the stronk lizard queen?

Jon and davos I guess if he's a main character and Tyrion and dickless black boy so no not really

>shitskin invaders and female leadership bring nothing but ruin
>a white man will fix it
I never knew that D&D were so based and redpilled

someone would kill you for doing shit like that, poison in the wine, etc.
Martin is a hack

Stronk lizard queen kills Jon snow and then stronk quasi modo girl kills stronk lizard queen.

No, I want to see Gendry smash her tight puss one last time

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She was just sharing the joys of open borders, user. Diversity is King Landing's strength.

arya is cool

Is this show worth watching? Is it better than the shield?

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Jon will.. look up the leaks, all of this has been out for a while

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>White woman burns Western civilization after letting in hordes of refugees.
>and getting fucked by them, repeateadly

civilians are just future combatants, kill em all

Be a true punk, kill all the tyrants, save the world from pussies, and rule the world with the true hand of justice.

That's how this is going down, Arua is going to kill the mad queen. And sit her butt on the thrown, like the intonation of he plot in the story the whole time. No complaining now why this works, you saw it, and now you must live it. That's politics.

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>any season after season 5
pick one

Jon, Tyrion, Bran, Davos, Drogon... that's it.

I thought it was based and redpilled desu

Vic Mackey would fuck all the GoT bitches


Nope she did none of that Sandor gave her a speech and in 2 seconds became a social worker who failed and got people killed a mother and child jew writing

like 2 lmao

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Dragon is a cgi clay monster though, not really a character

Martin didn't write it but he sucks as well I'm just observing and re-weaponizing their silly propaganda

The balless nigger

shutup jidf "based" faggot

Feminists are furious
I’m ecstatic
Now I can point at a fictional story as a model of real life and claim women can never be a good ruler

her small chin makes her more relatable to me that that aryan thot that rides mongol cock

bro is sansa dead?

True like in harry potter, lord of the rings and snow white woman just make for bad leaders.

Why are the feminists upset?

Also Bronn, and Sam. As for the female characters it's basically just Daenerys, Arya, and Sansa really so It's hard to argue there's an anti-male bias.

Both her and Cersie show you can never ever let a woman be in power

Calling it here and now, Jon will stab here after saying "you are no queen". Pottery.

Though this is a surprisingly redpilled ending since every female ruler has made shit decisions and the men are going to have to pull it all back together.

she "liberated" the slaves now she is murdering pregnant women by the bushel lol What a fucking silly ignorant show, jews and freemasons and satanists be damned

stop it with bogus "redpill" remarks fact HBO is run by filthy gangster zionist jews and the writers are goldman sach baby scum who are literal trash

>stronk female leader whose done nothing but be champion for weak and helpless, saving slaves and refugees, fucking snaps and burns down an entire city and all the million people inside of it because lol revenge
It’s the perfect metaphor for a politician bringing open borders

Jamie's dead?

digits confirm

Agreed but all the same the stronk womyn's brown imports turned into murder hoboes and the white men of the north are going to save the day.

Time to get the meme machine working
>much women leaders
>muh friendly immigrants
>muh diversity
>muh world peace
>muh open borders

D & D just handed us infinite material

>how silly
That’s the point
She’s been preaching about making the world a better place, and then turns around and releases a horde of shitskins onto the people she’s supposed to be saving while simultaneously burning down the entire city

mfw protected by jew call

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Crushed with his bitch

THE WHITE MEN OF THE NORTH raped and murdered their own with the dothraki Jon didn't intervene just there like a stump hell for 5 minutes everyone surrendered and just just stared at each other no COMMAND OR CONTROL MECHANISMS

OH YES youtube.com/watch?v=NUaV-xeHmZc

They rub their ugly mafia ways in your goy faces

Someone should reanimate the dragon spewing period blood instead of fire

oh thats a good one

>she almost killed arya twice

So she does suck then. Arya needs to die. The story doesn't make sense otherwise. She's supposed to be a faceless.

not watching it but it seems as though the writers are going for a postmodern story where there is no objective truth - no clear right and wrong - no heroes - no villains. just death. probably written by a bunch of satanists.

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no no she wants gendry cock a picket fence and to help orphans and WAITED to make this decision because Sandor gave her life advice in a burning castle for 15 seconds, it took her that long to make a decision to turn around

The he man woman?

Dany stans are all Clinton voters, this is just a fact. The show always made it clear she was a dumb power hungry narcissist, Jon Snow and Tyrion are the only characters with both good leadership and good goals, maybe Varys too.

No his sister

D&D are mega wealthy Goldman Sachs jew zionist family babies they party with Soros Trump Epstein and Clinton they spend their leisure time writing bullshit while being technically billionares

Also, this show can never be a good show again. Once they ruined Bran Stark, I knew it was too far gone.

All of the niggers are portrayed as savages therefore it is the greatest show ever.

Varys was burned Tyrion walked around aimlessly and Jon gave the command to retreat when wildfire started igniting from the dragon fire butonly marginally BUT HE COULDN'T COMMAND THEM NOT TO RAPE OR KILL the surrendering soldiers?

LMAO what turd writing shit, Caesar with his motley crew of bastards would jump when he said without thinking. its STUPID

Satan is the hero

>show spends 8 years building up handful of stronk whammen
>they all turn into blithering wrecks in the last season
>crying over boys
>bickering about popularity
>juicy gossip
>blinking like a retard when faced with a siege
It went to shit when they killed Littlefinger, but really fuck this show now

pick one

Because the writers just accurately displayed what would happen if some stupid white whore was put in a position of leadership. It's hilarious that the story went in this direction, and props to the writers for being truthful. I'm sure George RR Martin intended for the story to go in this direction anyway, and they were simply staying true to the plot.

In any case, let's review Danny's plotline:

>Born as privileged white girl
>Goes around fucking tons of brown cock
>Put in a position of influence by fucking brown cock
>Betrays her brother. Let's the nigger she was fucking pour a pot of boiling metal on him, burning him to death.
>Gets gifted with dragons, because she's a privileged white slut from a lineage of warriors who happen to be dragonriders.
>Uses dragons to go around the entirety of the Eastern continent destroying all stability and social order. Overthrows ancient families and dynastys. Literally releases slaves and all kinds of POC on formerly orderly societies to rape and destroy. Basically establishes "social justice" and pseudo-communism.
>Travels to Westeros, the land she claims a "right" to, and begins doing the same thing.
>Brings armies of brown foreigners to rape and pillage.
>Genocides noble houses in excessive and brutal ways.
>Starts having sex with Jon Snow, because she quickly identifies him as the alpha male of the north.
>Manipulates him into accepting her as queen, offers his unconditional loyalty.
>Takes all her acquired armies south to capital city.
>Unleashes her non-white hordes on most ancient and beautiful city in Westeros. Proceeds to burn and genocide entire city and its millions of inhabitants with her dragon because she was PMSing and was mad at her political opponent, Queen Cersei.

This may be the most accurate depiction of white women in power ever displayed on television. Feminists are absolutely furious. I am so happy that the writers took this direction and the show ended up this way.

This is why the show sucks now. A four season investment of character development gets thrown out because a political statement is more important.

Thank fuck I don't pay for HBO. Cancelling Netflix next.

NO the white men are savages and the evil "NAZIS" got killed by super faceless assassin turned social worker anne "frank" you guys are really not understanding how shit tier this writing it

Its literal trash..designed to make you stupid.
I'm only pointing out this crap...."incest" is heroic and romantic chivalrous etc.

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I miss Stanis.

I heard iron man dies at the end

>Arya needs to die
Then who is going to star in the "West of Westeros" spinoff?

it went to shit when Martin wrote it its literal retard tier with inconsistencies starbucks cups mass murder for no reason stupid contradictory retardation plot armor that gets "removed" in the dumbest fashion

Euron surviving a gutting because he wanted to fight Jamie FOR NO REASON AT ALL, Jamie surviving a double kidney spear for an HOUR to died with Cersei because of a collapse of rocks under the keep its lame its shit tier

It's what Jews imagine heroism to be. Which is why is fucked up

Man this show went to shit.

your obsession with non-whites borders the jews obsession to use them as golems...take the GDL pill and relax

Someone can just take Arya's face off the shelf

but a rat saved antman thats what Bran was "worging" into while the night king took a shit of epic strategic failure

Shut up nigger.

They have to be doing it on purpose. It's too pronounced to be accidental.

Where the fuck is Bran?
A hobo on crack would write a better season 8.

>postmodern story - no heroes - no villains
I think that's called doing a Rian Johnson.
That's pretty much where Martin was going with it in the last couple books. Male heroes dead, dumb, or twisted. Most of the focus on the women, but they mostly sucked too. No good deed going unpunished. The characters just a gray crowd of assholes running around raping and killing each other to no great purpose.

Well duh, 100% guaranteed john or arya kills her next episode , obviously.

I hate what they've done to this show, but at least we're getting to watch the #1 feminist icon of the decade turn evil.

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John kills her and goes back in the nights watch because of it and bran becomes the new king I shit you not.

Shutup JIDF POL/ is a pro white anti jewish board if you are non-white but not an enemy of whites you are not an enemy...period only the jews get the scorn...still butthurt Assad killed off your terrorist proxy?

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Don't you get it, they unwittingly wrote a White Savior (Dany leads hordes of brown barbarians) to destroy the seat of power of the west (kings landing= white privilege)

It's so blatant lol. It's a NPC rad-fem wet dream.

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